Nancy Just, Ph.D., ABPP

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Name:Nancy Just, Ph.D., ABPP

Office Address:Advanced Psychological Specialists, LLC

1 Prospect Street, Suites 5-7

Ridgewood, NJ 07450

(201) 447-2242, Option 1

Licensure:New Jersey License #03382.


Ph.D.June, 1994

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122

Area: Clinical Psychology

Awards: Faculty Commendation

Dissertation: “The Response Styles Theory of Depression:

Towards an Adequate Test of the Theory"

Chair: Lauren B. Alloy, Ph.D.

M.A.January, 1992

TempleUniversity, Philadelphia, PA19122

Area: Clinical Psychology

Thesis: "Attributional Style and Variability of Depressive

Symptoms: A Prospective Analysis"

Chair: Lauren B. Alloy, Ph.D.

B.A.January, 1989

RutgersCollege, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Major: Psychology

Awards: Highest University Honors, Highest Departmental Honors

Thesis: “A Replication and Extension of Research in Self Discrepancy:

Sex Differences and the Undesired-Self"

Chair: Daniel Ogilvie, Ph.D.

Professional Experience

1999-CurrentDirector of Advanced Psychological Specialists, LLC: Ridgewood, NJ. Development and implementation of treatment protocols, guidelines, and administrative procedures involved in the treatment of children, adults, and couples with a variety of difficulties including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and marital distress. Special services provided for chronic nonmalignant pain patients including biofeedback, hypnosis, neuromuscular retraining, relaxation training, and pre-surgical psychological screening.

2014-CurrentReviewer: Psychological Assessment. Evaluate empirical research submitted to the journal regarding measurement and evaluation in the field of Clinical Psychology and make recommendations regarding publication.

2014-CurrentExaminer: American Board of Professional Psychology. Serve on boards formed to evaluate psychologists applying for Diplomat Status in the field of Clinical Psychology.

2008-2009Clinical Supervisor: Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Piscataway, NJ. Provide clinical supervision to students in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program.

1998-2000Director of Psychological Services: Pain Management Center, UMD - New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ. Development and implementation of treatment protocols, guidelines, and administrative procedures involved in the treatment of chronic nonmalignant pain patients. Conduct and supervise research on chronic nonmalignant pain. Active participation in center administration, quality assurance, and marketing.

1997-2000Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology: UMD-New JerseyMedicalSchool, Newark, NJ. Psychological assessment and treatment of chronic nonmalignant pain patients utilizing cognitive-behavioral theory within an interdisciplinary team format. Instruction and supervision of post-doctoral fellows, residents, interns, and medical students. Ongoing coordination of data collection at the Pain Center and affiliated sites and supervision of data analysis. Coordination of multidisciplinary lecture series.

1994-1997Instructor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Psychiatry: UMD - New JerseyMedicalSchool, Newark, NJ. Psychological assessment and treatment of chronic nonmalignant pain patients utilizing cognitive-behavioral theory within an interdisciplinary team format. Instruction and supervision of post-doctoral fellows, residents, interns, and medical students. Ongoing coordination of data collection at the Pain Center and affiliated sites and supervision of data analysis. Coordination of multidisciplinary lecture series and active participation in center administration.

1993-1994Clinical Internship: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ. Inpatient and outpatient neuropsychological and psychological

assessment, inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy, and consultation. Rotations

included: Assessment, Psychiatric Consultation and Liaison, Pain Management,

Geropsychiatry, and Project Impact (group and individual psychotherapy with

people with AIDS).

Director of Training: Gerald Leventhal, Ph.D.

1992-1993Supervisory Experience: Temple University Department of Psychology,

Philadelphia, PA. Supervised students in a Clinical Ph.D. program in

intellectual and personality assessment and report writing.

1993Teaching Experience: Raritan Valley Community College, Somerville, NJ.

Instructed General Psychology as an adjunct faculty member.

Coordinator of Adjunct Faculty: Professor Mark Cozin.

1992-1993Clinical Practicum: Raritan Bay Mental Health Center, Perth Amboy, NJ.

Conducted outpatient individual psychotherapy with adults, children,

adolescents, and the elderly.

Primary Supervisor: Barbara Jortner, Psy.D.

1990-1992Clinical Practicum: The Psychological Services Center, Philadelphia, PA.

Conducted adult outpatient psychotherapy and child intellectual assessment.

Clinical Director: Jay Efran, Ph.D.

1991-1992Testing Practicum: EinsteinMedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PA. Conducted full

psychological assessments in inpatient and outpatient psychiatric settings within

a multidisciplinary format.

Primary Supervisor: Diana Herbert, Ph.D.

1990Testing Experience: TempleUniversityHospital, Philadelphia, PA. Conducted

full psychological and neuropsychological assessments in an inpatient

psychiatric setting.

