(a) Family goal setting.
(1) The program engages in a process of collaborative partnership building with parents to establish mutual trust and to identify family goals, strengths and necessary services. This process will be initiated as soon as possible after enrollment taking into consideration each family’s readiness and willingness to participate in the process. / As soon as possible after enrollment, engage in frequent interactions with parents to help build trusting relationships that facilitate the exchange of information and discussion about parental strengths, needs and goals. / Family Advocates
Home Visitors / Progress notes / Upon enrollment
(2) As part of this ongoing partnership, grantee and delegate agencies must offer parents opportunities to develop and implement individualized family partnership agreements that describe family goals, responsibilities, timetables and strategies for achieving these goals as well as progress in achieving them. In home-based program options, this agreement must include the above information as well as the specific roles of parents in home visits and group socialization activities. / Give all families the opportunity to develop family partnership agreements that describe family goals, and outline responsibilities, timetables and strategies for completing the goals. Take into consideration families’ cultural backgrounds and pre-existing and new plans of the parents’ choice when helping parents formulate family partnership agreements. Include specific goals related to parental roles at home visits and group socializations in home-based family partnership agreements. / Family Advocates
Home Visitors
Teachers / Progress notes and
family partnership agreement forms / Within 120 days of child start date, if the family is willing.
Make referrals to community agencies as needed to help families achieve the goals in family partnership agreements. / Referrals in the
computer database / Ongoing, as needed
Document accomplishments completed for and by families on family partnership agreement forms and the computer database. / Family partnership agreement forms and computer database
1304.40 (a)(3)
(3) To avoid duplication of effort, or conflict with, any preexisting family plans developed between other programs and families, the family partnership agreement must take into account, and build upon as appropriate, information obtained from the family and other community agencies concerning preexisting family plans. The delegate agency must coordinate with families and other agencies to support the accomplishment of goals in preexisting plans. / Collaborate and coordinate with family members and other agencies serving families to formulate family partnership agreements that avoid duplicating services and take into account preexisting plans families have with other programs. / Family Advocates
Home Visitors
Teachers / Progress notes and family partnership
agreement forms / Ongoing and as needed
Ask parents to sign Consent to Exchange Confidential Information forms before sharing information with other agencies. / Consent to Exchange Confidential Information forms
1304.40 (a)(4) & (5)
(4) A variety of opportunities must be created by grantee and delegate agencies for interaction with parents throughout the year. / Develop and maintain opportunities for regular group and individual interactions with parents including center and home-based parent meetings, Program and Budget Committee meetings, Policy Council, Socializations, workshops, parent/teacher conferences, home visits, and student study team conferences. / Service Area Managers
Home Visitors
Family Advocates / Agendas, minutes and sign-in sheets from meetings and workshops,
ATCAA Head Start home visiting forms, Student Study Team plans and
progress notes / Ongoing and as needed
(5) Meetings and interactions with families must be respectful of each family’s diversity, cultural and ethnic background. / Demonstrate awareness and respect of families’ diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds when planning and implementing meetings and interactions. / Service Area Managers
Family Advocates
Home Visitors
Classroom Assistants / Policies and procedures and
agendas and minutes from meetings and workshops / Ongoing and as needed
Offer meetings, Socializations and workshops at varied times and days of the week to fit in with parents’ schedules and encourage participation.
(b) Accessing community services and resources. (1) Grantee and delegate agencies must work collaboratively with all participating parents to identify and continually access, either directly or through referrals, services and resources that are responsive to each families interests and goals including: / Help families obtain information about community agencies and resources and how to access available services by:
1. Giving parents community resource guides or handouts
2. Inviting representatives from community agencies to speak at Policy Council and Parent Meetings.
3. Including references to community resources in family partnership agreements.
4. Forming community partnerships with other agencies. / Service Area Managers
Family Advocates
Home Visitors / Documentation in files,
family Partnership agreement forms,
agendas and minutes from meetings, and
MOUs and interagency agreements / Ongoing and as needed
1304.40 (b)(1)(i)
(i) Emergency or crisis assistance in areas such as food, housing, clothing, and transportation; / Provide crisis intervention to families in culturally sensitive ways when immediate assistance is needed. / Home Visitors
Family Advocates / Referrals in the computer database and
progress notes / Ongoing as needed
Train staff to identify signs of crisis and make referrals linking families to appropriate resources in the community while fostering successful independent outcomes.
