Long Term Curricula Planning Year A

EYFS / Autumn I / Autumn II / Spring I / Spring II / Summer I / Summer II
Theme / Me/Starting school / Let’s Celebrate / What’s the problem? / Giants, Castles, Dragons & Unicorns / Growing / Animals
Trips/visitors / Fireman / Barleylands-from field to plate. / The Gruffalo Woods
Communication and Language / Literacy / Come to school too, Blue Kangaroo.
Mr Happy
The day the crayons came back.
My Friend Bear
Funnybones-Skeleton Crew
It’s not just a blanket / Diwali
Winnie’s Amazing Pumpkin
No Dragons for Tea
Norman the Slug Who Saved Christmas
Fred, Rudolph’s brother and the Mischievous Gnome / The Jolly Postman
Polar Bear Boy
How big is a million? / The Giant of Jum
Jack & the Mean Stalk.
Small Knight & George & the Royal Chocolate Cake
Dear Dragon
I wish I’d been a unicorn. / The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Jaspers Beanstalk
The Tiny Seed
The Enormous Turnip
The Gingerbread man / Twist my tales x 4
You choose
Rumble in the Jungle
Big Talk – Pie Corbett Stories / Peter & the Wolf / Going for a song / The Little Red Hen / Billy Goats Gruff / The Enormous Turnip / The Gingerbread Man
Communication and language / Listening to stories and rhymes.
Following instructions.
Sharing news at the end of the day.
Talking with their peers and adults in the class each day.
Phonics / Daily sessions for the Letter and Sounds scheme
Maths / Counting to 10
Recognising numerals to 5
Identifying simple 2D shapes
Counting objects to 10 / Counting to 10 and beyond
Recognising numerals to 10 and beyond
Number bonds to 5 / Number bonds to 10
3D shapes
Time periods
1 more/1 less / Counting in 10’s
Measuring Time
Subtraction / Counting in 2’s
Counting in 5’s
Compare & order numbers / Fractions
Personal, Social and Emotional / Daily activities / Self Registration/ Snack time/lunch time
Kind Hands.
Things I like about someone in my class.
Circle time / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Anti- Bullying Week / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Making a kind word stew
Mother’s Day Cards-I love my mum because… / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Assembly / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Assembly / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Sessions / My Feelings / My Relationships / My Healthy Lifestyle / Making a Positive Contribution / Safety, Medicine & Drugs / Growing & Changing
Physical / fine motor / Dough Disco
Squiggle while you wiggle
Fine motor station including using threading, tying laces, using tweezers and pencil control / Dough Disco
Doodle with your noodle
Fine motor station including using threading, tying laces, using tweezers and pencil control
gross motor / Dance Unit 1 & 2 / Gymnastics Unit A & B / Dance Unit 2 & 3 / Games
Bean bags & balls / Gymnastics Unit C
Stretching & Curling / Games
Ropes, bats & balls
Knowledge and Understanding of the World / People and communities / Similarities and differences with others around them / Christmas celebrations
Diwali / Looking at different occupations –fireman/doctors/opticians
Chinese New Year / Easter celebrations and customs / St. George’s story and customs
The world / Walk around the school environment
Comparing how I have changed from a baby to now. / Identifying and familiarising with different cultures / Ice/melting/change / Look at forests, fields and rivers.
Go on a giant hunt through the fields / Butterfly farm
Grow beanstalks
Grow potatoes / Animals from around the world
Technology / Recording and taking pictures with tablets / Research online / Recording and taking pictures with tablets / Research online / Maths games
2Simple: Simple City / Beebots
Expressive Art & Design / Art
DT / Portraits using pastels and paints / Paper lanterns
Christmas cards
Paper chains / Mother’s day cards / Make papier Mache large boots for the giant
Easter cards / Tissue paper collage
Printing / 3D models of animals
Music / Charanga: Me / Charanga: My Stories / Charanga: Everyone / Charanga: Our World / Charanga: Big Bear Funk / Charanga: Reflect, Rewind & Replay
Imagination (role play) / House / Santa’s workshop / Science/Maths lab / Castle / Garden Centre / Travel Agents
Yr 1/2 / Autumn I / Autumn II / Spring I / Spring II / Summer I / Summer II
Theme / Save the sea / Mission to the Moon / Nursery rhymes
Production / Madame Cherie’s Kitchen / Gracie Green fingers
Summative Task / Tunnel opening (Fair trade Café) / Experience afternoon / Teach Nursery children nursery rhymes / Create a café for parents (Fair trade)
Inspirational start/ Storyline / Who will save us!
