For use by the Oral Examination Board. To be returned to the ASSISTANT REGISTRAR (Academic) after completion.Name of the candidate
Degree Registered
Department & S R No.
Date & Place of Oral Examination
We Certify that the Consolidated Report Contains the following
I / Yes / Noa. / Main Contributions made by the Supplicant
b. / Summary of the Referees Comments
c. / An Account of the open Oral Examination
d. / Consolidated Recommendation Including
- / Candidates written replies to the examiners comments queries etc., if any
- / An evaluation of the acceptability of the replies
- / A Recommendation regarding what, if any, answers/clarifications, etc., should be appended to the thesis (after suitable editing) in order to enhance its quality
- / An assurance that the thesis has been revised appropriately in the light of the Referees comments where such revision is called for
- / A certificate to the effect that all corrections provided by the supplicant have been made in the copy of the thesis to be lodged in the Library.
e. / A Final Recommendation to the Senate regarding the acceptability of the thesis
II. / Please ensure that the following are also sent:
a. / A Corrected copy of the thesis in CD & Hard copy (including abstract) to be lodged in the library.
b. / List of Corrections/Modifications incorporated in the thesis in a separate sheet.
c. / A One Page Abstract of the thesis
d. / No Due Certificate (from the Department,Hostel/Mess, Tuition Fee, Advances, Library, Gymkhana, SERC)
Name of the Research Supervisor/s:Signature:
Name of the External Examiner:Signature:
I. /Contents of the Oral Examination Report
a. / Main contributions made by the supplicant (Not less than 300 words)b. / Summary of the Referees comments (Of each referee should be at least ONE paragraph of about 100 words in length)
c. / An account of the Open Oral Examination
d. / Consolidated recommendation including
- / Candidate’s written replies to the Examiners comments, Queries etc., if any
- / An evaluation of the acceptability of the replies
- / Status of Corrections
- / Final Recommendation
e. / One page abstract of the thesis separately
f. / List of Corrections / Modifications if any, incorporated in the thesis in a separate sheet.
i. / A complete list of changes / clarification to the referees comments must accompany the consolidated report as an attachment. This list should address all corrections / modifications that have been carried out in response to the suggestion of the referees.
II. / Oral Examination Report and One Pages Abstract:
Report of the Oral Examination including one page Abstract should be sent as M S Word attachment file through an e-mail address given below:
(Engineering Faculty)
(Science Faculty)
The oral report and the One Page Abstract should be in a single file and the one page abstract should follow the Oral Report.
Please note that oral reports received in any other form or any other software will not be accepted.
III. / Hard Copy:
A hard copy of the report signed by all the members of the Oral Examination board to be sent to the Deputy Registrar (Academic) within 3 days of the completion of the oral examination.
The modified procedure for conducting the Ph.D oral examination as approved by the Director is given below. Please ignore the earlier mail.
Using Skype for conducting Ph D oral examination:There were requests from faculty members to permit using Skype to conduct the Oral Examination of Ph D registrants. The SCRC deliberated and makes the following recommendations:
Skype/Video conferencing facility could be used to conduct the Oral Examination when the Indian examiner is unable to be physically present at the Institute, after obtaining permission from the concerned Dean.
The student and the guide/s must be present physically. The oral examination must be conducted as currently practiced (i.e. a public part followed by an in-camera part).
Further, usage of Skype/Video conference is permitted only when every thesis examiner has recommended either I or II (a) on the checksheet.
Video recording of the public part of the oral exam should be submitted along with the consolidated report.
In IISc, the Skype should be projected on the wall screen used in seminars, to help audience follow the examination.