Library Meeting
April 20, 2010
Library Snapshot Day -
All libraries are invited to participate in Texas Library Snapshot Day. By now, you may have read the stories about Texas Library Snapshot Day in TLJ and TLACast. Here’s a brief recap.
What is it?
Library Snapshot Day is a day you pick during a two-week period (April 26 through May 7) to gather and submit information about your library. It is a “snapshot” of a day in the life of your library. Library Snapshot Day provides a way for libraries of all types across a state to show what happens in a single day. Texas is joining with many other states to host such an event.
Why should we participate?
The purpose of Library Snapshot Day is to allow the statewide library community to gather similar data that we can use to promote libraries.This initiative provides an easy means to collect statistics, photos, and stories that will enable the library community to show the value of their libraries to decision-makers and increase public awareness.
Will there be other opportunities?
In Texas, we hope to have another snapshot day in the fall closer to our state’s legislative session. Data from this spring event can help library supporters at the local and state level during these trying budget times. This information will also be very helpful on the national scene as library supporters make the case for restoring federal funding to libraries.
How does Library Snapshot Day work?
- Pick a single day between April 26 through May 7, 2010.
- Promote that day to your community and/or students and faculty. Let them know you’ll be “snapping” a shot of the library’s activities that day. It’s our way of asking patrons to say “cheese!”
- Collect data, stories, and photographs on that date.
- Upload that information to the Texas Library Snapshot Day Web form. Be sure to upload your information by May 17, 2010.
We have set up a special website for this event: You will upload your information through this site in an easy form. A PDF of the form and data fields is on the website. You will also find a resource library of a template press release, a photo and video release form, bookmarks, summary sheets, tips for using the information to talk with elected officials, and patron input forms.
Thanks Sandra and Jennifer for making some fine points. Yes, the timing for this spring Snapshot Day is somewhat of a challenge. As Jennifer notes, the driving reason for the date range selection is that ALA is really encouraging all states to participate in order to have information ready to share during its National Legislative Day. We know the timing is rough, but we didn’t want to deprive Texas libraries of the chance to participate (that’s why we extended the timeframe into May).
We will be holding another snapshot day in the fall—when we are getting closer to the Texas legislative session. Though no time is ideal, the fall will give us (at least in Texas) a firmer planning position. If you have any suggestions, questions, or tips for resources for any of this, just let me know. This is our first venture with snapshot day, and we want to build an event that will let many libraries participate and be able to use data from that process. Thanks for your understanding, commitment, and participation!
I have posted information on the academic listservs encouraging academic libraries to participate inTexasLibrary Snapshot Day, but I am also interested in District 7 libraries of all types participating to get a sense of library use by geographic areas. While I AMinterested in "my district has more usage than your district," I am really interested to see usage within my geographic area. Do we have the same peaks and valleys of use in central Texas?
TLA has posted a number of "ads" which we all have seenin TLJ and TLACast.Please note that libraries may choose to pick days to take that "snapshot" during or after thetimeline outlined below ANDwe intend to repeat our Texas "Day" in the fall to providedata for marketing and public relations content forour 2/2011 legislative day. I will beparticipating inboth, in order to have my own comparison of "me to me" as well as to useOTHER libraries for comparison.
Thank you for your time. I know school, public and academic libraries are very busy right I hope - amidst our busy schedules and budget preparation - we can all find time to participate. I think the more information we have, the more it benefits us all.