Liberton Kirk Christmas Family Service 17 December 2006
1) Welcome and call to worship- explain gifts and open Gift 1
2) Song 1- CH3 193 Once in royal David's city- Solo first verse
3) Gift 2- Telephone. We'll talk with God in our opening prayer
4) Gift3- Bible. Reading 1 Isaiah 9:2,6,7 Sheila
5) Gift4- a ring. Choose Mary to open.
6) Gift 5- Bible. Reading 2 Luke 1:26-38 Jackie
7) Gift 6- Song 2- CH3 172 O little town of Bethlehem
8) Gift 7- A Tax Return. Choose Joseph to open
9) Gift 8- Bible. Reading 3 Luke 2:1-7. No Vacancies sign for Innkeeper Catriona
10) Gift 9- Song 3 Away in a manger
11) Gift10- Sunglasses- several pairs of, for shepherds
12) Gift11- Bible. Reading 4 Luke 2:8-16 Margaret
13) Gift12- 3 gifts for 3 wise men. Binoculars, map, camel
14) Gift 13- Collection bags. Children help elders?
15) Song 4- BBC Sing While You Were Sleeping while offering taken
16) Prayer of dedication
17) Gift 14- 3, for prayers
18) Gift15- Baby Jesus- put him in the manger
19) Gift 16 Song 5- Jesus, how lovely you are. All children and leaders sing
20) Thanks and prizes- Crazy Crosses, Buzz, Christmas Cards
21) Gift 17 Song 6- CH3 182 Angels from the realms of glory
22) Blessing
Liberton Kirk Christmas Family Service 17 December 2006
Welcome and call to worship- explain gifts and open Box 1
Song 1- CH3 193 Once in royal David's city
Gift 2- Telephone. We'll talk with God in our opening prayer
Gift 3- Bible. Reading 1 Isaiah 9:2,6,7
Prophets like Isaiah seemed to have a hotline to God. They were very special because at that time very few people heard God's voice. For many years, they told all God's people that His Special Person, His Messiah is coming. But when and how is this going to happen? His people have been waiting such a long time
Gift 4- a ring. Choose Mary to open.
This ring belongs to a young girl called Mary, who is engaged to be married. But before she gets married, something strange and wonderful happens. I wonder what it is? Let's open another Gift. (Mary sits to 1 side of the stage)
Gift 5- Bible. Reading 2 Luke 1:26-38
Mary is visited by an angel! Later, finds she is pregnant- but she's not married yet. This was shocking, and could even punishable by death in those days. The angel said this was good news, but it doesn't sound so good for Mary now, with the whole town talking about her. But remember, this is the Special Person, the Messiah. God will look after her. Let's open the next Gift.
Gift 6- Song 2- CH3 172 O little town of Bethlehem
Gift 7- A Tax Return. Choose Joseph to open
Oh dear, a Tax Return. Most grown-ups have them, and Joseph is no different. Joseph is Mary's fiancé. He has had problems accepting the news about the baby, but an angel visited him too, and told him it was all part of God's plan. He believed the angel and now, just as the baby is due, he has had a summons from the Roman tax office to go and register at Bethlehem, 70 miles away!
What happened when Mary and Joseph got to Bethlehem? It's time to open another Gift. (Joseph sits beside Mary at the side of the stage)
Gift 8- Bible. Reading 3 Luke 2:1-7. No Vacancies sign for Innkeeper (Choose innkeeper)
A No Vacancies sign? What does that mean? We better read a bit more of the story from the Bible. There was no room for Mary and Joseph to stay. But God looked after them. Someone gave them a place to stay with the animals. Could our Innkeeper please come and show Mary and Joseph to his stable? (Innkeeper leads M and J to sit either side of empty manger)
Who would like to open Gift 9?
Gift 9- Song 3 Away in a manger
Mary and Joseph have found a safe place to stay in Bethlehem, and Mary's baby is born. But what's in Gift 10?
Gift10- Sunglasses- several pairs of, for shepherds
Oh, there a few of these, we'll need some others to join you. Can you all put these on?
