South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance
Matrix of Support Services
Revised March 23, 2010
Note- All Supportive Services must be a barrier and noted in the IEP. Customer should be referred to other available resources prior to use of supportive services, and this should be noted on IEP or CMATs case notes.
Support Services /


Transportation (as of July 1, 2008)

Paperwork: Rand McNally print out of travel destination(from home to training site), CMATS Authorization (participant voucher)& Monthly Attendance time sheet / $5.00 per day if travel 20 or less miles round trip
$7.00 per day if travel 21 to 40 miles round trip
$9.00 per day if travel over 41 miles round trip
Child Care
One Child
Two or More Children
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Budget Sheet, Participant Statement of Understanding, Release From Liability Form, Birth Certificate for Child(ren), Family members in household form,Monthly Attendance, Childcare verification form completed by Provider when requesting payment. Eleven is the maximum age.
Child care hours can include travel time to and from training site. / $12.00/day--$60.00/week
Relocation Allowance
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Request for Payment
& Employment Verification (3 written bids needed – U Hauls or moving companies acceptable) / $800.00Maximum
Dislocated Workers only
TAA to pay first
Post Placement Support
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher)and Proof of Employment(one week worked) first quarter after exit. Request for Payment indicating exit date. / $300.00 Maximum
Refer to Post Placement Procedure
Any Allowable Supportive Service / $1,500 Maximum (unless prior approval from Director of Program Operations and Executive Director to maximum of $2,000)
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Authorization Letter to Vendor, EOB, Request for Payment, Invoice from Vendor
Should be included in TAA(if applicable) / $750.00 Maximum (Include in $1,500)
Maximum $750.00 to include physical and all required shots.
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Budget Sheet Authorization Letter toVendor—sales tax not included, Invoice from Vendor, request for payment. Report on Eye Exam / $325.00 Maximum (Include in $1,500)
--$ 75.00 eye exam
--$250.00 frame/lens (glasses or contacts)
Use insurance or Lion’s Club first
No tint, unless required by doctor
Progressive and contacts are allowed.
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Budget Sheet Authorization Letter to Vendor, Invoice from Vendor / (Include in $1,500)
Non-medical assistance including X-rays, fillings, extractions and dentures
Use insurance first
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Authorization
Letter to Vendor, Invoice from Vendor / (Include in $1,500)
Cannot be a duplication of services
Counseling Services
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Authorization
Letter to Vendor, Invoice from Vendor / (Include in $1,500)
Cannot be a duplication of services
Auto Repair
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Budget Sheet, Three Written Estimates on Repair Cost, Car Title in Participant’s Name (copy to be sent into Admin)Authorization Letter to Vendor, Invoice from Vendor (Only one estimate needed if car is immovable)sales tax not included. Tire fees included. / Maximum of $1,000(Include in $1,500)
Only when auto repair is a barrier to training or employment.
Car repair must make the car operational.
Max for Tire purchase - $400.00
(beginning March 15, 2010)
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Authorization
Letter to Vendor, Invoice from Vendor / (Include in $1,500)
Can pay for test twice, 3 times if learning disabled. Must meet minimum scores of Pre-test first.
Driver License Fees
Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Invoice from
Vendor, Staff Assisted Delivery of
Payment & Receipt / (Include in $1,500)
Cannot be a duplication of services
Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)
Paperwork: Ecmats authorization to:
TWIC Enrollment Center
Suite 500
15 Century Blvd.
Nashville, TN37214
Phone: 812-453-2169 / $132.50
Complete ecmats authorization (participant voucher, and attach CRC and proof of interviewing and resume workshops.

License Tag and Wheel Tax

Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), AuthorizationLetter
to Vendor, Invoicefrom Vendor, Staff
Assisted Delivery of Payment & Receipt / (Include in $1,500)


Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher), Authorization
Letter to Vendor, Invoice from Vendor
Should be included in ITA unless CNT / $300.00 Maximum (Include in $1,500)


Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher),Authorization
Letter to Vendor (if applicable), Invoice
from Vendor / Maximum of $800.00 for basic tools (required for admission into class)
to complete the course.(Include in $1,500)

Clothing/Grooming Aids

Paperwork: CMATS Authorization (participant voucher)Petty Cash &
Receipt / $25.00 (Include in $1,500)
Hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, toothbrush, deodorant, mouthwash, haircuts up to $25.00 with prior approval.

GED (Plus) Program

  • Income eligible as 18-21 yr old
  • Drop out
  • Adult & DW eligible
Paperwork: ecmats authorization (participant voucher), copy of CRC certificate or WorkKeys skills report showing no less than 3 on any skill test; Request for Pay; and GED official transcript showing passed or GED diploma or official copy from post-secondary school.
No Budget Sheet Required / Max $1,000 if followed steps in succession
$500 for passing GED and receiving CRC (all funding) CRC required 3/08 and forward. Approved resume required as well.
$300 – 1st qtr after exit (working or school) (youth)
$100 – 2nd qtr after exit(working or school) (youth)
$100 – 3rd qtr after exit(working or school) (youth)
$300 – 1st qtr after exit (working only) A/DW
$100 – 2nd qtr after exit (working only) A/DW
$100 – 3rd qtr after exit (working only) A/DW
For basic skills deficient WIA eligible youth to be approved for $500.00 GED Plus payment, copy of post-TABE must be attached.

Revised 7/12/09

Revised 11/19/09Revised 12/01/09 (added TWIC), Child care addition, tools

Rev. 3/23/09