Annex III
Biographical data form of candidates to human rights treaty bodies
(Please respect the specified amount of lines when completing this form and return it electronically in word format)
Name and first name: TIGROUDJA Hélène
Date and place of birth: July, 19th 1975 in Lille (France)
Working languages: French (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent)
Current position/function:
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Professor of International Public Law/International Human Rights Law at Aix-Marseille University (France)
Director of the Summer School of Human Rights in Practice (Aix-Marseille, France)
Appointed on the list of experts on reparations of the International Criminal Court
Main professional activities:
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Prof. Dr. Hélène Tigroudja is Senior Global Fellow at NYU (USA), Law Professor at Aix-Marseille University (France) and Scientific Director of the Summer School on human rights’ practice. She is the co-author with Prof. L. Hennebel of a treatise on international law of human rights (“Traité de droit international des droits de l’homme”) published in French (Paris: Pédone) in 2016. Since 2002, she has acted regularly as an expert for the Council of Europe; the United Nations and the European Union. Her focus in teaching and research ranges from international law, European law, international human rights law, international criminal law, and international migration law, with special focus on comparative approaches of universal and regional human rights mechanisms; remedies; States’ and International Organizations' immunities; law of armed conflicts; domestic implementation of international legal obligations and fight against terrorism.
Educational background:
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- PhD in International Public Law (Lille 2 University (France), 2001);
- Master Degree in International and European Public Law (1997);
- Master Degree in Constitutional Law and public law (1999, Lille 2 University (France));
- Graduate of the Institut d’Etudes politiques (Lille, 1996) Master Degree in Philosophy (Lille 3, 1996)
Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:
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Training, capacity-building and monitoring in-field missions in Europe, Latin America and Africa on various topics related to human rights and humanitarian law (protection of migrants in administrative detention; rights of internally displaced persons; rule of law; judicial guarantees and free legal aid; freedom of speech and mass media; protection of human rights in times of armed conflicts; protection of judicial rights in the fight against terrorism; reparations of grave and massive violations of human rights; enforced disappearances; sexual violence in times of armed conflict; fight against domestic violence; fight against all forms of discrimination and stereotypes; legal status of religious minorities and groups…) In capacity of Director of Summer School on human rights’ practice, training of NGOs’ staff, lawyers, young scholars, civil servants of more than 20 nationalities to major human rights’ topics and to the “good practices” to improve the implementation of human rights in domestic fora.
List of most recent publications in the field:
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Traité de droit international des droits de l’homme, Paris: Pédone, 2016 (1706 p.)(co-authored); «Aspects de droit international des activités conventionnels des Nations Unies dans la protection des droits de l’homme (2013-2016)», AFDI 2016 (co-authored); «Droits et libertés protégés par le PIDCP à l’épreuve du terrorisme global», in S. Grosbon, 1966-2016, Résilience et résistance des Pactes de droits de l’homme à l’épreuve d’une société post-moderne (ongoing publication)