
a: This module is designed to introduce you to military symbology. Before getting started, this introduction will briefly show you how to navigate through the module. The first button you should formularize yourself with is the “next” button. Pressing this button will advance to the next slide. If you must exit the program before you complete it, you can rapidly return to where you left off by advancing with the “next” button.

b: The back button will move back one slide. Use this button if you want to review the last slide. Otherwise, the “next” button will advance you through the program.

Part One

Slide 15: Proposed unit locations are drawn in dotted lines. Proposed unit locations are useful because you can also use them to plot suspected or possible unit locations. Proposed locations continue to use the blue for friendly and red for enemy color convention.

Slide 17: Headquarters units are plotted at the base of the staff. Since headquarters normally take up less ground space than ground units they are plotted much more accurately. That is why ground units are plotted center of mass and headquarter units are plotted at the base of the staff.

Slide 35: Most friendly operational graphics, such as checkpoints, as well as registration marks, titling data, and the legend are drawn in black.

Part Two

55: Unit symbol modifiers, used in field one, are combined with basic unit function symbols to portray a specific capability. In addition to the modifier symbols, text may be used inside the symbol frame to further clarify the symbol. We will cover four basic modifiers. REDO

87: Squads are shown as one solid dot on top of the symbol.

113: The first 2 digits indicate the DAY of the month the unit was sighted. IF the day is only one digit, for example the first day of the month, it is expressed as 01.

Part Three

132: Another useful symbol is battle position. A battle position is where a unit prepares for a defensive operation. Point of location is center mass. The closed side faces the opposing force. On the open side, indicate the size of the unit occupying or planning to occupy the battle position or strong point. These symbols are used only for BN size units and below. Field two (echelon), field three (unique designation) and field six, DTG are requires. The color of the symbol should be black for friendly, since battle positions are another example of graphic control measures, and red for enemy.