Off-campus troubleshooting advice
If you are unable to access online resources off-campus, look for a link to an OpenAthens login or Institutional login.
If you are shown the OpenAthens sign in page below, you should use ‘Find your organisation’ on the right (you will need to scroll down on mobile devices).
Start typing Canterbury and select the option for Canterbury Christ Church University that appears. You will then be taken to a CCCU login page where you can sign in with your normal username and password
Onceyouhave signed intoOpenAthensyoudonotnormallyneedtosigninagainto accessanarticleore-book.However,youmayneedtoclickonextralinkstoshowthatyou arefrom CCCU.Theselinksinclude‘GototheCanterburyChristChurchlog-inpage’,‘Athens’,‘Athenslogin’and‘OpenAthens’.Atothertimes,thelinksmaybe‘Institutionallogin’or‘Access ManagementFederation’whereyouareusuallyprompted toselectCanterburyChristChurchUniversityfromalistofuniversities.
If you have difficulty accessing Library e-resources please check the following points. For pc users, we recommend you use Chrome as your browser, as some e-resources websites are not compatible with other browsers.
Browser issues
1.Checkthatyourcomputerbrowserwillacceptcookies(in Chrome,clickthemenuicon(top right)andthenSettingsandthen ‘Showadvanced settings’atthebottom of thescreen.Inthe"Privacy" section,click‘Contentsettings’andensurethatthedefault ‘Allowlocaldatatobeset’isselected).
2.Clearthebrowserhistory(inthetop-right cornerofthebrowser window,clicktheChrome menuandthenclick“History”andthen ‘Clearbrowsingdata’andfollowtheprompts).
3.TrysigningintoOpenAthensagainandsee ifyoucannowaccessthee-resourceyou
require.Ifyoustillcan’t,pleasegoontostep 4.
4.Reset Chrome (Inthetopright, clickthe Chromemenu.ClickSettings. Atthebottom,clickShowadvancedsettings.Under thesection"Reset settings,” clickReset settings.In theboxthatappears,clickReset).
5.TrysigningintoOpenAthensagainandseeifyoucannowaccessthee-resourceyou require.Ifyoustillcan’t,pleasegoontostep 6.
7.Tryrebootingyourpc(oruseadifferentpc)and gothrough steps1to3again.
Moste-resourcesaredownloadedaspdffiles,viewableusingAdobeAcrobatReader. Pleasemakesurethatyouhavethelatestversionofthissoftwarewhichisavailablefreefrom you geta ‘failedtoloadPDFdocument’errormessagewhenattempting todownloadapdf within Chrome,pleaseensurethattheChromePDFViewerisdisabled(donebytypingchrome:pluginsintheaddressbarand selectingthedisableChromePDFvieweroption)
Mac Users
If you are a Mac user, please ensure that the default pdf viewing software on your Mac is set to Adobe Acrobat Reader and not to Preview (the default pdf viewer which comes with all new Macs).
With Taylor and Francis ebooks you may be prompted to download a FileOpen software plug-in to your computer when you read these e-books the first time. Just follow the links toFileOpen website to download this plugin. Please note that only those e-books which have a blue access rectangle next to them in the search results are viewable by CCCU users.
November 2017
If you run into problems accessing Taylor and Francis whilst using Chrome, please check that in chrome//plugins, that the Chrome PDF viewer has been disabled and the Adobe Reader plugin has been enabled. Alternatively, try using a different browser to access e- books from this source.
When viewing Taylor and Francis e-journals on mobile devices the website automatically opens in the new Taylor and Francis mobile app. You can switch to the standard website view by selecting ‘Full Site’ from the app menu.
When accessing CCCU journals with the mobile app from outside the university network, we recommend you use ‘Full Site’ view to ensure the best access
Where to go for further help
Forhelpwithregistration,log-indetailsandreportingtechnicalissues,pleasecontactthei- zone:e-mail:27782222.
YourLearning & Research Librarianwillbe abletohelpyoumakethebestuseofonlineresources.
November 2017