Minutes of the meeting of Baston Parish Council held on Wednesday 13th December 2012 at The Barn @ 19:30hrs.

Present: Cllrs. Mrs E Mort (Chairman) G Baxter (Vice-chairman)

Mrs L Colbourn A Hutchins

M Parkin J Affleck

L Lawes L Knights

Clerk: Miss R H Woolley

D.Cllrs: K Cooke C.Cllr: M Trollope-Bellew

Public – Peter Rayner, M Trollope-Bellew, Mark Clark

19:30 – 20:00 Presentation – Housing Needs Survey

Mark Clark from Community Lincs, gave a brief report on his background and Charity. He said that the survey would set out the parishes needs, whether provision was required for affordable houses, either rented or shared ownership. The properties would be for people with a strong local connection. They would not be available for housing from a Local Housing register (unless with a local connection), place urban refugees or from outside the community and cannot be sold on the open market. Properties are usually owned by a Housing Association. Affordable houses are normally provided either under a Section 106 agreement within a mixed housing development or on land outside an area which would not normally be permitted. Mr Clark said that the first step was to meet with the Parish Council, then raise awareness from the wider community to test opinion. A confidential survey will then take place which will be for a period of one month. A usually response would be 20%. A meeting will be arranged with residents and when information has been collated a second meeting will be arranged with the Parish Council.

Mark Clark reported that information from the 2001 census information reported that there were 1469 residents in the parish and that the older population was increasing with the younger declining.

Parish Council Meeting Commenced 20:00

A resident informed the meeting that pot holes had appeared on the Main Road opposite Aveland Way and Hadrian Drive. He also reported that the Spinning Wheel Public House had been sold.

161/12 Chairman’s remarks

Cllr Mrs Mort reported that the Councillors would be discussing the precept for 2013/14 and that everyone would be required to complete a Dispensation Form (DF) if they wished to take part.

162/12 Apologies for absence & reasons given

Cllr. Mrs Bunce, her apology was accepted by the Council

163/12 Disclosure of interests at the meeting

Cllrs Mrs Mort, Baxter, Mrs Colbourn, Lee, Lawes, Parkin, Hutchins, Affleck, completed their Dispensation Request Form which was signed by the Clerk – Ms Woolley, for the duration of this Council. All agreed.

Cllr. Mrs Mort reminded those present that they could make a declaration during the meeting.

164/12 Minutes of the last meeting

It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Colbourn seconded by Cllr. Hutchins that the minutes of the last meeting held on 8th November 2012. It was resolved that the Chairman Cllr. Mrs Mort sign the minutes as a correct record. All agreed.

165/12 Clerks report on matters outstanding

  1. 150/12 (1) Plaque in Church – nothing to report.
  2. 150/12 (2) Sycamore tree, Allotments – nothing to report.
  3. 150/12 (5) Footpath to Langtoft - Turnstile – It has been agreed that Lincolnshire County Council will monitor the situation.
  4. 150/12 (6) Thetford Avenue & Main Street – LCC report that they have asked for the sprouting branches from base of trees to be dealt with which to date have not. Action Clerk. LCC are going to look again at the problem reported by the clerk about the trees along the medal fence of the Allotments. Action Clerk.
  5. 150/12 (7) Highways – footpath problems from Thetford Avenue towards the Baskervilles It has been reported that an inspection of the pavements should be taking place and problem areas would be marked with yellow. It has been reported that no action has taken place to date. Action Clerk.

6.  153/12 (1) Overgrown Buddleia, Deeping Road. This has been reported.

7.  154/12 (3) Contact details for Notice board has been alter to Mrs D Savage

  1. 159/12 Fireworks Committee – letter of thanks delivered.

166/12 Planning

  1. S12/3071 Williamson, 42 Main St-Discharge of C4,5,7,8,11 & 12 of PP S12/1869. Information only. No Action.
  2. S12/3073 Williamson, 42 Main St-Discharge of C4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 required by S12/1746. Item a & b – information only. No Action
  3. S12/2290 BPFMC Charity, Baston Village Hall-re-site of existing storage container, site of additional storage container (retention of development). No representation. Action Clerk.
  4. S12/2929 Waterside Garden Centre, King St-Proposed restaurant extension. Withdrawn.
  5. S12/2817 Watts, Tilly’s Barn/Parkins Barn, Outgang Rd-Con. Of redundant farm buildings to create 4x holiday units at Tilly’s Barn, 3 The Granary Barns, 1 holiday unit, 1 live/work unit & cake decorating business at Perkins Barn together with new vehicular access & car parking. No representation. No Action.
  6. S12/2418 A Chairty, 3 Pannell Court-Approved 14.11.12
  7. LCC PL/0179/12 PMK Recycling, Bradstone Site – To construct 3 lean-to covered extension for storage & vehicle washing. No representation. Action Clerk.
  8. LCC S7/1775/11 PMK Recycling, Bradstone Site – To vary C2 – Approved 03.12.12
  9. LCC PL/0193 Cemex, Fox’s land, Manor Pit Quarry-To extend quarry to extract 628,000 tons of sand/gravel with restoration to agriculture. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Mort and seconded by Cllr Lawes that they had no representation in regard to the extraction of sand or gravel but felt very strongly that the land should be restored to lakes and not low level agricultural land which has a very limited life. Action Clerk.
  10. LCC PL/0198/12 Freeman, Land adj 5 The Fen, Outgang Rd-extraction of sand/gravel & restoration to lake. No representation. Action Clerk.
  11. Planning Inspectorate, Grantham AAP Development PD-letter to SKDC No Action.
  12. Additional – None.

