Appendix I


  1. Title of the article in Spanish:
  1. Key words in Spanish:
  1. Title of the article in English:
  1. Key words in English:
  1. Particulars of each author:

First name, last name:

Affiliated with (university, school and department):

Full postal address:

Telephone number:

e-mail address:

First name, last name:

Affiliated with (university, school and department):

Full postal address:

Telephone number:

e-mail address:

First name, last name:

Affiliated with (university, school and department):

Full postal address:

Telephone number:

e-mail address:


Author responsible for editorial correspondence:

Declaration of authorship: For papers written by more than one author, all the persons signing below declare that they contributed directly to the intellectual contents of the paper, that they are responsible for the paper, that they approve the paper and that they agree to their name’s appearing as the name of an author.

  1. Other particulars, if applicable:
  1. Presented in part as a report to the XX Conference, city, country, date.
  2. Has he received any external funding from public or private institution to carry out this work? Yes No

Project No. ……… (full particulars)financed by (ministry, autonomous community, multilateral organization, etc.). This information must appear in a footnote.

  1. Responsible institution:

Institute or school

XXX University

City, Country

  1. I declare not to have conflicts of interestin any activities that might induce any bias in the paper’s findings.
  1. The authors wish the article to be evaluated for (check the appropriate section):

Monographs, Issue No. ……..
Research Projects and Studies
Reports and Essays
Experiences in Education
  1. I/We, the author(s), certify that this paper has not been published and is not being considered for publication in any other journal. I/We accept the rules of publication of Revista de Educación. I/We moreover assign to Revista de Educación free of charge the right to exploit the intellectual property of this paper and especially the rights to reproduce this paper, distribute this paper, transform this paper in any way and publicly disclose this paper. This assignment is an exclusive assignment valid throughout the world, and it will remain valid for the full time of protection granted to the authors and their successors and beneficiaries by current international intellectual property conventions and laws and any international intellectual property conventions and laws agreed to or enacted henceforth, extendable automatically by periods of the same length unless expressly cancelled by one of the parties in the two months prior to the expiration date.

The aforesaid exploitation rights are assigned in and for all types of exploitation, especially those listed herein below:

a) The right to reproduce the paper in full or in part, in graphic, audio, visual, audiovisual or any other format on any kind of medium by analogue, digital or any other procedures.

b) The right to distribute the paper, sell, rent or loan the paper and make the paper available to the public in any other fashion.

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Date and signature (to be completed by each author):