1. Revealing confidential information to any other employee or members of the public. General Operations sections 2.7, 2.26, 5.1, Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy, Social Media Policy, Social Security Number Privacy Policy
  1. Participation in unauthorized strikes, work stoppages, sit-downs, or slowdowns. General Operations section 2.8.1
  1. Failure of a safety-sensitive employee to possess and maintain a current Michigan Commercial Driver License with all required endorsements and a current Medical Examiner’s Certificate. General Operations sections 2.9, 8.2
  1. Positive test results for drugs or alcohol.General Operations section 2.9.1, Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
  1. Refusal to cooperate in performance reviews. General Operations section 2.10
  1. Failure to report a job-related arrest. General Operations section 2.21
  1. Unauthorized possession of weapons, explosives, or firearms while on duty or on MOTA property or equipment. General Operations section 2.27
  1. Assault or the use of threat or force on a MOTA employee, a passenger, or a member of the public, other than in self-defense. General Operations sections2.27, 5.3, 6.3.1
  1. Using obscene, profane, or vulgar language in the presence of the public while on duty, on MOTA property, or while wearing a MOTA uniform. General Operations sections2.27, 5.1.1, 7.1, 7.3
  1. Gambling while on duty or on MOTA property. General Operations section 2.28
  1. Leaving a MOTA vehicle with a passenger on board in a non-emergency situation. General Operations sections4.21, 4.22, 5.1.1
  1. Radio transmission of obscene, profane, or vulgar language. General Operations sections4.29, 7.3
  1. Theft, misappropriation, loss, embezzlement, destruction, or damage of property. General Operations section 5.1.1
  1. Abusive, indecent, or lewd conduct while on duty, on MOTA property, or while wearing a MOTA uniform. General Operations section 5.1.1
  1. Making or submitting false official statements. General Operations sections 6.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.7, 7.3
  1. Refusal to cooperate in accident/incident investigations. General Operations sections 6.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.7
  1. Failure to properly report an accident by radio immediately. General Operations section 6.2.2
  1. Incurring an unauthorized absence lasting two (2) or more consecutive work days without satisfactory reasons being given both for the absence and the failure to report the absence. General Operations section 8.1
  1. Possession, use, or being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, and/or intoxicants while on duty, while in uniform, or on MOTA property or equipment. General Operations section 10.1, Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
  1. The use of the MOTA-issued identification badge by an employee other than the employee to whom it is issued. General Operations section 10.1.4
  1. Allowing the MOTA-issued identification badge to be used by anyone other than the employee to whom it is issued. General Operations section 10.1.4
  1. Refusal to submit to drug or alcohol testing. Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy

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