Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Penelope Chui

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor



Today’s Date: ______Referred by ______

Name: ______Date & place of Birth ______

Social Security #: ______Sex: Male ___ Female ___

Street Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

May I have permission to mail to this address? Yes ___ No ___

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______

For Routine Messages Phone # ______

For Confidential/ Private Message Phone # ______

Marital Status: Single ___ Cohabitating ___ Married ___ Divorced ___ Widowed ___

Parents or legal guardian Name: ______

Parents, siblings or others living in the home: ______Age:____




Parents or siblings living outside the home ______Age:____

______Age: ____

Occupation:______How long in this occupation? ______

Employer Name: ______School Name: ______

Grade: ______GPA/Performance: ______

Emergency Contact: Name, relationship and phone # ______

CLIENT NAME:______DATE:______


Please describe minor’s overall health today and list any significant health problems:



List any medications the minor is taking, the dosage and prescribing physician:



Are any of these medications for mental/emotional problems?

Name of primary physician: ______Date of most recent visit ______

Past/Present drug/alcohol use/ abuse/treatment (any addiction) ______


Prior suicide attempts? Yes ___ No___ If Yes, when? ______

Circumstances that led to the attempt:



Current suicidal thoughts? Yes ___ No ___

If yes, please describe: ______


Prior outpatient therapy? Yes ___ No ___

If yes, with whom, when and for how long? ______

What was the focus of the previous treatment?


How was it helpful? ______


Prior hospitalization for mental/emotional problems? ______Yes ______No

If yes, please describe (year/duration/reason for hospitalization):


Family history of alcoholism, substance use, mental illness, violence, suicide:______

CLIENT NAME:______DATE:______



Problems during pregnancy or delivery of minor? ______


Any use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy of minor? ______


Congenital defects? (If yes, specify) ______


Age at which minor:

Sat Up ______Crawled ______Stood alone ______

Walked ______First Words ______

Age at which potty-trained ______Length of time to train ______

Soiling or bedwetting? ______

List any history of seizures, prolonged high fevers, head injuries, poisoning, serious illness or injury: ______

List any prolonged separation or traumatic events in childhood


When you feel uncomfortable to answer any question, feel free to skip them. Use the space on the back of this form when you need to give further information.

CLIENT NAME:______DATE:______


CURRENT CONCERNS CHECKLIST (Rate intensity of concerns currently present)

None -- This concern not currently present

Mild -- Impacts quality of life, but no significant impairment on daily functioning

Moderate -- Significant impact on quality of life and daily functioning

Severe -- Profound impact on quality of life and daily functioning

None Mild Moderate Severe

Depressed Mood

Sleep Disturbance

Appetite Disturbance

Low Energy/Fatigue

Poor Concentration



Social Isolation

Excessive Worries 


Anxious 

Mood Swings

Elevated Mood 

Racing Thoughts



Panic Attacks

Impulsive Behaviors

Aggressive Behaviors



Weight Gain/Loss



Self Mutilating Behaviors




Financial Problems

Sexual Problems 

Marital Difficulties 

Family Conflicts

Difficulty Making Friends

Difficulty Keeping Friends

CLIENT NAME:______DATE:______


What do you consider to be your strengths?______




What do you like most about yourself? ______



What are your most important hopes and dreams? ______


What are your main worries and fears? ______


What brings you into therapy today? ______


When did the issue arise? ______


What are your goals for therapy? ______

