(update: 27 Jan 06) / OP2 / Biological: /
- Ley de Armas y Municiones – Decreto No. 39-89 - Arms and Ammunition Act - Decree No. 39-89 (in Spanish)
- Codigo Penal – Decreto No. 17-73, art. 391 and 398– Penal Code (in Spanish)
- Governmental Decision No. 14-74 of the Ministry of National Defence and its amendments
- Decreto No. 74-90 Modifica DCX 39-89 Ley de Armas y Municiones- Decree No. 74-90 to Modification of the Arms and ammunition Act (in Spanish)
- Governmental Decision No. 429-2001 established an Inter-Agency Security Coordination Mechanism
Chemical: /
- Ley de Armas y Municiones – Decreto No. 39-89 - Arms and Ammunition Act - Decree No. 39-89 (in Spanish)
- Codigo Penal – Decreto No. 17-73, art. 391 and 398 – Penal Code (in Spanish)
- Governmental Decision No. 14-74 of the Ministry of National Defence and its amendments
- Decreto No. 74-90 - Decree No. 74-90 to amend the Arms and ammunition Act (in Spanish)
- Governmental Decision No. 429-2001 established an Inter-Agency Security Coordination Mechanism
Nuclear: /
- Ley de Armas y Municiones – Decreto No. 39-89 - Arms and Ammunition Act - Decree No. 39-89 (in Spanish)
- Codigo Penal – Decreto No. 17-73, art. 391 and 398 – Penal Code (in Spanish)
- Governmental Decision No. 14-74 of the Ministry of National Defence and its amendments
- Decreto No. 74-90 - Decree No. 74-90 to amend the Arms and ammunition Act (in Spanish)
- Governmental Decision No. 429-2001 established an Inter-Agency Security Coordination Mechanism
OP3 a/b / Biological: /
- Decreto 0123/1985 Ley de Especies Estancadas- Decree No. 123-85Restricted Substances Act (in Spanish)
- Decreto No. 36-98 Ley de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal - Decree-Law No. 36-98 - Plant and Animal Health Act (in Spanish)
- Governmental Decision No. 745-99 - Regulations for the implementation of the Plant and Animal Health Act (in Spanish)
- Ministerial Decision No. 631-2001: Regulations for the registration of individuals or legal entities interested in conducting activities linked to agricultural inputs and for the registration, processing, import, return and export of such inputs
Chemical: /
- Decreto 0123-1985 Ley de Especies Estancadas- Decree No. 123-85 Restricted Substances Act (in Spanish)
- Decreto No. 43-74 Ley Reguladora sobre Importación, Elaboración, Almacenamiento, Transporte, Venta y Uso de Pesticidas - Decree-Law No. 43-74 - Act regulating the Import, Manufacture, Storage, Transport, Sale and Use of Pesticides (in Spanish)
- Ministerial Decision No. 152-93 - Technical supervision procedures in agricultural services, establishments for the distribution, export, manufacture, formulation, repackaging and storage of agricultural pesticides, related substances and/or fertilizers, and other similar establishments
Nuclear: /
- Decreto 0011-1986 Ley para el Control, Uso y Aplicación de Radioisotopos y Radiaciones Ionizantes- Act onthe control, use and application of radioisotopes and ionizing radiation - Decree-Law No. 11-86 (in Spanish)
- Radioactive Waste Management Regulations — Governmental Decision
No. 559-98 - Radiological Safety and Protection Regulations issued under the Act on the Control, Use and Application of Radioisotopes and Ionizing Radiation - Governmental Decision No. 55-2001
OP3 c/d / Border Control: /
- Customs Legislation (in Spanish)
- Decreto No 58-90 Ley Contra la Defraudacion y el Contrabando Aduaneros - Decree-Law No. 58-90 Act against customs trafficking (in Spanish)
Export Control: /
- Decreto 0123-1985 Ley de Especies Estancadas- Decree No. 123-85 Restricted Substances Act (in Spanish)
- Constitution Politica - Political Constitution of 1993 (in Spanish)
- Decreto No. 36-98 Ley de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal - Decree-Law No. 36-98 - Plant and Animal Health Act (in Spanish)
- Decreto No.43-74 Ley Reguladora sobre Importación, Elaboración, Almacenamiento, Transporte, Venta y Uso de Pesticidas - Decree-Law No. 43-74 - Act regulating the Import, Manufacture, Storage, Transport, Sale and Use of Pesticides (in Spanish)
- Ministerial Decision No. 152-93. Technical supervision procedures in agricultural services, establishments for the distribution, export, manufacture, formulation, repackaging and storage of agricultural pesticides, related substances and/or fertilizers, and other similar establishments
- Ministerial Decision No. 631-2001: Regulations for the registration of individuals or legal entities interested in conducting activities linked to agricultural inputs and for the registration, processing, import, return and export of such inputs