(ii) Education and other appropriate interventions including opportunities for parents to participate in counseling programs or to receive information on mental health issues that place families at risk, such as substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, and domestic violence. / Utilize educational materials and brochures, community resources, referral information, and confidential discussions to help parents identify and learn about issues related to mental wellness. / Health Manager
Home Visitors
Family Advocates
Teachers / Progress notes,
enrollment packet materials, and the
computer database / Annually
Ongoing as needed
Offer training opportunities about child abuse, neglect and family violence. / Agendas for meetings, trainings or workshops
Provide referrals to mental health consultants for limited counseling services for parents. / Referrals in the
computer database
(iii) Opportunities for continuing education and employment training and other employment services through formal and informal networks in the community. / Offer parents college catalogs, information and referrals about employment training and educational opportunities occurring in their area of residence. / Family Advocates
Home Visitors
Teachers / Progress notes,
family partnership agreement forms, and referrals in the
computer database / Annually
Ongoing as needed
Provide parents with informal job training related to positions such as Associate Teacher and Classroom Assistant in the classroom setting. / Service Area Managers
Teachers / In-kind documentation
(2) Grantee and delegate agencies must follow-up with each family to determine whether the kind, quality, and timeliness of the services received through referrals met the families’ expectations and circumstances / After giving parents referrals for services, follow-up and document if the services received met the families’ expectations and needs, especially in terms of quality and timeliness. / Family Advocates
Home Visitors
Teachers / Referrals in the computer database and progress notes / Ongoing and as needed
1304.40(c)(1)(i), (ii) & (iii)
(c) Services to pregnant women who are enrolled in programs serving pregnant women, infants, and toddlers.
(1) Early head Start grantee and delegate agencies must assist pregnant women to access comprehensive prenatal and postpartum care, through referrals, immediately after enrollment in the program. This care must include: / Help newly enrolled pregnant women obtain prenatal and postnatal care by giving them referrals, and serving as liaisons with service providers in the community. / Home Visitors
Health Manager / Referrals in the computer database,
progress notes, and
documentation from service providers / Immediately after enrollment
Ongoing as needed
1304.40 I(i)
(i) Early and continuing risk assessments, which include an assessment of nutritional status as well as nutrition counseling and food assistance, if necessary; / Complete risk assessments, including nutritional assessments, as soon as possible after the enrollment of pregnant women. / Home Visitors
Health Manager / Assessments in files and progress notes / Immediately after enrollment
Ongoing as needed
Use brochures, discussions and other means to educate parents about the benefits of breastfeeding and maintaining good health and proper nutrition throughout pregnancy and after delivery. / Progress notes and
ATCAA Head Start Home Visiting Forms
If needed, refer parents to WIC, and other programs such as food banks, to help families maintain adequate nutrition. / Referrals in the
computer database
1304.40 (c)(ii)
(ii) Health promotion and treatment, including medical and dental examinations on a schedule deemed appropriate by the attending health care providers as early in the pregnancy as possible: and / Provide encouragement, and assistance when needed, to help parents keep all prenatal appointments. Support fathers’ participation if possible. / Home Visitors / Progress notes,
referrals in the computer database, and documentation from service providers / Immediately after enrollment
Ongoing as needed
Develop linkages with community partners and health care providers to help pregnant women receive medical and dental exams as needed. / Health Manager
Home Visitors / Progress notes and
interagency agreements and MOUs
1304.40 (c)(iii)
(iii) Mental health intervention and follow-up including substance abuse prevention and treatment services, as needed. / If needed, offer parents referrals to substance abuse treatment programs, counseling services and behavioral health programs. / Home Visitors
Health Manager / Referrals in the computer database,
progress notes, and
ATCAA Head Start Home Visiting Forms / Immediately after enrollment if needed
Ongoing as needed
Assist parents in identifying sources for day-to-day needs. / Home Visitors
Family Engagement & Services Manager
Help parents identify family, cultural and community networks that can provide support and assistance. / Progress notes and
ATCAA Head Start Home Visiting Forms
1304.40 (c)(2)
(2) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide pregnant women and other family members, as appropriate, with prenatal education on fetal development (including risks from smoking and alcohol), labor and delivery, and postpartum recovery (including maternal depression). / Encourage parents and other family members to learn about fetal development and postpartum care. / Home Visitors
Health Manager / Progress notes,
Referrals in the
computer database and ATCAA Head Start Home Visiting Forms / Immediately after enrollment
Ongoing as needed
Give parents referrals and information about local childbirth and parenting classes and, if needed, mental health services available for maternal depression.
