Chesterfield Christian Academy

2014-2015 Financial Aid Application

Name ______

Email Address ______

Home Phone ______Cell Phone ______

Please list each child enrolled and the courses they are enrolled in.

Student’s Name / Courses Enrolled

Please explain your financial situation and why you are requesting aid.

This section is optional if you are only interested in monitoring study hall.

Are you interested in working as a weekly Study Hall Monitor in exchange for tuition credit?

Yes _____ No ______If no, please explain reasons why you would be unable to do so:



Study Hall Monitor Expectations:

·  Arrive on time for assigned study hall hour.

·  Be sure each student signs in and verify they are on the Study Hall roster for that hour.

·  Enforce the first forty minutes of quiet study time during the hour.

·  Ensure the social time remains at an appropriate noise level so as not to bother other entities within the church.

·  Attend a training session for Study Hall Monitors in August.

·  Commit to monitor for the full school year.

Study Hall Monitor Compensation:

·  Compensation will be a minimum of $8 per one hour study hall. With thirty-two weeks of classes, this provides $256 of tuition credit for each weekly one hour commitment. Compensation may increase dependent on enrollment.

·  Compensation will be added to the Tuition Invoice you receive in July.


Signature Date