
Tuesday 4th OctoberSchool Ceilidh in Hall all welcome

Thursday 6th October 7pm LundavraAstro Pitch Community Meeting

Monday 10th – 23rd October Holidays

Monday 17th – Friday 21st OctoberP4-7 Holiday Club

Monday 24th October 3.30pmParent volunteer meeting to plan Halloween disco

Thursday 27th OctoberHalloween Disco

School Ceilidh

The P7’s have organised a school ceilidh in the Hall tonight, all parents and children welcome. It starts at 6pm to 8pm, tickets can be bought on the door £2 for an adult, £1 per child or £5 for a family ticket. Refreshments will be available, so come along for a dance!

Holiday Club

There are still places available for the P4-7 Holiday Club in the second week of the holidays. Children can attend for one or more days. If you would like a place for your child please contact organiser Jen O’Reilly on 07805 034 605 or see Mrs Glen in the office as soon as possible.

Crossing Patrollers and new staff

I am delighted to say we have managed to appoint two new Crossing Patrollers who will start after the holidays. Mrs Claire MacDonald Sadler will cover the top crossing on the corner of Lochaber Road and Sutherland Avenue and Mrs Tatjana Ludborza will cover the crossing outside the school. I would like to offer my thanks to Mrs Jolene Hughes who has worked on Crossing Patrol for the last four years at both Upper Achintore and then Lundavra for the great job she has done for pupils and families.

I would also like to welcome Mrs Marzena Wilk who will work with Mrs Glen in the office in the mornings.

Astro Pitch Community Meeting

Following the recent consultation and decision to save the Astro pitch at Upper Achintore, there will be a meeting for the local community to discuss the next steps with staff from Voluntary Action Lochaber on Thursday 6th October in our Community Room at 7pm.

Halloween Disco

Parents are organising the Halloween Disco for Thursday 27th October in the school Hall. If you can help out, please come along to a volunteers meeting on Monday 24th at 3.30pm.

The entrance charge is £1.00 per pupil.

Nursery to P3 6.00 - 7.00pm

P4 – P7 7.30 – 8.30pm

There will be prizes for the best fancy dress costumes in each year group. Please note parents of

Nursery children are asked to stay with their child but also other parents are welcome to stay as well.

Head lice

I am afraid we are currently seeing an outbreak of head lice within Nursery and school, could I ask all parents to be vigilant and check your child’s hair. With the school holidays coming up this will be a good opportunity to get any unwelcome visitors treated before they spread to other children!

Car Park

Could parents who are using the drop off zone before and after school please ensure that they only stop and park in a designated parking space? Please do not stop and drop off on the entrance road as this is causing a danger to other cars trying to get in and out of the carpark.

Internet improvements

Over the holidays the school will move over to the new Scottish Wide Area Network which will provide a much faster internet connection in school. We are hoping that this will finally allow us to roll out the 1-1 chromebooks for pupils in P5-7 and the Nexus tablets for P1-3’s to use to support their learning. We will let you know how we get on!

Lochaber Schools Triathlon

A big well done to Martin Addison, Elizabeth Morgan and Connor Cameron who represented the school in the recent Lochaber Schools’ Triathlon competition, they had a fantastic race to take first place in the team event.

Finally, I hope everyone has a great October break and we will see everyone back after the holidays on Monday 24th October

Nick Thomson

Head Teacher