Discuss and give parents information about:
1. Fetal development.
2. The risks to fetuses and infants that may occur through exposure to alcohol, tobacco products and other toxic substances.
3. What to expect during labor, delivery and the postpartum recovery period. / Progress notes,
ATCAA Head Start Home Visiting Forms and the
1304.40 (c)(3)
(3) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide information on the benefits of breast feeding to all pregnant and nursing mothers. For those who choose to breast feed in center-based programs, arrangements must be provided as necessary. / Respect mothers’ decisions about whether to breastfeed or not while maintaining sensitivity to the cultural factors that influence those decisions. / Service Area Mangers
Home Visitors
Family Advocates / Progress notes / Immediately after enrollment and
ongoing as needed
Support mothers who breastfeed by conveying a positive attitude about breastfeeding and providing resources to facilitate breastfeeding success. / Progress notes,
referrals in the
computer database, and ATCAA Head Start Home Visiting Forms
As needed, refer mothers to WIC and other local organizations providing breastfeeding support.
Provide quiet comfortable private places where mothers can breastfeed their infants in centers. / Teachers
Family Advocates / Physical environment in centers
(d) Parent involvement- general.
(1) In addition to involving parents in program policy making and operations (see 45 CFR 1304.50), grantee and delegate agencies must provide parent involvement and education activities that are responsive to the ongoing and expressed needs of the parents, both as individuals and as members of a group. Other community agencies should be encouraged to assist in the planning and implementation of such programs. / Encourage parents to take a part in planning and implementing educational activities, and program policy, through participation in Program and Budget Committees, Parent Meetings, Policy Council, Socializations, workshops, trainings, and involvement with classroom and home visit activities and events. / HS Director
Family Engagement & Services
Home Visitors
Family Advocates / Agendas, minutes and sign-in sheets from meetings, workshops and trainings,
ATCAA Head Start Home Visiting Forms, and
in-kind documentation / Annual
Recruit community representatives to serve on the Policy Council and assist with educational activities, trainings and workshops. / Agendas, minutes and sign-in sheets from meetings, workshops and trainings, and
in-kind documentation
(2) Early Head Start and Head Start settings must be open to parents during all program hours. Parents must be welcome as visitors and encouraged to observe children as often as possible and to participate with children in group activities. The participation of parents in any program activity must be voluntary, and must not be required as a condition of the child’s enrollment / Welcome parents at centers during operating hours and encourage them to observe children, participate in group activities and share any talents or skills they might have. / Service Area Managers
Family Advocates / Parent Handbook and policies / Ongoing
Parent participation in program activities is voluntary, and not required for a child to be enrolled in the program.
(3) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide parents with opportunities to participate in the program as employees or volunteers. (see 45 CFR 1304.25(b)(3) for additional requirements about hiring parents). / Provide a variety of opportunities for parents to volunteer in the program including:
1. Participation in Policy Council, Program and Budget Committees, Parent Meetings, and Socializations.
2. Performing volunteer work and maintenance at centers.
3. Planning for events and educational activities for adults and children. / HS Director
Service Area Managers
Family Advocates
Teachers / Agendas and minutes for meetings,