
  • Completed support/follow up and performance review visits in Bundibugyo & Kyenjojo
  • Verified the unqualified success of Bundibugyo bottom-up planning implemented by SNV
  • Harmonized revised technical and integrated (LG, CSO, program) work plans into one plan
  • 21 supervisors and CDWstrained in quality of care under Yellow Star Program
  • Successfully followed up YSP trainees followed up in Gulu (15/20) and Bugiri (16/20)
  • Held consultative meetings with Pallisa and Kamuli on redistricting/g-tax and restructuring
  • Lucy named DCOP/T and Samson named DCOP/ME&D


  • Contributed to the development of the national multi-year plan in a planning workshop
  • Participated in the GOU Inter-Agency Coordination Committee on Malaria (ICCM) stakeholders meeting that discussed proposed activities for the PMI
  • Financed raining of HWs on severe malaria in Bushenyi district
  • Facilitated malaria in pregnancy training for RWODECCSO community health workers
  • Developed media (radio)support strategy for the November Child Days Plus
  • Consulted, revised and responded to USAID comments on ICOBI proposal


  • Finalized the annual PEPFAR narrative report
  • Conducted a 5-day training of 82 CSOs staff in finger stick testing algorithm
  • Conducted progress visits to VCT and PMTCT sites in Bundibugyo and Kyenjojo
  • Initiated discussions on psychosocial support groups in PMTCT programs
  • Debriefed with AIC staff on Kayunga community-owned VCT needs assessment
  • Worked with M&E unit and provided support to AIC to establish M&E system
  • Prepared draft SOW for Glenn Wasek to develop UPHOLD OVC strategy
  • Drafted assessment tools to identify eligible private clinics to provide HCT in 12 districts


  • Continued to work on the girls retention in school initiative
  • Held coordination meetings between UPHOLD and BEPS and harmonized training schedules for school representatives in TEand EMS for Lira and Katakwi districts
  • Orientated 47 district and CPTC staff on CIE tools in Pallisa District
  • Held schoolcommunity action-oriented meetings in 4 primary schools for over 300 parents/community leaders; quality-oriented joint school-community plans developed
  • Finalized review of TE- Cooperative Learning Module 2
  • TE School Representative training in CL modules 1 & 2 ongoing in 7 districts
  • Finalized TE Radio and TV programs and spots for airing with BCC
  • Followed up selection criteria for model schools with PIASCY stakeholders
  • Developing a detailed plan for the training component of PIASCY II

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • M&E technical support delivered to VCT/PMTCT sites in need
  • Initial work on the FY 2004/05 UPHOLD Annual Report
  • 2004 LQAS reports near ready; 2005 LQAS data entry ongoing
  • Data entry for the HIV status Disclosure study in final stages
  • First draft of participatory rural appraisal of community-based VCT prepared

Grants & Finance

  • Grants Unit okayed funding Luwero, Mubende, Pallisa and Kamuli-with finance dept now
  • Funds to cover activities for Child Days in 5 districts in advanced approval stage
  • MOUs for Core PTC grants signed with Kyenjojo, Luwero, Soroti and Lira districts
  • A proposal for THETA forwarded to USAID for approval