Coordinating Group Meeting
Thursday19 May2011
Meeting Minutes
Chair: Councillor Stella Jeffrey
Minutes: John O’Reilly (Lewisham Central Assembly Coordinator)
Attendees:Jo McClusker, Margaret Sullivan
1 Welcome and ApologiesCllr Jeffrey formallyopened the meeting at 6:15pm and thanked everyone for attending.
Apologies were received fromMax Calo, Jane Kustnerand Carre Wlyder.
It was agreed that the next assembly should be used as an opportunity to encourage new members to join the group / Action Points
John to include election at the next full assembly
2 Minutes of previous meeting held on 7 April 2011
The minutes were agreed subject to the following:
Page 1 item 2:
John reported that there had been no progress with the Christmas tree arrangements following the departure of Deborah Efemini on 31 March 2011. It was suggested that Lucy Diable (Marketing Officer) would be a useful contact
Page 2, item 4 Newsletter
John said that the publicity team had raised concerns around the proposed newsletter. This was not consistent with the Councils current policy of reducing glossy literature, such as Lewisham Life which has been reduced to 4 editions per year. Cllr Damien Egan has been informed of the position as cabinet member.
Cllr Jeffrey felt that this did not have to be particularly glossy as the purpose of the newsletter was for information purposes and costs will be kept to a minimum. / John to contact Lucy Diable and investigate tree possibilities
John to speak with the Council’s communication team
3Mayors Fund Update
The following update was provided at the meeting under the relevant category:
Mayors Fund should consider funding activities for younger people over the summer period aimed at reducing incidents of anti-social behaviour
this is ongoing and Baseline need to be contacted for their opinion and possible projects
Lack of youth facilities at Mercator Estate
3 options were identified
- XLP community bus based at the estate over the summer holidays
- elevating success programme in partnership with Lewisham Homes and the Blackheath assembly
- Lewisham Youth Services team managed by Muhammad Rahmani
Development of community garden
There has been no partner identified who can work with the Council on this project. Potential sites are the travellers site on Church Grove and also LewishamPark
Community clean up campaign
Hither Green Community Association have submitted a bid for £1,283.00 to clean up the area around the station.
Upgrade existing youth facilities
This is a possible project for Baseleine
Commemorative plaques (1 per year)
Ron Cooper (Lewisham Historical Society) has agreed to sponsor an application in respect of the late Gladys Cooper (1888-1971). The maroon plaque will cost £1,000.
More short terms parking bays near shops aimed at allowing local businesses to thrive
It was agreed that the Mayors Fund will be unable to meet the costs of this project. /
John to contact providers and work up proposals for the next assembly
4. Action Planning
John presented the draft action plan and there was a brief discussion about this. It was agreed to reflect on this and there will be a further discussion at the next coordination group when a larger group of people is expected. / To be tabled for discussion at the next co-group meeting
5. Planning stages next assembly meeting LewishamMethodistChurch Thursday 23 June 2011
- Draft Agenda
Community safety slot including safer neighbourhood team and the new community safety team working for the Council, 20 minutes allocated for this slot
Election of new coordination group, maximum of 10 minutes
Mayors Fund presentations and voting, 40 minutes following a short break for refreshments
Community Updates, 10 minutes / John to contact presenters
6. AOB
John said that schools involvement was lacking at previous Lewisham Central assemblies. Three local primary schools were identified in the ward. These are LewishamBridge, St Marys and St Saviours. It was agreed to invite the Head teachers to the next assembly meeting. A priority of the assembly will be to work closely with the new secondary school when it opens it doors in 2012 or 2013.
There being no other business Cllr Jeffrey formally closed the meeting at 7:30pm and thanked everyone for attending.
No declarations of interest were made at this meeting.