Ch to visit sea life centre and the beach. They investigate the bag of waste and identify who has been litter (all ages) and what damage does it cause.
Crush the turtle has written to the ch in panic- his ocean is being destroyed by oil and waste in the sea???
Eco theme – sponsor a dolphin crusade / A meteor lands in school and CT brings a rock to show- what is it? Where is it from? Ch decide that it has come from the moon and they need to travel to investigate. / Nobody remembers nursery rhymes anymore or know what half of them mean!
The children need to educate the Nursery children by teaching them some nursery rhymes. The school to dress up as nursery rhyme characters. / Madame Cherie is opening a cafe and needs to create a new menu. She tells them it has to be a delicious healthy baguette with all the food groups. Parents come to test out the food at the café. / Gracie Green Fingers has a sick plant she wants to find out why it is sick and what it needs to thrive. Children to grow vegetables in the allotment and look at flowers and wildlife in the quiet garden.
Trips/ visitors / Sea life centre and beach in September
Pollution investigation / Chelmsford Museum visit / Astro Dome
Science museum / Nursey co-ordinator / Jackie to give talk about being a chef / Gracie Green fingers
Maldon/Wat Tyler park
English / Narrative
Information text / Instructions
Persuasive letters / Narrative / Poetry
Diary entry / Information text
Invitation / Narrative
Maths / Yr 1: Numbers to 10; number bonds; addition within 10; subtraction within 10; positions; numbers to 20; addition and subtraction within 20;
shapes and patterns; length and height.
Yr 2: Numbers to 100; addition and subtraction; multiplication of 2, 5 and 10; multiplication and division of 2, 5 and 10; length; mass; temperature; picture graphs / Yr 1: Numbers to 40; addition and subtraction word problems; multiplication; division; fractions; number to 100; time; money; volume and capacity; mass; space
Yr 2: word problems; money; 2D shapes; 3D shapes; fractions; time; volume
Science / Variation- animals and habitats / Sound and hearing / Light and dark / Forces (pushes and pulls) / Health and growth
Healthy eating / Plants and growth
Computing / Modelling and simulation: animation in 2Simple / Communication:
DB Primary access / Control: Scratch 2,
Probot and Beebot / Research: internet research / Data handling: Create a graph / Communication and sound: presentation using Book creator
Geography / Environmental problems
Fieldwork skills: comparison of a location
(environments) / Locational study: France and other foods around the world.
Plan café to make a bird’s eye view of the café/hall / Fieldwork: identify plants in Runwell park and Maldon to plot on a map compare those round in school
History / Santa through the ages: old games and toys / Astronauts
Anniversary of landing on the moon- Neil Armstrong / History of nursery rhymes
Art / Rainbow fish in the style of Dali: collage / Space picture: chalk / Monet class picture: paint and collage
D&T / Textiles: A sea creature decoration / Mechanical control (levers): A prop for a nursery rhyme / Cooking: Making a healthy sandwich
PE / Dance (Rainbow fish Marcus Pfister) / Dance/gymnastics / Gymnastics (On the Moon Anna Milbourne) / Athletics / Athletics/games / Games
PSHE / Yr1: Transition
Yr 2: Emotions / Yr 1: Emotions
Yr 2: Relationships / Building Communities and Relationships / E-safety: Hectors world videos and poster / Medicines and Keeping Safe / Yr 1: Transition
Yr 2: Sex Education
RE / Judaism- (celebrations Hanukah) / Christianity (stories- nativity) / Hindu- symbols/Gods Ganesh, Vishnu, Surya, Shiva / Sikhism- special people- Guru Nanak / Buddhism (objects) / Islam (wudu- Ramadan- Eid- ways of living) role play Gudwara
Music / Charanga
Yr 1: Hey You!
Yr 2: Hands, Feet, Heart / Charanga
Yr 1: Little Angel Get Her Wings
Yr 2: Babushka / Charanga
Yr 1: In the Groove
Yr 2: Glockenspiel Stage 1 / Charanga
Yr 1: Rhythm in the Way We Walk and Banana Rap
Yr 2: I Wanna Play in a Band / Charanga
Yr 1: Round and Round
Yr 2: Zootime / Charanga
Yr 1: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Yr 2: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Role Play / Under the sea / A rocket ship / Kitchen / Flower shop
Yr 3/4 / Autumn I / Autumn II / Spring I / Spring II / Summer I / Summer II
Summative Task / To Perform a show set in the Victorian period: ‘Sasha got stuck up the chimney’.
·  ICT – programme for the performance.
·  Art – background/wallpaper in the style of William Morris.
·  DT – create a torch for ushers to use.
·  Music – singing, composition of background music for a scene.
·  PE – dance for the performance
·  English – analysis of character’s feelings and emotions, drama and speaking and listening. Display of stories/diary entries. / To create raise awareness about India and its culture by creating an exhibition.
·  Science – light and materials to create shadow puppets.
·  DT – shadow puppets.
·  RE – Story of Rama and Sita for puppet show.
·  Geography – information about Chembakolli is shared with visitors to the exhibition.
·  Art work to be displayed.
·  English – Information texts. Play scripts for puppet show.
·  Music – Indian music played which was composed and recorded by the children.
·  PE – Indian dance performed. / To recreate a banquet for Henry VIII and his wife. (Teachers to take the roles).
·  History – Knowledge of Henry VIII, banquets and historical knowledge of the time.
·  Music- Tudor music
·  PE – Tudor dance performed.
·  DT – Desert/bread to be served at the banquet.
·  English – odes performed
·  Self portraits to be displayed at the banquet.
Inspirational Start / Throughout the theme, we read a diary which has been discovered by the caretaker. Each week, an extract is read and theme moves on with some of the entries. / Children are to set up an organisation (Global Guides) and, using the Mantel of the Expert approach, they are to create an exhibition promoting Indian culture. / Receive a letter which they have to investigate and ch reply to. (The letter is from Henry VIII)
Visits/ visitors / Victorian school experience. / Hindu temple / Trip Hampton Court Palace
History Off the Page
English / Poetry (Kennings and narrative): adjectives and similes
Greek Myths: punctuation
Historical Story: adjectives and conjunctions
Diary entries: adverbs/adverbial phrases / Play script: adverbs
Narratives: conjunctions
Information texts: sentence openers
Poetry: performance / Formal letter: connectives and Olde English
Ode: adjectives, Old English, similes and metaphors
Journalistic article: punctuation
Narrative: adverbs
Maths / Yr 3: Numbers to 1000; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; length; mass; volume
Yr 4: Numbers to 10 000; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; graphs; fractions; time / Yr 3: Money; time; graphs; fractions; angles; lines and shape; perimeter
Yr 4: decimals; money; mass, volume and length; area; geometry; position and movement; Roman Numerals
Science / Circuits & Conductors / Forces and Magnets / Light and Shadows / Characteristics of Materials investigation
Animals including humans – Yr 4
Computing / Collaboration: e:mail
Communication: animation and eBooks
Communication: Publisher / Research: Internet research
Modelling and Control: Textease Turtle and Probot / Data handling: Textease Branching databases
Communication: Video using imovie
Control and monitoring: logits (taught in science)
Geography / Chembakolli Case Study
Atlas and Map skills
History / The Vikings, Greeks, Roman and Victorians / The Tudors
Art / William Morris – printing
Charles Rennie Mackintosh - designer / Rangoli patterns - sand
Mehndi/Paisley Patterns – ink / Self Portraits – Drawing and shading
Architects – Foster and Charles Barry
D&T / Electrical control / Mechanical control: Shadow Puppets
Food: Indian buffet food / Food: bread
PE / PPA: Net and Wall
Yr 4: Swimming / PPA: Gymnastics
Yr 4: Swimming / PPA: Invasion Games
Yr 3: Swimming / PPA: Athletics
Yr 3: Swimming / PPA: Dance / PPA: Striking and fielding
PSHE / My feelings / Keeping safe – e-safety / Healthy lifestyles / Making a positive contribution / Medicines and drugs / My relationships/growing and changing