NCEA Level 2 Geography (90334) 2011 — page 1 of 6

Assessment Schedule – 2011

Geography: Apply skills and ideas, in a geographic context (90334)

Evidence Statement







Achievement with Merit


Achievement with Excellence

(a) / Gabriels Gully (accept Tuapeka Goldfield).
(b) / (1)Otago
(2)West Coast
MUST have ALL three.
(c) / 1861–1867 (or six years).
(d) / TWO of:
  • ornaments
  • jewellery
  • decoration
  • money.
(e) / TWO of:
  • jewellery
  • ceramics
  • electrical applications
  • electronics
  • industrial applications.
(f) / Précis Map
(See Appendix A for responses at various levels of Achievement).
(i)B or C
(ii)B or C
(iii)Bor C
(g) / 3.0 km (accept 2.7–3.1 km).
MUST have “km”.
(h) / N, NNW, or NW
(i) / 376134
(accept 5 or 7 for third digit and 3 or 5 for last digit).
(j) / 393m
MUST have “m”.
(k) / Blue Spur Road
(l) / Beaumont Highway (do not accept SH8 as the only answer).
(m) / Answer should explain the physical and relief conditions using information provided.
B or C
A complex answer may include actual examples of the relief and the fact that it is a narrow gully with hills up to 275m each side, or note the type of vegetation.
Judgement for Question One / 10 correct out of the 16 opportunities. / 13 correct out of the 16 opportunities (breadth)
11 correct out of the 16 opportunities, including 2C answers (depth). / 13 correct out of the 16 opportunities, including at least 2 C answers (breadth AND depth).
(a) / Explains and processes statistical information and draws appropriate graph.
Constructs a climate graph with the following elements:
MUST have:
(1)Bar graph for rainfall.
(2)Line graph for temperature.
(1)Title (states “Climate” and “Lawrence”).
(2)All THREEaspects clearly labelled (accept “J” for Jan).
(3)Data intervals are regular and months in middle of columns.
(4)Bar graph drawn accurately.
(5)Line graph plotted accurately.
(See Appendix B). / MUST have correct line graph and bar graph
3 out of out of 5requirements. / MUST have correct line graph and bar graph
4out of 5requirements. / MUST have correct line graph and bar graph
4out of 5requirementswith a high degree of accuracy.
(b) / Answer should explain the climatic conditions in winter using information provided.
B or C
A complex answer should include actual examples of the fact that in June, July and August there are frosts almost every day with on average only 3–4 hours sun each day.
The mean temperature is also very low, being only 2.9 in June.
(c) / 290000 ounces (accept
MUST have “ounces”.
(d) / Within the periods 1897–1920 and 1990–2005.
Periods must contain the dates 1905 and 1995.
MUST have BOTH periods.
Judgement for Question Two / EITHER:
(a) at an Achievement level and ONE of (b), (c), or (d) at basic level
(b) at a complex level and ONE of (c) or (d). / EITHER:
(a) at a Merit level and (b) at a complex level
(a) at a Merit level and TWO of (b), (c), or (d) at a basic level. / EITHER:
(a) at an Excellence level and (b) at a complex level
(a) at an Excellence level and TWO of (b), (c), and (d) at a basic level.
THREE / Explains the geographic ideas of “region” and “change” by applying themin TWO different settings:
(1)Economic and social changes in Lawrence may include:
  • huge increase in population
  • influx of Chinese miners later
  • few females in gold areas
  • roadways were muddy tracks.
(2)Economic and social changes in the wider Otago region mayinclude:
  • prior to rush, depression-like conditions, with few job opportunities
  • population grew rapidly
  • number of ships with cargo and people increased rapidly
  • importance of the area nationally and many educational institutions and newspapers were first to establish in the region due to the discovery of gold
  • economic importance of Otago – Otago earned
    £10 million from gold exports, growth in farming and industry, infrastructure development.
Explanation displays understanding of the geographic idea of “change” (economic AND social) to ONE region.
Displays understanding of the geographic idea of “change” (economic OR social) to BOTH regions.
Evidence may be quite general in nature. / EITHER:
Explanation displays understanding of the geographic idea of “change” (economic AND social) to ONE region (depth).
The supporting evidence provided is detailed.
Displays understanding of the geographic idea of “change” (social AND economic) to BOTH regions (breadth).
Some of the supporting evidence provided is detailed. / Explanation displays understanding of the geographic idea of “change” (economic AND social) to BOTH regions (depth and breadth).
The supporting evidence provided is detailed and used throughout.

Judgement Statement



Achievement with Merit


Achievement with Excellence

2 A / 2M / 2E
S=Social change
F=Economic change

Appendix A– Question One (f)

Appendix B – Question Two (a)