The Village Hall, North Street, Hellingly, East Sussex, BN27 4DS
Tel: 01323 844108
Minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee held at the Village Hall,
North Street, Hellingly.
OnMonday 21st August 2017 at7pm
P.026.08.17 – P.032.08.17
Present:Councillors, G Hesselgrave (Chairman), J Blake, W Hesselgrave, P Strudwick and D White.
In Attendance:Tracy Harper (Clerk to the Committee) and Jenny Hoodless (Clerk).
Apologies:Councillor C Jackets.
Declarations of Interest:Councillor White declared a Personal Interest in planning application WD/2017/1651/F.
P.026.08.17The Planning and Environment Committee Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 24th July 2017were approved and signed.
P.027.08.17Matters Arising:
P.015.06.17A further SLR (Strengthening Local Relationships) meeting was due to take place on 22nd August, this had been cancelled with a replacement date for early September.
P.018.07.17Transport Development Control had replied to the Parish Council’s comments regarding bus stops/traffic signals along Upper Horsebridge and Park. Cllr. White will draft a response to the reply and also request that this is discussed at the next SLR meeting due in September.
P.028.08.17The Committee commented on the Planning Application received as follows:
Chapel Barn, Annexe of Chapel House, The Dicker, BN27 4ATWD/2017/1543/F
Extending a dropped kerb on A22.
The Planning and Environment Committee SUPPORT this application as access to the property will be made easier.
Glendene, North Street, Lower Horsebridge, BN27 4DRWD/2017/1661/F
The erection of a first-floor extension and associated alterations to the roof, including the formation of
dormer windows
The Planning and Environment Committee SUPPORT this application. This is a large plot of land
and will meet the requirements of a growing family.
Ground Floor, block E, former Hellingly Hospital, BN27 4DEWD/2017/1672/F
Proposed change of use to 2no. residential units.
The Planning and Environment Committee SUPPORT this application on a split decision.
However, the Committee would like to be sure that effective marketing for commercial/retail use,
before the application,had been submitted.
Leyhurst Farm, North Street, Hellingly, BN27 4EFWD/2017/1651/F
Demolition of existing agricultural barn and erection of vernacular dwelling and carport.
The Planning and Environment Committee OBJECT to this application. NPPF/High Court Case
(DW&JB to give details)
P.029.08.17Cllr. Blake reported that the Neighbourhood Development Plan’s draft was almost complete. The Project Team meet on 24th August, with the Steering Group meeting on 2nd September to discuss the draft plan, which will be subject to consultation with Statutory Bodies.
P.030.08.17The Committee noted the extracts fromWealden District Council’s Planning Committee Southrelating to Hellingly Parish from themeetingheld on 20th July 2017.
P.031.08.17Clerk’s Report & Correspondence.
Notification had been received from the Post Office of the Temporary Closure of the Lower Horsebridge Post Office. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Post Office stating the importance of keeping a Post Office in the Parish especially with the growth of the Parish due to the new developments taking place. It was also agreed for the Deputy Clerk to approach a local Landlord with the proposal of the possibility of the Post Office moving into the pub.
P.032.08.17The Clerk had received a request forStreet Naming & Numbering for the Development between Park Road and New Road Hellingly. It was AGREED to put forward the name for the Development to be Hurst Haven Meadow with each road name being a meadow flower. All Councillors will be asked for further suggestions on names.
Meeting closed at 8.15pm
Date of next meeting: Scheduled 13thSeptember2017 at 6.30pm
Tracy Harper 22nd August 2017
Clerk to the Committee