Lewisville Middle PSSC Meeting

Wed. Oct 15, 2014


Welcome all members.

In attendance: Sue Kelly, Lisa Farley, Jill MacDonald, Denise Owens, Sharon MacPhee, Joanne Mills, Michelle Doucet and Donna Carter.

Jill provided some great Wrigley treats, thank you. 

Everyone received a nice folder and pen equipped with the School Improvement Indicators Report, compliments of Sue.

Sue chaired the meeting and explained the responsibilities of the pssc, along with a review of the booklet, which can be viewed online on the district site.

Our school’s population is 386 and max capacity is aprox 580 students. (There are 38 schools in the district). Max class size is 28 with 29 being an exception. We have 6 Educational Assistants with none in gr 6, 3 in gr 8 and 3 in gr 7.

The School’s vision is “Lewisville Middle School…where we are kind, respectful and successful”

The School’s Mission is “Growing Successful Learners”

The school Improvement Plan will be discussed next meeting, regarding numeracy, literacy and positive learning goals.

Michelle agreed to continue the chair’s role for this year.

Sharon was appointed secretary.

Lisa discussed the activities of the Home and School Committee and she reported a membership of 9, and net revenue of $3500 last year with a balance of $1200 on the account. 18 iPads have been ordered for Lewisville Middle School. The school currently has a total of12 ipads and the cart will hold 30.

The Lewisville Middle School review is to take place this year. It is a provincial assessment that is conducted by an external team every 5 years and it will be taking place in April 2015. This review is for accreditation and it will provide us with a 5-year plan.

An internal team will be formed and meet once a month to prepare for the School Review. Jill and Denise have agreed to be part of this team.

Sue informed that a lockdown practice will be taking place at the end of Oct. and progress reports will be ready Nov 3, with parent teacher meetings Nov 6-7.

Dr Tim Wallace is our DEC member and he will be requested to attend our next meeting to discuss our school’s safety issues.

As a PSSC we must focus this year on the maintenance needs of our school. The washrooms are in need of repair and the theatre has become a safety issue.

The washroom cost is $15.000.00 each

The school theatre hasn’t been cleaned in over 30 years and it is underused, due to broken seats: it’s unsafe and unhealthy.

I believe it was agreed that these safety issues must be addressed.

Our next meeting is Wed, Nov 26 at 6:30pm.