Anatomy Review Sheet

  1. An electrical charge that spreads along the membrane of a nerve cell.
  1. A nerve cell fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body
  1. The scientific name for a nerve cell
  1. The part of the neuron that receives a stimulus
  1. Another name for a nerve impulse.
  1. Term for neuron that carries impulse toward the CNS
  1. Term for neuron that carries impulse away from the CNS
  1. The system that promotes the fight or flight response
  1. The system that would stimulate the digestive and urinary system.
  1. A chemical that carries an impulse across a synapse
  1. A neuron that relays information within the CNS
  1. The neurotransmitter that is involved in most skeletal muscle contractions.
  1. Each half of the cerebrum is called a ______
  1. The part of the brain that is composed of the midbrain, pons and medulla
  2. The portion of the cerebral cortex where visual impulses from the retina is interpreted
  1. The division of the brain that coordinates voluntary muscle
  1. A band of white matter that acts as a bridge between the cerebral hemispheres
  1. The portion of the cerebral cortex where auditory impulses are interpreted
  1. Location of the sensory area for interpretation of pain, touch, and temperature
  1. The portion of the brain that contains the thalamus and hypothalamus
  1. Describe a reflex arc
  1. What happens at a synapse?
  1. The vascular, pigmented middle tunic of the eyeball
  1. The jelly like material found behind the lens that maintains the shape of the eyeball
  1. The innermost coat of the eyeball where sight receptors are found
  1. The vision receptors that are sensitive to color
  1. The process by which the lens becomes thicker to bend light rays for near vision
  1. The vision receptors that function in dim light
  1. The colored part of the eye
  1. The opaque outermost layer of the eye
  1. Another name for the blind spot
  1. The center opening of the iris
  1. The bending of light rays
  1. The passageway that connects the middle ear cavity to the throat
  1. The scientific name for the eardrum
  1. The location of the organ for hearing
  1. The nerve that carries impulses from the retina to the brain
  1. The three small bones of the ear
  1. A substance produced by an endocrine gland
  1. The largest of the endocrine glands whose function is to control metabolism
  1. The tiny glands located behind the thyroid gland that controls calcium levels in the blood
  1. The part of the brain that controls the pituitary gland
  1. The endocrine gland located on top of the kidneys that is divided into two portions each releasing a different hormone
  1. The group of hormone secreting cells that control glucose levels in the blood
  1. Hormone that causes uterine contractions and the flow of breast milk
  1. Raises blood sugar levels
  1. Lowers blood sugar levels
  1. A female sex hormone that begins the development specific female characteristics
  1. The gland that releases FSH and growth hormone
  1. The hormone that regulates water reabsorption in the kidney
  1. Structures of digestive system and their function
  1. Function of kidneys
  1. Structure of nephron and function of each structure
  1. How is urine formed
  1. Structure and function of parts of urinary system
  1. Found within the epiphysis of the long bone
  1. The shaft of a long bone
  1. The site of blood cell production
  1. The material that forms much of the embryonic skeleton
  1. The bone that forms the forehead
  1. The large opening at the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes
  1. The bone that forms the larger part of the upper and side walls of the cranium
  1. The bone that forms the back of the skull
  1. The only movable bone of the skull
  1. The type of bone tissue found at the ends of long bones
  1. The region of the spinal column that consists of five fused bones
  1. A connective tissue that holds bone together at joints
  1. The heel bone
  1. The scientific name for the knee cap
  1. The wrist bones
  1. Another name for the fingers
  1. Movement away from the midline
  1. Motion around a central axis
  1. The type of joint that allows for circumduction
  1. The type of joint found at the elbow
  1. The type of joint found at the wrist
  1. Joint found at the base of the skull