Calibration Software Quick Start Guide
For Windows™ 3.1 and above
· Configuring the KJT-200 for data communication
The RS232 port of the KJT-200 must be set to 9600 baud to communicate with the software. Turn the unit on and press 0. The number displayed must read "3081". If it does not, then enter the digits 3, 0, 8, and 1 using the number keys. Press ENT when done.
· Installing the KJT-200 Calibration Software
- For users of Windows™ 95 and above, press the Start button. Select Run and type a:setup (where "a" is your 3½ floppy drive) and press OK. Follow the setup instructions. To run the program, select KJT-200 Calibration Software from the Start menu.
- For users of Windows™ 3.1 and 3.11, in Program Manager, select File, Run…, and type a:setup (where "a" is your 3½ floppy drive) and press OK. Follow the setup instructions. To run the program, select KJT-200 Calibration Software from the Zeltex group.
· Collecting moisture data
To collect moisture data, follow these steps:
1. From the File menu. Select New then select Moisture Data. (To append to an existing file, select Open, change the List files of type to Moisture Data, select your file and select OK.
2. To collect individual moistures (one at a time) select Collect Individual from the Data menu. Select Options and set your comm port. Make sure the unit is turned on, you are in moisture mode and your RS232 cable is connected. Enter your sample ID and select Collect or hit Enter. The screen should display "Waiting for sample data." Place your sample in the unit to take the moisture reading. When the reading is complete the screen will be updated and you will be asked to save your sample.
3. To collect continuos moistures, select Collect Continuous from the Data menu. Select Options and set your comm port. Make sure the unit is turned on, you are in absorbance mode and your RS232 cable is connected. Enter your sample ID and enter the channel to use. Enter a sampling rate between 1 and 60 seconds and select Collect or hit Enter. Press OK and you will start sampling. Press the ESC key at any time to quit sampling.
· Collecting absorbance data
To collect absorbance data, follow these steps:
1. From the File menu. Select New then select Absorbance Data. (To append to an existing file, select Open, change the List files of type to Absorbance Data, select your file and select OK.
2. To collect individual moistures (one at a time) select Collect Individual from the Data menu. Select Options and set your comm port. Make sure the unit is turned on, you are in absorbance mode and your RS232 cable is connected. Enter your sample ID (numeric characters only) and select Collect or hit Enter. The screen should display "Waiting for sample data." Place your sample in the unit to take the absorbance reading. When the reading is complete the screen will be updated and you will be asked to save your sample.
3. To collect continuos moistures, select Collect Continuous from the Data menu. Select Options and set your comm port. Make sure the unit is turned on, you are in absorbance mode and your RS232 cable is connected. Enter your sample ID (numeric characters only) and enter the channel to use. Enter a sampling rate between 1 and 60 seconds and select Collect or hit Enter. Press OK and you will start sampling. Press the ESC key at any time to quit sampling.
· Creating calibration constants
To determine the constants for a new product, you must run a regression. Before you run a regression you must have an absorbance (*.at1) file and a constituent (*.con) file (a constituent file contains laboratory values for your samples). Merge the constituent file with your absorbance file by opening your absorbance file and selecting Merge from the Data menu, selecting your constituent file, and selecting OK. Then choose the type of regression you want to run from the Reduce menu (Linear = 1 term, Quadratic = 2 terms, Cubic = 3 terms). Select OK to run the regression.
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Hagerstown, MD 21740
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