Library News of Note for September-October, 2016
This is beyond a doubt my favorite time of year. When I walk on the beach in the evening, the sea is resplendent with light from the setting sun. The cooler air is encouraging me to pick up the pace. My flower garden is in full bloom, much to the delight of the bees and hummingbirds. Despite the drought, my vegetable garden is having a bountiful year.
Another Summer….
Summer is actually the busiest time of year for public libraries. We welcome the most visitors, check out the most books and see the most smiling faces at programs. Once again, Youth Services Librarian Carol Sanborn has outdone herself in planning creative and exciting programs and activities for Hampton Falls’ children. I would also like to acknowledge the Library staff who patiently checked in and checked out a mountain of books. We greatly appreciate the Friends of the Library and the Library Board of Trustees who support the Library in so many ways. We would also like to extend a special thanks to the Hampton Falls Fire Department for hosting one of our more popular programs at their site.
Adult Summer Reading
The Adult Summer Reading Program will end on Friday, August 26, 2016. To date, over 80 adults and teens have participated in the program and filled out raffle tickets for every book read. In an interesting role reversal, more than one child has encouraged their parent to read more books and earn raffle tickets! Our wonderful local merchants Prim Fashion Boutique, Hampton Falls Village Market, The Old Salt Tavern, Dodge’s Agway, Fiddlesticks Home Décor and Antiques, Coastal Living Paint and Hardware, Quicksilver Fine Jewelry, Drinkwater Flowers and Design, Carolyn, Fusco LMT, the Friends of the Library and Karen Gulla have donated prizes for the Adult Summer Reading Program. Tuesday Orluk, yoga instructor and aromatherapist, very graciously shared her knowledge at two adult programs. We are always overwhelmed by the continuing generosity and support of our local businesses who do so much for the community.
Labor Day Weekend
The Library will be closed on Saturday, September 3. Regular Saturday hours (10-2) will resume on Saturday, September 10.
Mystery on the Isles of Shoals
The Friends of the Library will be sponsoring a presentation by local author and historian J. Dennis Robinson on the research into his book Mystery on the Isles of Shoals on Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 p.m. In 1873, two women from the Isles of Shoals were murdered in cold blood. A Prussian fisherman was accused and executed for the crime. Anita Shreve based her novel The Weight of Water on this incident. Join us to hear J. Dennis Robinson’s analysis of this tragic crime. This event is free and open to the public.
Annual Library Book Sale
The Annual Library Book Sale and Craft Fair will take place on Saturday, September 24 from 10-2 p.m. We are currently accepting donations of gently used children’s and adults books and DVD’s. If you would like to help sort and set up books for the sale, please visit or call the Library at 926-3682. Note: As a benefit for volunteering, volunteers can set aside 5 books from the sale. Books will be generally priced at $1 for hardcover and $.50 for paperback books. “Coffee table books” will be priced higher. September 24 will also be the date for the Annual Craft Fair. Crafters wishing to participate can pick up a Craft Fair Application Form at the Library or download one from the Library website.
For specific questions regarding the Craft Fair, please contact Carol Sanborn at 926-3682.
The Book Sale and Craft Fair are great opportunities to stock up on your reading material and handmade gifts before winter descends.
Adult Book Discussion Group
On September 27 the Adult Book Discussion Group will be discussing Sue Monk Kidd’s The Invention of Wings, a historical fiction about the Grimke sisters, abolitionists who personally witnessed the horrors of slavery in their home in Charleston, SC. They went on to careers in the ministry and activism in the women’s suffrage movement. On October 25, the group will discuss Lars Anderson’s eye-opening Carlisle vs. Army. With all due respect to the NE Patriots, football was really invented by a coach named Pop Warner and his team of teen- aged Native American players from the Carlisle Indian School in Carlisle, PA. Copies of the books are available at the Library and new members are always welcome.
Adult/Child Basket Making Program
On Wednesday, October 12th from 5:00-7:45 p.m., Carol Sanborn will be teaching a basket making class to children in grade three or older with a parent. Sign up as a pair to work together to make a basket! The cost is $5 per group for materials. Please sign up in advance.