167/12 Finance

a) Reports on balances to date/Precept review.

Lloyds Bank Current A/c b/f / £1,563.69
-Payment-community cleaner/Clerk s.order / (£635.04) / £928.65
Lloyds Bank BIAA / 10958.99
+Interest / 0.50 / £10,959.49
Current A/c b/d / £928.65
BIAA b/d / £10,959.49
Melton Mowbray B.S / £10,104.72 / £21,992.86

·  Clerk has received correspondence from SKDC asking that the Council does not set the precept until further details have been obtained from Central government.

·  Grant requests from the following:-

1.  Baston Football Club £200 towards junior training equipment, kit etc.

2.  Church - £500 maintenance of church yard, Thetford Avenue;

3.  Baston CE School £1080. Swimming costs/transport

4.  BPFMC-£4000 to cover loss of earnings while toilets/new heating system installed.

5.  WI £200 for a member to attend a course on how to attract new members from the village

A discussion then took place regarding the requests to date. There was a suggestion that the Council would only provide money for identified projects (BPFMC), and it was agreed that more information was required and a copy of their accounts to date was required. Action Clerk.

b)  Payments:- 1. M Hutchins-community cleaner £61.90

2. R H Woolley-monthly salary £265.15 (Paid Standing Order)

3. E Mort-plants for tubs £19.39

4. HMRC-PAYE Clerk £198.60

5. BPFMC-Hire of Barn £90.00

It was agreed that Cllrs Mrs Mort and Mrs Colbourn sign cheque 832 (item 1), Cllrs Mrs Colbourn and Baxter 833 (item 3) and Cllrs Baxter & Colbourn 835 (item 5), 836 (item 4). Cheque 834 was cancelled. All agreed. Action Clerk

c)  Additional - None


1.  Main Street – pot holes. Action Clerk

2.  Church Lane – Street light 11. Reported. No Action

169/12 Village Concerns

Cllr. Mrs Mort reported that a presentation by Ian Ransom, Community Lincs, could be arranged before the February meeting if people were interested in learning more about how the parish could obtain Superfast Broadband. To date there had been only 31 people who had registered with onlincolnshire.org . It was proposed by Cllr Lawes and seconded by Cllr Hutchins that the parish should asked for a presentation. A vote was taken- 4-For (LL/AH/MP/JA ) 2 Against (LC/GB), 2 Abstained (EM/LK). It was resolved that the clerk would arrange for a presentation to take place on 14th February, commencing at 7.30pm and Cllr Lawes would place the information in the next Parish Newsletter. Agreed. Action Clerk/LL

170/12 Correspondence

  1. LALC- Information regarding awareness that councillor’s are required to complete a Dispensation Form before they are able to agree the parish precept. Emailed to Cllrs 28.11.12
  2. LCC Winter Maintenance Newsletter & Gritting Routes – Emailed Cllrs 08.12.12
  3. Natural England – Paths for Communities - Access grant scheme – Emailed to Cllrs 15.11.12
  4. Cllr Benda Johnson – petition ref-Ambulance Station Closures. It was reported by a Councillor that this petition has closed even though the consultation does not finish until the middle of December. Emailed to Cllrs 15.11.12
  5. SKDC – Third Edition of Parish Update including a map showing how the parishes have been grouped into clusters. Emailed to Cllrs 28.11.12
  6. LCR Magazine

7.  Additional – Letter from a resident complaining about the overgrown Buddleia, See ref 165/12 (6). Action Clerk.

171/12 Reports from Outside Bodies

1.  C.Cllr. Trollope-Bellew reported that PMK Recycling solicitors had the information regarding the Reflective Speed Sign which related to the 106 Agreement in a previous planning application.

Cllr. Mrs Mort asked if you could use the Bus Passes around the whole of Lincolnshire with no time restrictions. Cllr. Trollope-Bellew to enquire. Action C.Cllr.

2.  D.Cllr Cooke reported that the District had completed their review of boundaries in the area and had agreed that there be a reduction of 3 seats from 58 to 55. This report will know go to the Independent Commissioner. He also reported that in the future Parish Councils may not receive all the precept if households have not paid their full amount. He concluded by saying that Royal Mail will not deliver SK Today if you have asked for no junk mail to be delivered.

172/12 To resolve whether the Council move into closed session.


173/12 Any Other Business - None

160/12 Date of next meeting

The Parish Council Meeting on 10th January 2013 at The Barn at 7.30pm with a presentation by Karen Sinclair, SKDC – Neighbourhood Plans. Action Clerk.

The meeting closed at 21:30