
<address line 1>
<address line 2>
<address line 3>
<etc>C Anderson
/ Our ref: / <our ref>FOI/EM
Your ref: / <your ref>
If calling ask for: / <name>Elaine Maxwell
Phone: / <your phone no>01698 454647
Date: / 10 April 2014

Dear <recipient name>Sir/madam

Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA)

Request for Information

I refer to your information request received by the Council on 31st March 2014 in which you ask for the following information:

  1. Salary gradings and spinal column points for the following posts within all departments within South Lanarkshire Council:-
  2. Cleaners,
  3. Catering Workers
  4. Litterpickers
  5. Grounds Maintenance Workers
  6. Clerical
  7. Street Cleansing
  8. Bin men
  9. Home Carer
  10. Administration Posts
  11. Janitors
  12. Facilities Workers including assistants
  13. Caretakers
  14. Customer Service

2.Details of how the council works out shift allowance for nightshift workers and unsociable working hours.

3.Enclose a copy of the Councils actual job evaluation of each post so it is possible to see how the scp was gained.

The Council can give you part 1 and 2 of the informationin relation to your request.

  1. Please see table below:-

Requested title / Council Job Title / Grade / SCP Range(eff.from 1/4/14)
Cleaners / Facilities Assistant (Cleaner) / Grade 1 Level 1 / 15-16
Catering Workers / Facilities Assistant (Catering) / Grade 1 Level 1 / 15-16
Facilities Assistant (Catering)
Cook in Charge Primary School / Assistant Cook in Charge Secondary School / Grade 1 Level 2 / 17-21
Facilities Assistant (Catering)
Cook in Charge Secondary School / Grade 1 Level 3 / 22-27
Litterpickers, Grounds Maintenance Workers, Street Cleansing, Bin men / Land Services Operative 1 / Grade 1 Level 1 / 15-16
Land Services Operative 2 / Grade 1 Level 1-2 / 15-21
Land Services Operative 3 / Grade 1 Level 3 / 22-27
Clerical / Clerical Assistant / Grade 1 Level 1-3 / 15-27
Clerical Assistant / Grade 1 Level 4 / 28-31
School Support Workers / School Support Assistant / Grade 1 Level 1-3 / 15-27
School Support Assistant (Team Leader) / Grade 1 Level 4 / 28-31
Administration Posts / Administrative Assistant / Grade 2 Level 1-4 / 32-57
Home Carer / Home Carer / Grade 1 Level 4 / 28-31
Janitors / Facilities Assistant (Janitor) Primary / Grade 1 Level 1-4 / 15-31
Facilities Assistant (Janitor) Secondary / Grade 1 Level 1-3 / 15-27
Facilities Workers including assistants, Caretakers / Facilities Assistant (Caretaker) / Grade 1 Level 1-3 / 15-27
Facilities Assistant (Caretaker) / Grade 1 Level 4 / 28-31
Customer Service / Customer Services Support Manager / Grade 5 Level 1-8 / 93-108
Customer Contact Centre Manager / Grade 4 Level 2-5 / 79-88
Team Leader (Call Services) / Grade 3 Level 2 / 55-65
Team Leader / Grade 3 Level 2 / 55-65
Administrative Assistant / Grade 2 Level 3 / 42-48
Support Services Assistant / Grade 1 Level 4 / 28-31
Call Services Assistant / Grade 2 Level 1 / 32-35
Admin Assistant / Grade 2 Level 1-4 / 32-31
Repairs Assistant / Grade 1 Level 1-4 / 15-31
Clerical Assistant / Grade 1 Level 1-4 / 15-31
Customer Services Development Manager / Grade 3 Level 8 / 75-80
Customer Services Development Officer / Grade 2 Level 4 / 50-57
Customer Services Assistant / Grade 2 Level 1- / 32-40
Clerical Assistant / Grade 1 Level 4 / 28-31
Clerical Assistant / Grade 1 Level 1-3 / 15-27
  1. The Council operate core hours of work between Monday – Friday 7am – 8pm and non core hours between Monday – Friday 8pm – 7am and Saturday & Sunday.

The rationale when assessing the recognition of variable working patterns is applied on the basis of:

The percentage of time spent working out-with core hours – Since the full weekend is used in the criteria, it is essential to use 5 day working as the basis for calculation. Therefore, an employee working less than 5 days will have their working pattern extrapolated out over 5 full days.

The same criteria will apply to part-time working over a 5 day period where the part-time hours worked each day will be extrapolated out to 7 hours per day.

Low, medium, medium plus or high criteria would be applied dependent on the working pattern undertaken and the percentage of time spent working out-with core hours, this equates to:

Criteria / % of time spent working out-with core hours / Increment payable
None / 0% to 19% / 0 increment
Low / 20% to 29% / 1 increment
Medium / 30% to 49% / 2 increments
Medium Plus / 50%to 59% / 3 increments
High / 60% to 100% / 4 increments
  1. You have asked for a copy of the Council’s actual job evaluation of each post soit is possible to see how the scp was gained.

The council can provide you with the 555 Grading Scheme evaluation guidance document (see attached). The council cannot provide a copy of the actual evaluation for each post you request due to the number of posts involved and the time and associated costs to do so would be excessive. I have provided you with the overall grade for each of the post groups in response 1 of your request.

Excessive Cost Refusal in terms of section 12 of FOISA

The Council will not deal with part 3 of your request because, if it did so, it would incur excessive costs. These costs relate to locating, retrieving and providing the requested information to you.

How the costs are calculated

As it would cost the Council over £600 to deal with your request, it does not have to give the information to you. I have explained how the Council have calculated the costs in the attached Cost Refusal Note.

If you wish to proceed, please send a cheque or postal order, made payable to ‘South Lanarkshire Council’ and crossed ‘A/C payee only’, to me. Please quote the reference number found at the top of this letter.

Request for Review

The Council has a Review Panel to deal with complaints from people who are not happy about the way that it has handled their request. Staff not involved in the original decision will handle any review.

If you want to complain, you can ask the Review Panel to look at the way that we have dealt with your request. It will consider whether we have complied with the requirements of FOISA. Please note that if you wish to complain, you must do so by 23rd June 2014. You must explainwhy you are not happy when requesting a review.

Please note that the Review Panel cannot look at any decisions taken by the Council or actions of the Council or any of its employees or a service provided by it that are not connected to the handling for request for information.

You should send your request for a review to:

Mr. W. Dunn

Information Compliance Manager

Finance and Corporate Resources

Floor 13

Council Offices

Almada Street



Alternatively, you can request a review at .

Appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner

If you are not happy with the outcome of the review, you can appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner. The Commissioner will decide whether the Council has dealt with your request properly. Please see the Commissioner’s website at for further details.

Yours sincerely

Elaine Maxwell

Personnel Adviser