For classroom teachers transitioned to the new system, this Agreement will replace Article VI, Sections A & B of the collective bargaining agreement for the duration of this Agreement.
A. It shall be the responsibility of the director or his or her designee to evaluate all classroom teachers in his or her school.
1. During each school year all classroom teachers shall be observed for the purposes of formal evaluation at least twice in the performance of their assigned duties.
2. Total observation time for each teacher for each school year shall be not less than sixty minutes.
3. Following each observation, or series of observations, the director or designee shall promptly document the results of the observation in writing, and shall provide the teacher with a copy thereof within three days after such report is prepared.
4. New teachers shall be observed at least once for a total observation time of thirty minutes during the first ninety calendar days of their employment period.
5. Each classroom teacher shall have the opportunity for confidential conferences with the director or designee on no less than two occasions in each school year. Such confidential conference shall have as its sole purpose the aiding of the administrator in his or her assessment of the employee's professional performance.
6. Informal Classroom Observations
a. Notes regarding any observation that will be used in the year-end summative evaluation must be provided to teacher within three days of notes completion.
B. Procedures for Evaluation of Classroom Teachers
1. The evaluative criteria must contain as a minimum the criteria established by OSPI.
2. Classroom teachers shall be evaluated using the CEL 5D+ Framework.
3. A four-level rating system shall be used to evaluate the certificated classroom teacher. The summative performance ratings shall be as follows:
a. Level 1 - unsatisfactory;
b. Level 2 - basic;
c. Level 3 - proficient; and
d. Level 4 - distinguished.
C. Evidence
1. Evidence includes observable evidence; evidence outside of a classroom observation; authentic artifacts of teaching and learning; student growth goals and outcomes; and evidence of professional practice.
a. Student growth data must be a substantial factor in evaluating the summative performance of certificated classroom teachers as required by OSPI. "Student growth" means the change in student achievement between two points in time. The Student Growth Impact rating is addressed in Criteria 3, 6, and 8.
D. Comprehensive and Focused Evaluation
1. All classroom teachers shall receive a comprehensive summative evaluation at least once every four years. A comprehensive summative evaluation assesses all eight evaluation criteria and all criteria contribute to the comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating.
2. The following categories of classroom teachers shall receive an annual comprehensive summative evaluation:
a. Classroom teachers who are provisional employees under RCW 28A.405.220.
3. In the years when a comprehensive summative evaluation is not required, classroom teachers are required to complete a focused evaluation.
a. A focused evaluation includes an assessment of one of the eight criteria selected for a performance rating plus professional growth activities specifically linked to the selected criteria. The selected criteria must be approved by the teacher's evaluator. The focused evaluation will include the student growth rubrics of the selected criterion. If criterion 3, 6 or 8 is selected, evaluators will use those student growth rubrics. If criterion 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7 is selected, evaluators will use criterion 3 or 6 for student growth rubrics.
E. Summative Rating – [Form TBD]
1. At the end of the evaluative cycle, the teacher is invited to review the evidence accumulated throughout the cycle, including:
a. formal observations/evaluations;
b. informal observations/evaluations;
c. evidence;
d. related data: test scores, attendance records, etc.; and
e. ancillary evidence as permitted by contract: parent phone calls, awards, etc.
2. The teacher uses the evidence to conduct a self-assessment for current year’s evaluative cycle.
3. The self-assessment is sent to the evaluator prior to the summative evaluation conference.
4. Evaluator determines summative assessment based on all available evidence.
5. The teacher and evaluator discuss the “components of difference” during the conference.
6. All copies of the evaluation shall bear the signature of both the employee and the evaluator. The signature of the employee does not, however, necessarily imply that the employee agrees with the contents of the evaluation report.
Except as described in A-D above, all WSTSCEA individual member rights, WSTSCEA Association Rights, and BSD/WSTSC Administrative rights are maintained and protected as described in the CBA and in law.
The parties agree to meet to discuss the effectiveness of the evaluation language under the new evaluation model prior to July 1, 2014, and any necessary changes thereto.
/s/ Carolynn Perkins August 1, 2013
Carolynn Perkins Date
President, Board of Directors
/s/ Flip Herndon August 1, 2013
Lester “Flip” Herndon, Ed.D. Date
Secretary to the Board of Directors
/s/ Dennis Bringham August 1, 2013
Dennis Bringham Date