Chili Cook Off
Do you have an awesome chili recipe? The Friends of the Library will be sponsoring a Chili Cook Off on Saturday, October 15 at 5:00 the Hampton Falls Fire Station. Prizes will be awarded for categories such as Best Beef Chili, Best Chicken Chili, Best Vegetarian Chili, Most Creative Concoction and Where’s the Fire Extinguisher. There is an entry fee of $5 per chili team. Sign-ups are available at the Library. Admission is $5 per person which allows you to taste all entries and vote for your favorite chili. For further information, contact Alisha Roberts at Alisha_ .
Pardon Our Appearance
The Library will be replacing the roof in the next few weeks. The existing roof was showing significant wear. The new, metal roof will hopefully withstand New Hampshire’s challenging winters and keep us high and dry for years to come.
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Best wishes always,
Barbara Tosiano
Library Director
The “On Your Mark, Get Set …Read!” Summer Reading Program was a great success! Congratulations to all who participated and thank you for a fun-filled summer!
I would like to give special thanks to:
Our Sponsors:
The Hampton Rotary Club
The Hampton Falls Boy Scouts
The Pimentel Family
To Those Who Gave Donations:
Bead Creative
The Book Outlet
Canobie Lake Park
Captain’s Cove Adventure Golf
Cinnamon Rainbows Surf Company
The Creamery – Applecrest Orchard
The Friends of the Library
George and Phillips Sporting Goods
Hampton Falls Fire Department
Hannaford Supermarket
Story Land
Sue Herson
Las Olas Taqueria
Santa’s Village
Traci Thompson
Wal-Mart of Seabrook
Water Country
Jonathan and Paige Witham
And, a thanks to those who donated their time!
Sign up for all Story Times begin Thursday, September 15th at 10 AM. You can sign up by coming into the Library or giving us a call. Please do not e-mail us to sign up.
The Baby-Toddler Story Time is for newborns through age 2. It is held on Tuesdays from 10:30 – 11 AM. It will begin on September 20th and run through December 6th. Siblings are welcome!
The After School Story Time for 1st to 4th graders will be held on Tuesdays (a change from last year). The program will run from 3 – 3:45 PM. It will begin on September 20th and run through December 6th. Space is limited.
Story Times will be held on Wednesdays from 1:30 – 2 PM and on Thursdays from 10:30 – 11 AM. They begin on Wednesday, September 21st and Thursday, September 22nd and will run until December 7th and 8th. There will be no Story Times on November 23rd and November 24th.
Kindergarten Club! This is a Story Time JUST for those in Kindergarten. It will be held on Wednesdays from 3 – 3:45 PM. This program will begin on Wednesday, October 5th and run through December 7th . It will consist of snack, stories and a craft. Space is limited. There will be no Story Time on November 23rd .
Puppet Show! Tuesday, September 6th from 3:30 – 4:15 PM Please join “Carol and Crew” for some fun! No sign up required.
Lego Club! Thursday, September 1st and October 13th from 4 – 4:45 PM for children in Kindergarten through 4th grade The Legos will be provided (but they stay in the Library so we’ll have them for the next program!). Come ready to use your imagination! Please sign up for each program individually in advance. Please note, this is not a program that children should take the bus to the Library.
The 3rd - 4th Grade Book Discussion Group will meet Thursday, September 15th and October 20th from 4 – 4:30 PM. New members are welcome! Copies of the book are available at the Library. Please note, this is not a program that children should take the bus to the Library.
The 5th – 8th Grade Book Discussion Group welcomes new members! The dates for the up-coming meetings are Wednesday, September 21st and Wednesday, October 19th. The discussion runs from 6:30 – 7:15 PM.
Yoga! The schedule is as follows:
K – 4th Grade: Thursdays, September 8th and October 6th from 4 – 4:30 PM
Ages 2 – 5 with a parent or caregiver: Fridays, September 9th and 23rd , October 7th and 21st. Please sign up for each class individually in advance as space is limited.
Donations! We always welcome donations for the many crafts we do at the library and/or snacks for our programs. Craft ideas include construction paper, glue sticks, tacky glue, fabric glue, water colors, finger paints, colored tissue paper, tube socks (new), pipe cleaners, playdough etc. If there is something you don’t see on the list that you would like to donate, please ask!
Also, if you have an idea for a program, please stop in and talk with me about your thoughts!
Thank you!
Carol Sanborn
Head of Youth Services