Primary Supervisor: Kevin Riley, Ph.D.

1990-1992Research Fellow: Temple-Wisconsin Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression

project. Conducted extensive structured diagnostic interviews and personality

assessments for an NIMH-funded grant.

Principal Investigator: Lauren B. Alloy, Ph.D.

1989Assistant Manager: Association for Retarded Citizens, Mannville, NJ.

Performed administrative duties and aided in the development and

implementation of behavioral interventions for dually diagnosed mentally

retarded adults in a residential setting.

1988-1989Director: Project Provide, Washington Rock, G.S.C. Inc., Westfield, NJ.

Organized and executed a program which provided group skills and leadership

training to inner-city youths with behavioral and learning disabilities.

1988Field Assistant: Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center, New Brunswick,

NJ. Assisted in the development and implementation of behavioral interventions

for autistic children.

Program Director: Sandra Harris, Ph.D.

University Appointments


Rutgers-Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

2006-CurrentAdjunct Faculty

Rutgers-University Behavioral Healthcare

Newark, NJ

2003–2004Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry


Newark, NJ

2000–2003Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Psychiatry


Newark, NJ

1997-2000Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology


Newark, NJ

1994-1997Instructor, Department of Anesthesiology


Newark, NJ

1994-1997Instructor, Department of Psychiatry


Newark, NJ

1993Adjunct Faculty, Department of Social Sciences

RaritanValleyCommunity College

Somerville, NJ

Awards and Honors

1998 Dissertation Award, American Psychological Association–Society for a

Science of Clinical Psychology

1993 Faculty Commendation from Clinical Division, Temple University

1992 Faculty Commendation from Clinical Division, Temple University

1992 James D. Page Award for Excellence in Research in Psychopathology

1989 Temple University Graduate Fellowship

1989 Highest University Honors, Rutgers University

1989 Highest Departmental Honors, Rutgers University

1987 Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence

1986 Full L’Hommedieu Scholarship for Academic Excellence

1984 Full MCC Scholarship for Academic Excellence


Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology – Clinical Psychology

Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology

Professional Associations

American Board of Professional Psychology – Clinical Psychology

American Pain Society

American Psychological Association

National Register of Health Service Psychologists

New Jersey Psychological Association

Major Research Interests

1. The use of opioids in the treatment of chronic nonmalignant pain.

2. Response bias in treatment outcome studies.

3. The use of Botulinus Toxin for dystonia.

4. Cognitive styles as premorbid risk factors for depression and chronic pain.

Grant History

Just, N. (1999). Treatment Resistant Migraine. Educational Grant. Allergan Inc. $1,700

Just, N. & Wu, W. (1997). An Exploration of the Use of Botulinus Toxin Treatment for Dystonia in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Investigator initiated project. Allergan Inc. $80,098

Just, N. & Stitik, T. (1997). The Relationship Between Attributional Style, Mood, and Disability Behavior in Acute and Chronic Pain Patients. Foundation Grant. UMDNJ, Newark, NJ. $15,390

Just, N. & Panzarella, C. (1993). Cyclothymia and Attributional Style: A Prospective Analysis. Graduate Student Research Grant. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. $1,000


Szumita, R.P., Szumita, P.M., & Just, N. (2010). Understanding and Managing Patients with Chronic Pain. In H. Ephros & R.H. Huag (Eds.), Psychological Issues for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (pp.481-494). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders.

Ciccone, D.S. & Just, N. (2001). Pain expectancy and work disability in patients with acute and chronic pain: A test of the fear avoidance hypothesis. The Journal of Pain, 2, 182-195.

Just, N., Abramson, L., & Alloy, L.A. (2001). Logical flaws in the use of remitted depression studies in testing the cognitive theories of depression. Clinical Psychology Review, 21, 63-83.

Ciccone, D.S., Just, N., Bandilla, E., Reimer, E., Ilbeigi, M., & Wu, W. (2000). Psychological correlates of opioid use in patients with chronic nonmalignant pain: A preliminary test of the down hill spiral hypothesis. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 3, 180-192.

Nadler, S.F., Mulford, G.J., Wagner, K.L., Stitik, T.P., Malanga, G.A., Levy, A.S., & Just, N. (2000). Improving the workers compensation system: The case management perspective. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 79, 97-99.

Ciccone, D.S., Just, N., & Bandilla, E.B. (1999). A comparison of economic and social reward in patients with chronic nonmalignant back-pain. Psychosomatic Medicine, 61, 552-563.

Just, N., Ciccone, D.S., Bandilla, E. B., & Wu, W. (1999). Global impressions vs. Validated measures of treatment effectiveness in patients with chronic nonmalignant pain. Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, 44, 1-14.

