QuoteShare, Book 1 Activity

Purpose / To share a joyful and exciting way to memorize the Holy Word and learn new methods of memorization.
Materials / Quotations, participants can use their Ruhi books. This activity works very well with Book 1, Unit 1, Section 3 because the quotations contain a lot of imagery.
Time Period / Set aside 20 minutes for this activity.
Steps / 1.Split the Study Circle into 2-3 groups (best to have 2-3 people in each group).
2. Ask each group to select a quotation from Section 3 of Book 1/Unit 1 and spend 10 minutes preparing to teach it to the other Study Circle participants. The quote can be dramatized with gestures and movements, drawn out with pictures on flipchart paper, put to music, etc., the groups can be as creative as they'd like in sharing their quotation with the other Study Circle participants. It's ok if the groups do the same quote, you'd be amazed at how many original presentation ideas come up!
3. After 10 minutes, check on each group to make sure they've had enough time. When the groups are ready, ask each to share their quotations with the Study Circle. The Study Circle participants should practice memorizing the shared quotations. The quotations can be presented several times by each group to aid retention. Enjoy!
4. During the next few Study Circle meetings, ask the groups to present their quotations to assist with retention and learning.
Notes / The Study Circle can also present their quotations to the community at Feast or children's classes. It's an exciting way to encourage memorization of the Holy Word.
Other Applications / This activity can be adapted to the quotations found in any of the Ruhi books. Quotes with a lot of imagery seem to work the best. However, try to space out the use of this activity so that it doesn't become "routine".

Courtesy of Jen Chingwe (Matawan, NJ)