“Your Shipping business means the World to us”

Letter of Understanding

Dear Larry,

Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your tranporation opportunities.

Please note as discussed the following key points that you communicated to me during our meeting Tuesday, March 25th 2014.

During our meeting you indicated that your current most pressing need is for a parcel person

With the abilty to think on both a conceptual and pratical level in the quest to delivery goods

to your customer just in time.

You stated that your current criteria for selecting your forwading partner is not as much service orrelationship driven as much as systems. The key factor is technology and having the software to manage Purchase Orders, Sales Orders , Logistics, and inventory control in one system.

Based on our meeting I would like to propose the following thought/ Ideas and actions and also

propose that you continue to look for a place for Cargo Rates at SanMar where the relationship can be mutually beneficial for both parties.

1) Parcel Person - This is a hard task but I will continue to work on it as far

As the one possible candidate I am trying to gage interest with as well as anyone I come accros

that might fit the profile of the person you are seeking.

2) Logistics Software - I found our meeting really informative and interesting,

I really appreciate your painting a picture for me of how your currently handling your logistics

Needs and tackling with technology. The only weakness I see from the outside looking in is your

Still being dependent on a logistics service provider for your technology platform. –

Being locked into using any logistics providors system gives me a feeling of resistance on your behalf. I know you have put a tremendous amount of effort, man power making technology work for you And I have much respect for this task.

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Hi Robert,

Thanks, and I’m working on the following.

Discussed internally as well and seems like the only option, and the option that we can control best is to use the FREE PORT in Sri Lanka to trans load the goods, and re-route same on a direct service from CMB to JACKSONVILLE, FL. As you can imagine, places like Tanzania can be very challenging (through experience in project cargo) and if you don’t have your own office, or a very very reliable partner, it’s best that we refrain from pursuing this opportunity.

I’m checking with CMA, Emirates, MSC, MOL and SAF marine on what they can offer, and will also check with the local rep at Sea Con.

FOB Dar Es Salaam to Colombo – Checking on the fastest and most suitable option. rework at the FREEPORT in COLOMBO – approx 5 days Colombo to Jacksonville, FL.(via Savannah, GA) – 30 days on the direct all water service.


Will advise.

Please find the following links as discussed:

1)Magaya Software System

A) Commerce System B) WMS System –

Software Solution for WMS and PO and sales orders

2) Seeking prospect: ( Where they would look)

Jobs in Logistics

Craigs list transport Jobs


3) Self Filing Links -- ( Do you own Customs Entries)

TRG Direct

Smart Border ( This is software also integrates with the Software sysem of Magaya

4)Compliance Software – for in house compliance program – resources

Complaince software

Cargo Rates International LLC

3322 36th Avenue South, Seattle, Wa 98144 OTI License No . 020585NF

Direct: 206 – 721 – 6245 FMCSA NO: MC-846838-B

Telephone / Fax: 800 – 721 – 2540