Western & Almond Voluntary Sector Forum
Thursday 24th January 2017
Munro Community Centre, 6 Parkgrove St, EH4 7NS
PRESENT:Chairs: Liz McIntosh, Queensferry Churches Care in the Community (QCCC) Tommy McLean, Corstorphine Youth & Community Centre (CYCC)
Lorna Russell, Queensferry Churches Care in the Community –
Laurence Arscott, Community Learning & Development -
Graham Clarkson, CEEP, Rotary
Cindy Sanders, Health in Mind,
Kirsty Harkness, Community Connecting Places for People -
Kruti Buch (KB), EVOC –
Ryan Lytwyn, LOOPS – Pilton Equalities Project -
Eilidh Letham, LOOPs - Pilton Equalities Project -
Audrey Primrose, City of Edinburgh Council =
Rosemary Davidson, Clermiston Church of the Nazarene
Previous agenda points have been carried over as the last meeting focused on the Locality Improvement Plans (LIPs).
Chair outlined key themes from minutes:
Community Centres: Issues about accessibility and maintenance of centres have already been raised. A review of building and management is currently taking place
Children & Families: Some areas don’t have a lot of youth work but there may be a need. Members to look at whether there is a need for services.
Suggestion that all members raise awareness of the locality structure and the LIPs at management meetings.
1)EVOC to recirculate VOOP report
2)Kirsty Harkness to follow-up with Volunteer Edinburgh regarding study on shopping and shopping buddies.
3)All members to raise locality working and LIPs at organisational management meetings.
4)Invite someone from council to talk about community facilities at the next meeting after review has been completed.
5)Laurence Arscott to share new structure for locality working and personnel names once in place.
6)EVOC to share definitions of each theme with members.
Action point to bring one new member to the meeting has only been achieved by one member. Members ARE encouraged to bring one new person to the next meeting.
7)Members encouraged to bring one new member to the next meeting.
8)Liz McIntosh to share review of VSF with members.
Phase 2 – not much information about this yet. Liz McIntosh (Co-Chair of VSF) has attended the Health and Social Care sub-group. The first meeting focused on presentations and introductions. A good range of people at the meeting.
The next Locality Leadership Team (LLT) meeting is next week and issues raised at the VSF will be shared there.
To date 258 people have competed the survey and it is open until 27th January.
9)Liz McIntosh to share presentation of Health and Social Care sub-group
10)EVOC to send out online survey link.
11)Chairs to share VSF members concerns at next LLT meeting.
To move as agenda point for next meeting.
Health in Mind focus on mental health and wellbeing. Work in Edinburgh (predominantly), Mid-Lothian and Borders.
Cindy Sanders works in Older People’s services and information services. The services offered are:
- prevention people from becoming homeless (South East and Central Edinburgh)
- LOOPs Community Wellbeing Team – all Edinburgh
- Edspace (
- LOOPs Community Navigator – (South East & South West) they set up information stalls for older people (65yr+)
- Befriending – however, there is a huge waiting list
- Equal Access – supporting BAME communities to access services.
- A Sense of Me – funded by Life Changes Trust. This is groupwork for people with early stages of dementia and their carers. It is a 5 week programme, 2/3 hours a week. A successful programme has already been run in Corstorphine. Based on demand so if people are interested, they should contact Cindy.
- Guided Self-Help – CBT, the waiting is not very long but needs a professional referral.
- Counselling and national helpline.
- Trauma workshops and support groups.
Cindy Sanders shared a number of leaflets and newsletters regarding Health in Mind and their services. These can also be found on the website:
12)EVOC to contact PEP to encourage Community Navigators along to next meeting.
7. LOOPs Community Wellbeing Team project update - CINDY SANDERS on behalf of CLAUDINE DAVISON
Claudine Davison is the member of the Community Wellbeing Team for the NW. There are also 2 hospital liaison workers based at Western General and Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Claudine takes part in weekly Multi Agency Team (MAT) meetings to help support people back in the community from the hospitals. The role of the team is to work with Health and Social Care professionals to prevent hospital re-admission as well as support people back into the community. They are also doing a retrospective study to look at patterns of admission to see if the MAT can break this pattern. Each locality is at a different stage.
A peer support programme in hospitals is currently being set up. The hospital to home service is being planned with the possibility of another provider for this service. The funding is till July and the focus is on evidencing impact to try and get continued funding.
Laurence Arscott [CLD] - Community centres in Drumbrae/Clermiston Area meeting every 2 months to promote local area events. This is a practical working group which creates and distributes Fast Forward magazine about what community centres are doing locally.
Graham Clarkson [Craigie’s] - Still have space for raised beds and allotments. You can find out more: Equipment is available; people just have to turn up. We are also very pleased to welcome individuals who would like to help with beekeeping and general pottering. We have produced hanging baskets for resale to individuals and businesses and are pleased to take orders for this summer.
[Men’s Shed] Well established. Takes place Friday morning, 10am-12pm. Open to all.
[Rotary] – Forth bridge abseil. You can now register for the abseil here: Last year raised £500,000.
Tommy McLean[Corstorphine Youth and Community Centre] – new activities for older people. Have received some money from a grant on Health Inequalities. The lunch club has good numbers but because of the temporary premises has issues regarding which makes it astruggleto keep open. Funding is still a big concern as most funders don’t see Corstorphine as an area of need. Charity shop donations are welcome including working electrical items. Partnership work with Edinburgh Park is going well although attendance for some classes could be better. It’s open for people 50yr+ who need it. People need to contact Charlie at CYCC.
Tommy identified that the CYCC Men’s shed has a well stocked DIY workshop and suggested that it would be good for the Men’s Shed from CYCc andCraig to look at the possibility of some cooperation.
Kirsty Harkness [Community Connecting, Places for People] – The services are now for 50 years +. Cover the whole city.
Liz McIntosh [QCCC] – Pilot of Care at Home project is still taking place. There are have been some obstacles but have now overcome these and are moving on with the project. This is a new piece of work but it’s part of existing projects. It’s an innovative way of working. The contract is for 3 years and aims to deliver staged growth.
13)Kirsty Harkness will present her organisation next meeting. EVOC to add as agenda item.
9. AOB
Evaluation of VSF- Liz McIntosh to circulate feedback
The date of the next meeting will be scheduled via Doodle Poll. Alternative venues will also be considered.