1) Look up the issue of the New York Times newspaper on microfilm that corresponds with your date of birth.
2) Print a major sports story of that edition (first page of sports section).
1) Look up articles about your topic on this database.
2) Save the 5 best related articles in a file (related, i.e., by particular opinion on the issue).
3) Print the file/“shopping cart” (not the articles!!).
III. WILSON WEB: (“Omnifile,” not “Bibliographies”)
1) Look up articles about your topic on this database.
2) Save the 5 best related articles in a file (related, i.e., by particular opinion on the issue).
3) Print the file/“shopping cart” (not the articles!!).
1) Infotrac has connections to other databases, such as Opposing Viewpoints, Contemporary Authors, and the LiteratureResourceCenter.
2) Search your topic under the 2 health-related databases.
3) Save the 5 best related articles in a file (related, i.e., by particular opinion on the issue).
1) Look up your topic in the latest print edition (1997) of Readers Guide.
2) Photocopy the corresponding page. If excessively lengthy, copy only the first 3 pages.
3) If you are unable to find your topic in Readers Guide, look in other indexes (Humanities Index, Essay & General Literature Index, Education Index, Social Sciences Index).
1) Look up your topic in World Book Encyclopedia (book version, not online edition).
2) Photocopy entry. If excessively lengthy, copy only the first 3 pages.
3) If you are unable to find your topic here, look in Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, Colliers.
1) Look up your topic in Proquest (health) and Lexis-Nexis (law).
2) Save 5 articles on your topic (5 articles total between the 2 databases).
3) Print out abstract file (not the entire article).
VIII. BOOKS: (typed)
1) Look up 5 books from our library that are related to your topic and record the following information:
- the call number,
- author(s),
- full title
- publisher,
- publisher’s location (city)
- copyright date (latest),
- and the first sentence (so you actually have to locate, touch, & open the book).
1) Research articles on your topic.
2) Select 5 of the most recent articles.
3) Select 2 articles from the Other Side of the issue (different from yours) and 3 that support your claim (in other words, 2 articles that disagree with your position & 3 that agree with your position—2 for animal testing & 3 against animal testing).
4) Save these 5 articles in a file & print the file (not the articles).
X. OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS, part 2: (typed)
1) Read one of the “against” articles from Opposing Viewpoints.
2) Outline the article (consult the textbook).
3) Type.
* Do not use the same articles for multiple sections; there should be no overlap of citations (especially for EBSCO and Wilson Web databases).
* Secure with staple or place within a folder/binder.
* The first page will be a typedtitle page. Place the proper “essay” information in the upper right-hand corner (your name, my name, etc.), and place your topic in the title position.
* Organize the material as numbered above (put items in the same order as above).
- 10 points per section (100 available points)
- Project counts as a test grade
- Due date: