English 12 Lesson Plans of Linda Robinson: T2 Week #15 5/16/16-5/20/16

Backward Design -- At the end of the stated time, students will be able to:

Literature/Drama/Nonfiction--- 5 weeks

Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary poems from many cultures (12.4g)

Compare and contrast dramatic elements of plays from different periods/cultures (12.4i)

Analyze how dramatic conventions (character/scene/dialogue/staging) contribute to theme and

effect (12.4h)

Identify false premises in persuasive writing (12.5e)

Draw conclusions and make inferences on explicit and implied info using textual support (12.5f)

Vocabulary – (18 weeks/14 units) Expand usable vocabulary --Denotation and connotation; interpret

connotation; apply to textual reading; apply knowledge of roots/prefixes/suffixes to interpret

unfamiliar words in context (12.3c)

WIDA Standard #2: Language of Language Arts: SOL 12.3/12.4/12.5

Language proficiency level 4 – Expanding specific and technical language of the content


Domains – Reading/ Writing/Speaking

MPI (This Unit – 3rd Quarter): At the end of this unit, WIDA students will be able to define, identify in textual use, employ is analysis/discussion of textual material, and infer meaning/effect of the following technical language of language arts (aside soliloquy, monologue) by small and large group reading and writing activities using practice sheets and graphic organizers, with oral sharing, then demonstrating mastery on quizzes/tests/benchmarks.

Persuasive Writing --- 5 weeks

Produce arguments that develop thesis that demonstrates informed judgments; address counter

claims and provide effective conclusion. (12.6b)

Clarify/defend position with precise, relevant evidence (12.6c)

Adapt content/vocab/voice/tone to audience/purpose (12.6d)

Use variety of rhetorical strategies to achieve specific purpose (12.6e)

Create arguments that are externally supported and free of errors in logic (12.6f)

Revise writing for clarity of content, depth, and technique of presentation (12.6g)

Use computer tech to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish (12.6h)

Apply grammatical conventions to editing for language/spelling/punctuation/capitalization (12.7b)

Frame/analyze/synthesize info to solve problems/answer questions/generate new knowledge


Critically evaluate accuracy/quality/validity of info (12.8c)

Synthesize info to support thesis and present info in logical manner (12.8d)

English 12 Classes
We continue on the Jayem-AM bell schedule / Objectives:
(1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Writing Warm-up: While teacher takes attendance, students will build/reinforce writing skills through journal writing in response to prompt on board. (SOL 12.6);
(3) BENCHMARK TEST (SOL 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7)
(4) Literature/Novel – intro to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Distribution of novels after biographical material on author, and general commentary linking this to other material read (SOL 12.4)
(5) Literature/Drama --- Macbeth – Students will review for test (SOL 12.4, 12.3, 12.1, 12.5);
(6) Closure
(1) Writing prompt on board;
(2) Benchmark test – booklets and bubble answer sheets
(3) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Distribution of novels
(4) Mini whiteboards, markers, erasers, Macbeth test review questions
(1) TEST tomorrow on Macbeth
(2) To computer lab Wed. and Thurs. Final draft of persuasive research papers (with MLA format Works Cited and properly documented quotes) due this Thursday for 3rd period / this Friday for 2nd period. Also submit to Turnitin.
(3) Read ch. 1-2 of Jekyll and Hyde for Friday quiz. Bring novel to class every day!!!
Tues. / Objectives:
(1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Writing Warm-up: While teacher takes attendance, students will build/reinforce writing skills through journal writing in response to prompt on board. COLLECT JOURNALS TODAY (SOL 12.6);
(3) Literature/Drama ---Macbeth test (SOL 12.4, 12.3, 12.1)
(4) Writing – persuasive/research – (2nd Period only) discuss creation of MLA Works Cited page and proper in-text documentation of quotes. Anything else students should know before our last two days in computer lab? (SOL 12.6, 12.7, 12.8)
(5) Literature/Novel – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Students will engage in sustained silent reading of Ch. 1-2 (SOL 12.4)
(6) Closure
(1) Writing prompt on board;
(2) Macbeth test
(3) Writing/Works Cited docs?
(1) Bring Vocab Workbook again starting Monday
(2) To computer lab tomorrow and Thurs. to complete final drafts of essays. Final draft of persuasive research papers (with MLA format Works Cited and properly documented quotes) due this Thursday for 3rd period / this Friday for 2nd period. Also submit to Turnitin.
(3) Read ch. 1-2 of Jekyll and Hyde for Friday quiz. Bring novel to class every day!!!
Wed. / Objectives:
(1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Writing --- Students to computer lab 233 to produce final draft of persuasive/research paper with clear thesis, good structure, MLA Works Cited and in-text documentation of quotes (SOL 12.6, 12.7, 12.8)
(1) Bring Vocab Workbook again starting Monday
(2) To computer lab tomorrow and Thurs. to complete final drafts of essays. Final draft of persuasive research papers (with MLA format Works Cited and properly documented quotes) due this Thursday for 3rd period / this Friday for 2nd period. Also submit to Turnitin.
(3) Read ch. 1-2 of Jekyll and Hyde for Friday quiz. Bring novel to class every day!!!
Thurs. / Objectives:
(1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Writing --- Students to computer lab 233 to produce final draft of persuasive/research paper with clear thesis, good structure, MLA Works Cited and in-text documentation of quotes. 3RD PERIOD STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO PRINT AND SUBMIT BY END OF TODAY’S CLASS (SOL 12.6, 12.7, 12.8)
(1) Bring Vocab Workbook again starting Monday
(2) Read ch. 1-2 of Jekyll and Hyde for tomorrow quiz. Bring novel to class every day!!!
I WILL HAVE A SUB / Objectives:
(1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Writing --- 2nd Period Students will turn in final draft of persuasive/research paper with clear thesis, good structure, MLA Works Cited and in-text documentation of quotes. (SOL 12.6, 12.7, 12.8)
(3) Literature/Novel – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Open-book quiz on Ch. 1-2. 20 minute time limit (SOL 12.4)
(3) DVD: Watch the rest of Macbeth DVD. 2nd Period stopped at 32:00 in the movie; 3rd Period stopped at 45:03. (SOL 12.4)
(1) Quiz on Ch. 1-2 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
(2) Macbeth DVD
(1) Bring Vocab Workbook and Jekyll novel daily starting Monday
(2) Quiz Tuesday on Jekyll & Hyde Ch. 3-5.