Patricia M. Ellsworth, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering and Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
(928) 523-6721,
EDUCATIONal background
Ph.D. Freshwater Biology University of Colorado1978
M.A. Environmental Biology University of Colorado 1973
B.S. Biology University of San Francisco 1970
Academic Service
Assistant Research Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Northern Arizona University, 2006-present
Curriculum Coordinator, American Indian Air Quality Training Program, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), Northern Arizona University, 1993-present
Visiting Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Northern Arizona University, 2000-2006
Visiting Assistant Professor, Science & Mathematics Learning Center, Northern Arizona University, 1994-2000
Adjunct Faculty in Biology, Northern Arizona University, 1991-1993
Previous experience
Core Faculty and Mentor for high school students, National Science Foundation Young Scholars Program and Four Corners Science & Math Summer Program, Northern Arizona University, 1991-1994, 1996
Aquatic Biology Consultant for the Prescott National Forest, biomonitoring in the upper Verde River, Arizona, 1992-1994
Adjunct Faculty in Biology and Microbiology, Yavapai College, Prescott, Arizona, 1988-1992
Visiting Instructor in Winter Limnology, Mountain Research Station, University of Colorado, 1988
Adjunct Faculty in Environmental Studies, Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona, 1987-1988
Adjunct Faculty in Biology and Anatomy & Physiology, Southern Oregon State College, Ashland, Oregon, 1980-1987
Instructor, summer Academy for gifted secondary students, Ashland, Oregon, 1981-1982
Lecturer in Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1979
Aquatic Biology Consultant, Stearns-Roger, Inc., Denver, Colorado, 1978-1979
Supervisor for high school students in National Science Foundation Summer Research Participation Program, Mountain Research Station, University of Colorado, 1974-1976
Northern Arizona University, Supervisor of the Year (for Student Workers), Honorable Mention, 2004-2005,
Northern Arizona University, Supervisor of the Year (for Student Workers), Runner-Up, 2002-2003
Arizona Riparian Council, member, 1990-present
Section Editor, Arizona Riparian Council Newsletter, 1992-1995
Volunteer instructor, annual community ecology program called “Wander the Wild,” Highlands Center for Natural History, Prescott, Arizona, 1992, 1996, 1998
PUBLICATIONS and presentations
Ben, N., P.M. Ellsworth, and W. Auberle. 2006. Health Impacts of Ambient Air Pollution on American Indians & Alaska Natives, National Tribal Forum, Seattle, WA, April 11-13, 2006.
Ellsworth, P.M. and D.W. Blinn. 2003. Distribution and biomass of Tropocyclops prasinus mexicanus (Cyclopoida) in a near-thermally constant environment, Montezuma Well, Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 48 (3): 341-346.
Baxter, T.E., P.M. Ellsworth, B.B. Bero, V. Masayesva, P. Weimerskirch, M.T. Marshall, and B.C. Madrone. 1998. Adaptation and delivery of indoor air quality training for tribal officials. Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, June, 1998, Paper No. 98-WAC.06P (A494).
Ellsworth, P.M., W.M. Auberle, and V. Masayesva. 1998. Update of innovative education and training for tribal environmental professionals. Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, June, 1998, Paper No. 98-WAC.07P (A499).
Auberle, W.M., P.M. Ellsworth, and V. Masayesva. 1996. Innovative education and training for tribal environmental professionals. Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, June, 1996, Paper No. 96-RP143.07.
Ellsworth, P.M. 1983. Ecological seasonal cycles in a Colorado mountain pond. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2: 225-237.
Ellsworth, P.M. 1980. A simple plankton sampler for use in shallow water. American Midland Naturalist 104: 395-396.
Patricia M. EllsworthVita Fall 20061