LFA Parents Association General Meeting Minutes

January12, 2016 Little Theatre, Reid Hall

The following board members were present: Mary Ellen Patton, Maureen Mullarkey, Liz Jacob, Afzal Ahmed, Christina Corsiglia, Jennifer Grumhaus, Nadine Shepard, Cindy Annibali, Katie Miller, Judith Reid-Anderson, DeepaliGudivaka, Sarah Shelley, Patrice Wetzel, Garrett Dee, Karen Wolff, Karen Solomon, Judy Hershenhorn, Mardah Weinfield, Jacqueline Leib, Susan Hoagland, Christine Petroshius and Sheila Moller.

Among parents: Shelley Hooke, Norma Ascroftwere present.

Call to order

Mary Ellen Patton welcomed attendees and called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. in the Little Theatre, Reid Hall. She called for a motion to approve October Parent Meeting minutes. Motion called by Mary Ellen Patton, seconded by Maureen Mullarkey. The motion was passed unanimously.

Mary Ellen signed the approved meeting minutes.

General Information

Mary Ellen welcomed back all the members. Mary Ellen welcomed the Ascroft Family to the LFA family. Norma and her husband Richard have a daughter, Ava, who is a Freshman. They also have a son in middle school at LFCDS.

Faculty/Staff Appreciation Event

Judy Hershenhornbriefed the members on the upcoming Faculty/Staff Appreciation Event.

Judy encouraged members to sign up for volunteer spots for Faculty/Staff Appreciation Event on January 30, 2016. Judy mentioned that the evening would be an entertaining Casino night!

She encouraged volunteers to sign up to be dealers, greeters or provide various wish list items for the teachers.

Mary Ellen thanked Judy Hershenhorn.

Academy Fund Update

Christina Corsiglia and Jennifer Grumhaus gave an update on the Academy fund. The class participation percentage is as follows-

Freshman-79%, Sophomore and Senior-73%, Junior-75%

PA Board-86%

Christina and Jennifer appreciated the participation and encouraged members to further participate in the Academy Fund.

Mary Ellen thanked Christina and Jennifer for their efforts.

Nominations Chair- Sarah Shelley

Sarah invited all parents to participate in the process of selecting officers and committee chairpersons to serve on the board for the coming year. Sarah also encouraged members to recommend others to serve as their representative on the Board. She passed out nomination forms to be filled and forwarded to her by February 15,2016.

Mary Ellen Thanked Sarah Shelley.

Concessions Chair- Randy Lund.

In absence of Mr. Lund, Mary Ellen stated that the decision has been made that after the current fiscal year ends on June30, 2016, the Parents Association will no longer be responsible for staffing concessions with volunteers.

For the remainder of the school year, the Athletic Department will prioritize events that they would like covered. The PA will make every effort to support those events with concession volunteers.

Gala Chairs- Patrice Wetzel

Patrice Wetzel gave a brief description that Gala is an all school celebration, as well as a fundraiser. The Gala will be held on April 30, 2016. The Board of Trustees determines what the Gala project will be. This information will be available the first part of February. Patrice invited all PA members on March 8, 2016, for the Gala stuffing, followed by lunch.

Mary Ellen thanked Patrice.

Diverse Globalism

Judith Reid-Anderson spoke and mentioned that there will be a survey that will be emailed to the school community in the near future. She encouraged parents to participate by completing the on-line survey on multi-cultural and diversity issues at LFA.

Mary Ellen thanked Judith Reid-Anderson

Student Panel

Mary Ellen introduced Mr. Chris Tennyson, Dean of Students. Among the student panel were,

Ella Ekstrom ‘16, Maggie Meyer ’16, Alexander Mullarkey ‘16, Camie Dudziak ‘17, and Anna Markey ‘18.

Mr. Tennyson spoke regarding summer programs and various activities the School offers during the summer and a list of various other resources the students can

takeadvantage of. The Student Panel spoke on their experience and their journey at LFA. They answered various questions regarding study hour, clubs, sports, boarding life, academic advisory, prom event and an unlimited opportunity the LFA community offers.

Mary Ellen thanked Mr. Tennyson and the Student Panel.

Mary Ellen asked if there were other items for discussion. There were not.

With this the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Afzal Ahmed

Minutes approved: ______

Date: ______

Upcoming Events

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Faculty and Staff Appreciation Event

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

Fireside Chat with Head of School Dr. John Strudwick

Light Dinner

Next Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 9:30 a.m.

Little Theater, Reid Hall

Gala Invitation Stuffing and Lunch