Alloy, L.A., Just, N., & Panzarella, C. (1997). Cognitive and personality subtypes of

depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 21, 321-344.

Just, N. & Alloy, L.A. (1997). The response styles theory of depression: Tests and an

extension of the theory. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106, 221-229.

Ciccone, D.S., Just, N., & Bandilla, E.B. (1996). Nonorganic symptom reporting in patients with chronic nonmalignant pain. Pain, 68, 329-341.

Abstracts and Paper Presentations

Just, N. & Stitik, T.P. (1999). The Power of Inferential Style to Predict Future Disability Behavior in Acute and Chronic Nonmalignant Pain Patients. Presented at the 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Ciccone, D.S. & Just, N. (1999). Psychological mediation of work related illness behavior in patients with chronic nonmalignant pain: A test of the pain expectancy hypothesis. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Vancouver, Washington.

Just, N., Reimer, E., & Ciccone, D. (1998). The Relationship Between Coping Styles, Depression, and Disability Behavior. Presented at the 7th Annual John J. Bonica Conference, Vail, Colorado.

Just, N., Ciccone, D.S., Bandilla, E.B., & Wu, W. (1997). Psychological Correlates of Smoking in Chronic Nonmalignant Pain Patients. Presented at the 16th Annual Scientific meeting of the American Pain Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Just, N., Ciccone, D.S., Bandilla, E.B., & Wu, W. (1997). Inferential Style, Disability Behavior and Somatization in Patients with Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. Presented at the II Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters, Barcelona, Spain.

Ciccone, D.S., Just, N. & Bandilla, E.B. (1997). Economical and Social Disincentives in Patients with Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. Presented at the 16th Annual Scientific meeting of the American Pain Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Ciccone, D.S., Just, N., Bandilla, E.B., Pertes, R. & Wu, W. (1997). Gender Differences in Patients with Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. Presented at the II Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters, Barcelona, Spain.

Just, N., Ciccone, D.S., Bandilla, E.B., & Wu, W. (1996). Objective vs. Subjective Measures of Treatment Effectiveness. Presented at the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, Washington, DC.

Ciccone, D.S., Just. N., Bandilla, E.B., Nayak, S., Stitik, T., & Wu, W. (1996). Incidence of Childhood Trauma in Acute vs. Chronic Spine Pain. Presented at the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, Washington, DC.

Ciccone, D.S., Bandilla, E.B., Just, N., Secoy, J., & Wu, W. (1996). Prospective Assessment of Opioid Therapy for Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. Presented at the Conference on Pain Management and Chemical Dependency, New York, NY.

Ciccone, D.S., Just, N., Bandilla, E.B., & Pertes, R.A. (1996). Gender Differences in Patients with Chronic Temporomandibular Disorder. Presented at the 149th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New York, NY.

Ciccone, D.S., Just, N., & Bandilla, E.B. (1996). Nonorganic Symptom Reporting in Patients with Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. Presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Williamsburg, VA.

Alloy, L.A., Abramson, L., & Just, N. (1995). Testing the cognitive vulnerability hypothesis of depression onset: Issues of research design. In R. Ingram, (Chair), Methodological Issues in the Study of Vulnerability to Depression. Symposium conducted at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C.

Just, N. & Ciccone, D.S. (1995). The Effects of Response Style on Somatization in Patients with Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. Presented at the 14th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Ciccone, D.S., Bandilla, E.B., Just, N., Secoy, J. & Wu , W. (1995). Patterns of Opioid Use Among Patients with Chronic Noncancer Pain: Preliminary Results of a Prospective Study. Presented at the 14th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Alloy, L.B. & Just, N. (1991). Attributional Style and Variability of Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Analysis. Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Just, N. & Alloy, L.B. (1991). Attributional Style and Variability of Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Analysis. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Boston, MA.

Just, N. & Ogilvie, D. (1991). A Replication of Research in Self Discrepancy: The Undesired-self as a Predictor of Life Satisfaction and Depression. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Inc., NY.

Just, N. & Ogilvie, D. (1991). An Extension of Research in Self Discrepancy: Sex Differences and the Undesired-self. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Inc., NY.

Television Appearances

Just, N. (1999). Gender differences in chronic pain. (D. Diamond, Producer). Women in Mind. New Jersey, Comcast Cable.

Lectures and Panel Appearances

Just, N. (2012). Chronic Pain - What Every Attorney Needs To Know. Bergen County Bar Association.

Just, N. (2015). The Role of the Psychologist in Chronic Pain and the Assessment of Malingering. Garden State Municipal Joint Insurance Fund.

Just, N. (2016). Hot Topics in Pain Management among Practitioners. Millennium Seminars.


Qualified as an Expert Witness in New Jersey Superior Court.