But you don't usually need sunglasses in the middle of the night, do you? On this particular night, the shepherds could have done with them. A bright light shocked and scared them! What was happening? Let's open Gift 11 and see... (Lead shepherds to sit beside M and J)
Gift 11- Bible. Reading 4 Luke 2:8-16
The shepherds couldn't wait to hurry to Bethlehem to see this Special promised baby. They are his first visitors, the first to see the Messiah. But others come to visit, too. We better open Gift 12 now.
Gift 12- 3 gifts for 3 wise men.. Binoculars, map, camel
Three gifts for three wise men. We better get two more up here to help out. We can clearly see that these wise men want to travel. Here is the map and camel to prove it! How did they decide to start this journey from so far in the east? The binoculars are a clue. These wise men studied the stars to find out about the birth of our Special Person. They knew he was a king. But the stars let them down a bit because they showed up in Jerusalem, at the king's palace.
Following the stars and horoscopes can lead us all astray. They needed help from the Bible to find out that the Special Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Their visit to the king could have got Jesus killed!
What's in our next Gift?
Gift13- Collection bags. Children help elders?
These wise men brought gifts to Jesus to show he was a king, a priest and that his death would be important. We bring our gifts to king Jesus, as He watches us from Heaven. As the children help the elders to take up the offering, members of the BBC are going to sing a modern Christmas song for us.
Song 4- BBC Sing While You Were Sleeping while offering taken
Prayer of dedication
Who would like to open Gift 14?
Gift14- 3, for prayers
Let us pray.
Mary and Joseph were people in a country under occupation. The Romans told them what to do. They had little power and little control over their future. They were pushed about by a mighty Emperor.
We pray for those with no voice, who cannot decide where they live, who are oppressed by forces beyond their control. Help us to remember those in Darfur and all others around the world this Christmas. For them, we raise our voices to you, and to those in power.
The innkeeper had little to offer, but gave what he could. We thank you, Lord, for those who share what they have, whether it be little or much, with others. Help us to be like them.
The shepherds were poor people who lived ordinary lives, but their lives were changed and their vision was transformed on that night.
We praise yo for the way you transform the lives of ordinary people. We pray for Christians al over the world as they live for you, and we ask that you will give them vision as they tell others about you.
The wise men were people search, looking for meaning in life. We pray for all those who are dissatisfied, and are searching for the truth. We pray that they won't be confused by the things of the world, but will find Jesus, the source of all truth.
We ask all these prayers in the name of the Lord Jesus, who came on that first Christmas Day. Amen
Well, that is our story. A story of more than 2000 years ago, but a story for us today, too. However, you may have noticed that something is missing. We have more gifts to open. What might be in them? We better open Gift 15
Gift 15- Baby Jesus- put him in the manger
Let's put Jesus in the manger. Today we can't gift wrap Jesus. He is in glory in Heaven, but his Spirit is here, rejoicing with us as we celebrate Jesus arrival on earth- the promised Special Person, the Messiah who can save all of us from death by his death and resurrection.
Who will open the next Gift?
Gift 16- Song 5- Jesus, how lovely you are. All children and leaders sing
It's time to invite all the Sunday Club members and their leaders to sing for us. I'm sure that everyone will join them as they sing to Jesus- the baby in the manger, the greatest gift of all, the Prince now of Heaven and Earth.
Thanks and prizes- Crazy Crosses, Buzz, Christmas Cards
Buzz points BB-9400 B- 10500 SB- 12100
One more gift. Shall we let John open it?
Gift 17- Song 6- CH3 182 Angels from the realms of glory
Gift 1
Gift 2
Gift 3
Gift 4
Gift 5
Gift 6
Gift 7
Gift 8
Gift 9
Gift 10
Gift 11
Gift 12
Gift 13
Gift 14
Gift 15
Gift 16
Gift 17
Tax Return
Dear Mr Joseph...
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
No Vacancies
Song 1- Once in Royal David's City . Red Book 193
Reading 1. Isaiah 9:2,6,7
Reading 2. Luke 1:26-38
Song 2- O Little Town of Bethlehem. Red Book 172
Reading 3. Luke 2:1-7
Song 3- Away in a manger. Red Book 195
Reading 4. Luke 2:8-16
Prayers for others, Crazy Crosses
Song 5- Jesus How Lovely You Are. All Sunday Club members and leaders
Song 6- Angels from the Realms of Glory. Red Book 182