Peninsula Presidents Council Meeting
March 1, 2010
Present: Presiding: Dave Bertini (Pacifica), Recording: Paul Piccione (Redwood City), EJ Dieterle (Half Moon Bay), Linda Grant (Foster City). Jonathan Nicolas (San Carlos), Peter Webb (San Mateo), Becky Nazareno (San Mateo Sunrise), Bob Kelly (Menlo Park), Juli Balestrieri (Belmont), Tom O’Brien (Mid Peninsula Rotaract), (Daly City / Colma), and Dave Bauer (Belmont)
President Dave Bertini called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. The minutes of the February 1, 2010 meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the prior minutes was made by EJ Dieterle and Seconded by Bob Kelly. Motion carried.
RC of Pacifica – Groundbreaking to raise funds for the new Rotary Plaza on April 24th 7-11 PM at Mildred Owen Performing Arts Center. $50.00 ticket includes wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres, desserts, entertainment and more!
RC Peninsula Sunrise held their annual Irish night. The event grossed $30,000. Net proceeds were not yet calculated, and will be split with the Kainos Organization..
RC of Redwood City: Will be hosting a wine auction on Tuesday, from 5PM to 7PM on May 5 at the Seaport Conference Center in Redwood City. Admission is free. There will be wine tasting, food, and a live auction. Proceeds will go to fund projects for a hospital in Malawi, Africa the have worked with in the past. All are invited
RC of San Carlos: Annual fundraiser at Sparky’s on April 10th, at 5:30 PM
RC SF Airport: Fundraiser Monday, June 7 at Crystal Springs Golf Course. A $25 raffle ticket will give a chance at the Grand Prize of a trip to Hawaii. Other prizes include airline tickets.
Rotary Means Business – Wednesday, April 14th at Encore Performance Catering, 2992 Spring Street, Redwood City, 5 PM $10.00
Speaker recommendations:
Tom Moore, President of Canada College
Lee Michaelson, CEO Sequoia Health Care District
Sheldon Brenner, Geophysisist 851-8297
Other Club Events and News:
Past RI President, and Past everything Cliff Dochterman will be speaking at the RC of San Mateo this coming Thursday, April 8.
RC Belmont will have the Youth Protection Training at their club on May 17th and May 24th for anyone needing the basic training. No fee to attend. Much discussion ensued about the required trainings, and there continues to be a lot of confusion about the issue. The need to have club trainings was expressed again.
Mid-Peninsula Rotaract: President Tom O’Brien reports Rotaract will give a presentation at the District Conference. They are working on transitioning to a new Board of Directors.
District Events:
District Conference – April 16 and 17 - several clubs have been asked to participate in panel discussions. There will be a Rotary Means Business time on Saturday afternoon, hospitality areas, Fizzorama and a Poker tournament on Friday night, lots of Rotary, fun and fellowship. Please register and encourage members to attend.
A District fund is available for those who may need help with registration.
Please send names of Rotarians or family members who have passed this last year to John Bottari for the Celebration of Life ceremony at the District Conference
There was a lot of discussion about the District Conference, many expressing the challenges of getting club members to attend. Costs, Hours of the meeting, a perceived lack of connection the District, having a one day conference, and applicability of the conference were all discussed.
Doing a survey of the clubs utilizing Zoomerang or Survey Monkey was suggested.
District Assembly: Rehash of the Assembly. Great event. Suggestions for future sessions during the next assembly were solicited.
Rotarian of the Month: EJ Dieterle proposed Josefina Enriquez. Dave Bauer made a motion to accept, Jonathan Nichols second, motion carried unanimously!
Dave gave a report on GSE : The incoming team has arrived, and will be here until 4/29. Below is the schedule the next couple of weeks:
4/7: Menlo Park
4/8: HMB
4/9: San Carlos
4/12: Belmont
4/14: Foster City
4/16: District Conference
4/20: SF #2
4/21: West Marin
Meeting was adjourned by Dave Bertini at 6:35 PM