Licences for Schools
2010/2011 Public Video Screening Licence
Those schools who have requested the PVS Licence will receive in the school bag an envelope which will contain a quarterly film return form. This has to be completed indicating which films have been screened and returned every three months to the address on the form. We suggest that you photocopy the form before completing and retain your version as a master copy. You will also find enclosed a licence sticker to keep with your records.
16/07/2010 CFL has purchased a licence from The Copyright Licensing Agency on behalf of all Croydon schools.
Click here to downloada copy of TheUser Guide to be displayed beside all fixed location photocopying and/ or scanning machine.
There is also a useful at-a-glance Guide to copyright licensing in schools on
Updated 05/02/2010 Would you please complete the following return to indicate which licences you wish the LA to purchase for you. Link.
The original text of the email is here.
We have recently taken over the responsibility for processing the various licences that schools may need to purchase. This page will try to give you the information that you need although at this stage we are still clarifying many of the issues ourselves. The details below may therefore not be totally correct but will hopefully provide a start in clarifying some of the issues. One issue we have identified is that some licences can be obtained through other organisations on payment of a membership charge.
Please get back to us if you think the information is incorrect or incomplete. Thank you.
This page provides information about the various licences that are applicable to schools. They cover a wide range of activities and media. The table below provides some very basic information about many of the licences.Further information can be found at the links provided.
Where the licence is bought by the LA then the school will be recharged through the service agreement process from April 2010.
In 2009/2010 schools will have received a charge through the payment demand system.
Note that where the LA is purchasing on behalf of the schools, it is expected most schools will need this licence and there is a significant discount available by a collective purchase.
Type of licence / What it covers / How boughtData Protection / school
Copyright Licensing Agency
/ The photocopying of extracts from books, journals and periodicals (within defined limits), for educational purposes / LAand school recharged
Educational Recording Agency
/ For the use of all recordings of broadcast material from television, radio or cable for educational purposes / LA and school recharged
Performing Rights Society
/ For all public performances of music on school premises, including concerts, discos, dances and aerobic sessions (non curricular) / LA and school recharged
Phonographic Performance Ltd
Centre for Education & Finance management Limited.
/ For using any sound recordings such as CDs, tapes and records other than for assembly or national curriculum purposes. Manage film rights via the PVS Licence, to schools, colleges and universities for a number of Major Studios / LA and school recharged
Motion Picture Licensing Company (International) Limited
/ The MPLC holds sole rights to schools, colleges and universities for Independent Producers of films
The licence allows unlimited showings of our producers titles, and there is no reporting of use or any other administration required.Licensees can use their own libraries of films, from any legal rental or retail source. There can be no admission fee charged to view the film and no advertisement of the title to the general public.
The MPLC holds sole rights to all 'stand alone' child-care, out of school clubs, nurseries and creche for most Major Hollywood and Independent Studios / LA and school recharged
Christian Copyright Licensing Agency
Licences.pdf / The making of overhead transparencies, duplication or printing of songsheets (words only), making of songbooks (words only), and the reproduction of lyrics in weekly service sheets or bulletins / LA and school recharged
Public Video Screening
/ eg for showing films and will permit your school to freely borrow or purchase titles for group screenings from a legitimate UK retail/rental outlet. / LA and school recharged
except for schools who are members of Filmclub
Newspaper Licensing Agency
/ On behalf of newspapers around the UK, the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA) has launched Newspapers for Schools ( which includes two services designed to ease the use of newspaper material in schools whilst ensuring full compliance with copyright law.
A free paper copying licence will be available for any school in the UK with pupils up to the age of 16, to permit them to copy news articles. / school
Virus protection software / school
Computer Software Office licences / eg for word processing, spreadsheets, email, databases etc / school
School Admin Software / eg for pupil, staff, achievement and finance records / school (often through CrEdIT)
Television Licence
/ school
Road Fund Licence / for minibuses etc / school
/ for science and technology safety information and guidance / QDI and school recharged
Ordanance Survey re maps
/ school