IDDC Newsflash – May 2013 – Issue 10
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Articles and Publications
Job Opportunities
Upcoming Events
Half Day Event on Post 2015 Agenda
15 May 2013; Dublin, Ireland
CBM Ireland as a member of the IDDC EU Task Group will be hosting a half day event on May 15th on the post 2015 agenda in Dublin.One of the key reasons for us to hold this event is that Ireland is currently hosting the EU presidency.The main focus of the event will be on inclusive development. There are confirmed representatives from donor agencies such as USAID, along with commitments from the Irish Government Minister for Overseas Aid and representatives from the global South.
IDDC General Assembly
22-24 May 2013; Vienna, Austria
The annual IDDC General Assembly meeting will be held at the Kolpinghaus Wien-Zentralin Vienna, Austria from 22-24 May.The General Assembly provides IDDC members and Task Groups with the opportunity to update each other on their work and plan for the year ahead.
UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children Report 2013focused on children with disabilities
30 May 2013
On 30 May, UNICEF will launch this year’s edition of its flagship publication, State of the World’s Children. The focus this year is Children with Disabilities. The report focuses on the position of children with disabilities in a varying worldwide landscape: how do they fare at home, in school, or at health care centres? What happens to children with disabilities in emergencies or conflict? How do these situations fluctuate around the world? The report asks readers to consider the lost opportunities in denying the full potential of these children. The State of the World’s Children 2013 argues for inclusive and equitable approaches in such areas as early childhood development, education, health, nutrition, humanitarian response and protection.
European High Level Exchange jointly organized by IDDC and EDF
10 June 2013; Brussels, Belgium
IDDC and EDF are jointly organizing a European High Level Exchange to reflect on the inclusion of disability in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the post-2015 international development framework in the context of the upcoming UN High Level Meeting on Disability and Development. The aim of this conference is to offer the EU, the Member States and civil society a platform to exchange good practices and debate the future of inclusive international cooperation.
International Summer School on Community Based Rehabilitation
29 July – 9 August 2013; Kumasi, Ghana
The Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development (DCDD) has announced that the Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation (CEDRES) at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana and ENABLEMENT in the Netherlands will organise an international summer school on Community Based Rehabilitation for the first time. For more information, go to DCDD website.
18th International Leprosy Congress
16 – 19 September 2013; Brussels, Belgium
The International Leprosy Association (ILA) is pleased to announce that there will be 18th International Leprosy Congress in Brussels, Belgium and the ILA welcome all those concerned with the burden of leprosy in the 21st Century to share their experiences in Brussels this September, 2013. The deadline for registration is 29th of May 2013. So register now at ILC Website.
Convergences World Forum
17 – 19 September 2013; Paris, France
Convergences is launching registrations for the 6th edition of the Convergences World Forum. Charities, foundations, companies, philanthropists, social entrepreneurs, academics, journalists, and students will take part to the 6th edition of this international event. Five thousand participants, from more than 100 countries, will be involved during 3 days and 3 nights to build together tomorrow’s solutions towards a fair and sustainable world. Come and participate Convergences World Forum! For more information, go to theConvergences website.
Second Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities (GPcwd) Forum
24 September 2013
Plans are being made for the second gathering of the GPcwd to take place on September 24th immediately following the High Level Meeting on Disability and Development. This year’s event will be held at the UNICEF House, followed by a reception. More information on the Partnership and the work of the four task forces (education, nutrition, humanitarian action, and assistive technology) are available at the GPcwd website.
UN High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Disability and Development
23 September 2013; New York, USA
The theme of this UN High Level Meeting is “The way forward: a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond”. The co-facilitators of the HLM on disability and development convened for two initial informal meetings on 10 and 14 September at the UN Headquarters to provide an opportunity for an open exchange by all stakeholders in preparation for the high-level meeting and its outcome document. The goal of the upcoming HLM is to produce a concise, action-oriented outcome document in support of the aims of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals for persons with disabilities.
European Week of Action for Girls
11-18 October 2013; Brussels, Belgium
The third annual European Week of Action for Girls will take place from 11-18 October 2013, timed to coincide with the International Day of the Girl Child on 11 October. This week of policy, media, and campaigning and youth events is centered in and on the EU institutions, highlighting the barriers girls face worldwide in accessing their rights. This year’s theme is the invisibility of girls. The 2013 European Week of Action for Girls will draw attention to the invisibility of girls in EU development policy and programming.
Fourth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility
24 – 26 October 2013; Hammamet, Tunisia
The Research Laboratory of Technologies of Information and Communication and Electrical Engineering (LaTICE), of the University of Tunis in collaboration with the Computing Center EL KHAWARIZMI (CCK), with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Tunisian Section is organising the fourth international conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility in Hammamet, Tunisia from 24-26 October. This year’s theme is Design 4 all. The conference explores the design, evaluation and use of computing and information technologies to make life easier especially for specific groups of users like people with disabilities. For more information about the international conference go to ICTA 2013 website.
Articles and Publications
Youth with disabilities share their statement to the world
In Leonard Cheshire Disability’s new publication: Young Voices— our statement to the world, young persons with disabilities from across the globe have come together to agree on a common statement of what they think needs to change to make the rights of disabled people a reality. Covering a broad range of issues, including education, employment, health and political participation, the publication also features case studies of how our Young Voices groups have taken action to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities
Leonard Cheshire Disability’s Young Voices project brings together groups of young disabled people from 23 countries across Africa, Asia, and America to campaign for the rights of persons with disabilities. For more information visitYoung Voices.
Source – International Online Resource Centre on Disability and Inclusion
Source is an international online resource centre designed to strengthen the management, use and impact of information on disability and inclusion in development and humanitarian contexts. For more information visit Source.
IDDC Response to the EC Communication – “A decent life for all: ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future”
Read the EU Task Group’s response to the EC Communication – “A decent life for all: ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future” on the IDDC Facebook page.
Humanitarian Aid – All Inclusive!
Light for the World has released its publication, “Humanitarian Aid – All Inclusive!” The publication’s objective is to showhow to include people with disabilities in humanitarian action. The publication can be found on the Light for the World website.
Don’t Ignore the Education Rights of Children with Disabilities!
Two of our colleagues from Sightsavers have published an article highlighting the importance of inclusive education for disabled children on the Education for All blog. The article can be found on the Global Partnership for Education website.
Netherlands Leprosy Relief Survey on Health Rights for Persons with Disabilities
Take the survey on behalf of the Netherlands Leprosy Relief on the current sexual and reproductive health services available to persons with disabilities.
Drive for Quality in Global Education post-2015
This article discusses the importance of trained teachers and the increased focus on equity and access. The article can be found on the IRIN website.
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Job opportunities
UNICEF‘s Statistics and Monitoring section (SMS) is offering an unpaid summer internship to support work in the area of child disability. Based in New York, U.S.A.
Deadline for applications: 17 May 2013
For more information consult UNICEF website
To apply for the position, email a CV and cover letter to and
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems is currently recruiting for a consultant to help make the electoral process more accessible to Zimbabweans with disabilities.
Apply now at the IFES website
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