Physical Education Class Observation Sheet

Directions: This sheet is to be used by an observer of a physical education class. Please check the scale below each statement to the degree you judge it was present.

  1. There is a safe non-threatening, low stress, designated environment.

Mostly Usually Occasionally Rarely Not Present

(90%+ of the class) (75% of the class) (50% of the class) (Less than 30%)

1 2 3 4 5

  1. All students actively engaged in learning.

Mostly Usually Occasionally Rarely Not Present

(90%+ of the class) (75% of the class) (50% of the class) (Less than 30%)

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Developmentally appropriate activities.

Mostly Usually Occasionally Rarely Not Present

(90%+ of the class) (75% of the class) (50% of the class) (Less than 30%)

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Teaching is evident.

Mostly Usually Occasionally Rarely Not Present

(90%+ of the class) (75% of the class) (50% of the class) (Less than 30%)

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Evidence of student work/learning.

Mostly Usually Occasionally Rarely Not Present

(90%+ of the class) (75% of the class) (50% of the class) (Less than 30%)

1 2 3 4 5

Physical Education Classroom Observation Sheet Explanation

There is a safe, low stress, non-threatening, designated environment.

·  The facility is designed for physical education and is not a shared facility.

(not a Cafeteria/Gymnasium)

·  Space is clean and safe. Equipment not in use is stored.

·  No human targets. Dodge ball is not an appropriate activity.

·  No choosing sides

·  Activities focus on fitness and skill not competition.

·  Protocols established

All Students actively engaged in learning

·  All students have the opportunity to learn.

·  Students are not standing in line waiting for their turn to participate.

·  There is enough equipment for all students.

·  Students are working on skill development, not playing the game

Developmentally Appropriate activities

·  Activities are appropriate as describe in the CSO’s

·  Elementary students are working on movement skills not sports.

·  Secondary students should be participating in lifetime activities

·  Middle and secondary curriculum should include five movement forms: team sports, individual sports, individual non-competitive activities, rhythmic activities, and outdoor adventure activities.

Teaching is evident

·  The teacher is actively instructing students

·  Score keeping or serving as a referee is not teaching

·  The teacher should be demonstrating skills, checking for understanding, and explaining concepts

Evidence of students learning

·  Student work is visible or available upon request

·  Student’s evaluations properly recorded and address all standards.

·  The teacher makes use of multiple assessment strategies.

·  Grading based upon attendance and class participation only, is unacceptable.

·  Individual results for Fitness testing.