Lessons Learned from an Ice Storm
James Carroll wrote a book titled A Terrible Beauty. For me that is an apt description of our recent ice storm. Everywhere I looked, I saw trees, tall grasses, lawns, and fences encased with ice. Holly trees seemed brighter with the ice hugging their green leaves and red berries. When the sun’s rays broke through the clouds, all of nature sparkled, creating breathtaking beauty. That’s the beauty part.
The terrible part is the devastation that resulted from the storm. Huge trees were split apart. Small branches surrendered to the weight of the ice, cluttering lawns below and blocking roadways. Power poles and utility lines also succumbed and left many people without heat and light.
But all of those are visible things.
There is another kind of beauty that I was privileged to see – inner beauty.
In times of emergency there is something in human nature that rises to meet the needs of others through service. It’s that beauty I want to write about.
I saw generosity multiply like the loaves and fishes.
In very cold buildings I saw people reaching out to share the warmth of their hearts.
I saw the more superficial things fall away and our focus narrow to bring into view what is really important – people.
Lingering a little longer at the table invited us to share stories and get to know one another better. One sister reflected aloud that deprivation brings us together in community. Experiences like these help us to put aside differences and to see the goodness of each other.
As we left the room serving as our temporary chapel, I believe we all realized we were leaving God in one form to serve God in another form.
Take your place with Angela at the feet of Jesus.
Reflect on the acts of service you have witnessed in times of emergency. How have they spoken to you about people’s ability to respond to the present moment? How have they inspired you to service?
Reflect on the acts of service you have given to others in need. Is it easier for you to give service than to receive service?
Saint Vincent de Paul said, “We leave God for God.” How have you experienced meeting God when you serve others?
How have you shared the warmth and light of your heart in times of cold and darkness?
Angela told us to be to all a good odor of virtue.(Fifth Counsel) Recall those actions, both yours and those of others, that were good odors of virtue. Express your gratitude to God.
Pray the following scripture passages:
Has any people ever heard the voice of God speaking out of a fire, as we have heard, and lived? (Deut. 4: 33)
How beautiful are the feet of one who brings the good news that God comes to save us. (Is. 52:7).
The voice of God flashes forth flames of fire and shakes the wilderness, the wilderness of Kadesh God’s voice makes the oaks twist and strips the forest bare. (Psalm 29: 7-9)
Compassionate God, even in the cold of winter the warmth of your love does not leave our hearts. May we always share with those around us the love you so generously pour out on each of us. Enkindle in us your fire and keep it burning brightly until the day you call us all to yourself. Amen.
Sister Marietta Wethington
Sister Ruth Gehres