International Agency for Development of Culture, Education and Science
Level 7/ 30 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Calendar Year 2018
InternationalAgencyfortheDevelopmentofCulture, EducationandScience(IADCES) announces the contest for research grants in Calendar Year 2018. Grants are awarded by an independent commission of experts on the basis of the previous anonymous review of written applications ("peer-review"). Grants are provided to the authors of those projects that meet international standards. The long-term objective of the program is to support development of scientific research studies around the world. Budget of the contest is 60 million euro.
Right to participate in the contest
Participants of the contest.Participant of the contestmay be any employee of scientific and educational institutions, or a person who studies in them. He/she should use the received grant only for scientific purposes, provided in the application form for the project. Fluency in English for the contest is not required. Persons, who previously received grants from IADCES, may apply for this contest.
Fields of research. Any scientific subjects, including mathematics, science of materials, biology, economics, law, pedagogy, psychology, physics, physical culture and health, history, literature, linguistics, philosophy, cultural studies, religionstudies, study of art, gender studies etc.
Projects. Various types of projects are allowed for the contest: scientific, archival and field research with further writing of the monograph; collection of source study materials; working with archival or museum collections, results of which in the future can be used in specific research projects. Submission of applications for joint projects is favored. One of the project participants should submit an application on behalf of the group on the terms described in the application form.
Selection criteria
In each project the following should be clearly and persuasively formulated:
- what are the goals of the project,
- what are the sources and applied methodology,
- what value will have the obtained results for works of other researchers,
- what final results of the project are to be obtained.
Overall assessment of the project will depend on the experience of research and teaching activities of the participant of the contest, as well as on recommendations provided by his/her colleague. However, the most important selection criterion is the quality of the project itself, in that form in which it is represented in the application by the candidate him/herself. There are no special techniques or formulas, by which the application should be compiled. It is very important that it was written by convincing, clear language, understandable both to specialists in this field, and to broadly educated peers.
Detailed information at the web-site:
Required components of the application (to be submitted in the following order)
Coversheet:Brief information about the participant of the contest, the name of his/her project and its summary.
CV: Education, scientific research experience, teaching and administrative experience,earlier gained scientific awards, scholarships and grants, including education and research work in other countries.
List of publications:Submit a list (no more than one page) of selected publications of the participant of the contest. Please provide the names of works in the language, in which they were printed, don’t translate them. Necessarily indicate the availability of publications in academic periodicals and materials of conferences organized by IADCES.
Information about joint projects: In case of joint projects describe division of responsibilities among project participants.
Project description (2 pages, 12 pt, single space): Describe the content of the project and the methodology that will be used. Specify the conceptual strategy and sources, on which this project is relied upon, as well as the relevance of this project on your prior research worksand available literature in this field. Explain what is the meaning of this project – how is the project applied for the contest will develop or change knowledge already existing in this field and how it will expand possibilities for works of other scientists and stimulate further research. Provide theschedule of work on the research project for the period of one year. For projects on creation of dictionaries and lexicons,please provide, as example, at least one dictionary article.
Bibliography to the project (or a list of other sources): Submit a list (no more than one page) of the most important publications and other sources (archival materials, collections of documents) that will be used in the project.
Budget of the project must not exceed the amount of 750 thousandeuro. It can include salaries of project participants (may not exceed 50% of the total project amount), the cost of trips, rental housing, acquisition of necessary equipment, as well as publication of research results, including publication of the monograph.
Letter of recommendationmust be written and signed by a colleague who knows the participant of the contest and the proposed project.
Instructions for filling the application form
All applications are submitted only on the forms distributed by IADCES. Application must be submitted in English.
The application may be sent by e-mail only(Word file) to the following address:
Term of applicationsubmission:Applications for the contest are accepted from May 1, 2017to August 20, 2017.
Please keep the format of each sheet.
Fax submissions are not accepted.
Registration fee: When submitting the application, one-time registration fee is paid in amount of 60 euro.
Each participant of the contest will be notified by e-mail that the application has been received, and details on payment of the registration fee will be sent.
Official notification of the results of the contest will be sent to participants by e-mail in December 2017.
Further possibilities onsubmission an application for a grant. Participants of the contest who have not got the grant this year may further apply one more time. Those who got it, may reapply for a grant to continue research work and describe the results.
Cover sheet
Surname First name Patronymic
Calendar Year 2018
Scientific degree, academic rank, and position
Place of work and its address
Home address with index
Which is your preferred mailing address? Work Home
Work phone with the city code:Home phone
CitizenshipDate of birth
Field(s) of specialization of the project (underline):
- Anthropology
- Biology
- Geology
- Geography
- Demography and Ethnography
- Journalism
- Study of art and Cultural studies
- History and archeology
- Politics
- Science of materials
- International Relations
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Political science
- Psychology
- Pedagogy
- Theology
- Agricultural sciences
- Sociology
- Technical sciences
- Physics
- Physical culture and health
- Philology and Linguistics
- Philosophy
- Chemistry
- Economics and Management
- Law
- Others
Name of the project (no more than 10-15 words)
Brief summary of proposal (typed within the limits of the proposed format, using 12 point size)
Where do you plan to work on your project?
When do you plan to complete your project?
How did you find out about this contest?
CVSurname, first name______
1. Education
Name of educational institution Occupation Date of entryDate of graduation and obtained degree
2. Experience of scientific-research work
(including research carried out in other countries)
Name of Project Type of research activities Period of the project carried out
CV(continued) Surname and first name______
3. Knowledge of foreign languages
a. List the foreign languages you know, and specify the level of their knowledge (read, speak, write).
b. Which languages are required for carrying out the project?
c. If you do not know all the languages required for carrying out the project, indicate how you plan to overcome this obstacle.
4. Teaching experience
(including experience in other countries)
Name of educational institution PostPeriod of work
5. Experience of administrative work
List the educational institutions, research institutes, trade unions and non-governmental organizations.
Name of institution Post Period of work
6. Obtained scientific awards, scholarships and grants
List the most important scientific awards, scholarships and grants obtained for the last five years.
List of publicationsSurname and first name______
Please indicate the names of the works in the language in which they were published, don’t translate them.
Necessarily indicate availability of publications in academic periodicals
or materialsof conferences organized by IADCES.
Surname and first name______
To be filled by the participant who submits an application on behalf of the whole group.
Please briefly describe the responsibilities of each participant of the project, starting with yourself. Specify the percentage of the total grant amount, that belongs to each participant. (The total amount of the grant shall be 100%.)
1st project participant
2nd project participant
3rd project participant
Please provide information about the rest of the participants in the project:
2nd project participant
Surname and first name
Scientific degree, rank, post
Place of work and its address
Email Date of birth
3rd project participant
Name and surname
Scientific degree, rank, post
Place of work and its address
Email Date of birth
Calendar Year 2018
Description of the project
Schedule of work on the project
Bibliography of the project (samples)
Project budget
Calendar Year 2018
Instructions for the participant of the contest: The letter must be written by the colleague, which is familiar with your work and the scope of your research.
Instructions for the person who recommends:The letter of recommendation must be printed. For your convenience you can scan this form on your computer or print it on your computer again. Please return the letter of recommendation to the participant of the contest.
Surname and first name of the participant of the contest
Surname and first name of the person who recommends
Academic rank and post of the person who recommends
Place of work of the person who recommends
How long do you know the participant of the contest?
In whatcapacity do you know the participant of the contest?