Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

CSD 626: Professional Speaking and Writing

Spring 2006 Syllabus

Instructors: MacGregor Frank, Ph.D. () , Celia Hooper, Ph.D., ( ) , Vicki McCready, M.A. ( )

Catalogue Description: Instruction and practice in writing professional reports, research papers, and in making oral presentations.

More from Instructors: Professional speaking and writing include such activities as short professional notes and comments, explanations to colleagues and others in addition to the above.

Prerequisites: Formal acceptance into the M.A. program in Communication Sciences and Disorders or permission of instructor.

For Whom Planned: Required course for speech-language pathology students in the UNCG CSD MA program. This course needs to be taken concurrently with clinical practicum courses since some of the activities will take place in that setting.

Student Learning Outcomes: (ASHA Standard:IV-B)

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate appropriate technical writing skills in several selected formats (see below);
  2. Demonstrate appropriate professional speaking skills in three formats (see below)

Students need to realize that professional speaking and writing skills improve over a professional lifetime!

Teaching Strategies: Multiple strategies incorporating direct instruction, self evaluation and learning, peer dyads, clinical team teaching, and homework assignments.

Evaluation Methods (100% total)

  1. Written Evaluation (50%). The following three written tasks will be evaluated for this component of the course:
  2. 10 %: Professional correspondence related to your clinical case presentation in Advanced Clinical Practicum, CSD 678 (see below);
  3. 20 %: The interview portion of an assessment report on a hypothetical clinical case;
  4. 20 %: Case study report prepared for your one hour Multicultural module, CSD 627.
  1. Speaking Evaluation (50%). The following three speaking tasks will be evaluated for this component of the course:
  2. 15 %: homework from Professional Speaking Workshop on February 6.
  3. 15 %: Pro/Con presentations in Research Class, CSD 633;
  4. 20 %: Case presentation to your Clinical Teaching Team in CSD 678.

Note: All specific grading guidelines and other course documentation will be posted on Blackboard and discussed the first day of class.

Grading Scale




B 83-86





Fbelow 70

Required Text:

Hegde, M.N. (2003). A coursebook on scientific and professional writing for speech-

language pathology. 3rd Edition. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.

Optional Text:

Justice, L.M., & Ezell, H.K. (2002). The syntax handbook: Everything you learned about

syntax…but forgot. Eau Claire, WI: Thinking Publications.

Academic Honor Code: Each student is required to read the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy on the web page, and the Student Conduct Policies at and each student will affirm that s/he will honor those policies with a signature on all work submitted for the course.

Attendance Policy:Attendance is required at each class. We are all learning from each other.