Author: Brittany Borsanyi
Lesson Title: Writing a Breaking News Story on Deadline
Suggested Grade Level:
Estimated Lesson Time:
60 minutes
Student Prior Knowledge:
Students will be able to formulate sentences in news-writing style (one sentence per paragraph, each sentence is 30 words or less). Students will have basic online research skills to look up how to spell words, what the correct AP style format for a word or phrase is and other news stories for reference. Students are expected to know how to use Microsoft word to type their stories.
LACC.612.W.2.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Students will prepare and revise a news story under deadline to understand what elements they need to think about when writing in a short period of time. Understanding how to write an effective news story under deadline is important for teaching future journalists how to keep the public informed about world, state or local news.
Learning Objectives or “I can statements”:
I can write an effective news story on deadline while considering the six main elements of a news story: significance, localness, timeliness, balance, unusualness and fame. This means I can write a story with information in the correct order of importance, and with sentences and words in correct AP style. To learn this, I will refer to the 2012 AP Stylebook online for guidance, as well as some sample news stories for reference. Task: write an effective news story in 30 minutes.
Using data from a The Gainesville Sun’s website and the Associate Press website, students will effectively write a breaking news story and highlight or underline the lede and nut graph (First sentence and second paragraph).
1. Students answer review questions from previous day’s lesson using an online poll and class smart board. (5 min)
2. Students read a breaking news story published that morning on a newspaper’s website. (10 min)
3. We/Class will talk about the news story just read and discuss the elements that made it an effective story. This includes the order of importance the author wrote it in and the AP style. (5 minutes)
4. I /teacher hand out the prompt and explain what should be included in the in-class news story assignment. (5 min)
5. You/students independently work on computers to write the story (rest of class)
Assessment: A rubric will be used to assess students’ news stories