TMHA Form 344 a

Revised January 2004

Quality Control Checklist for Public Housing and New Construction Residents

Highlighted items apply to New Construction only! Items followed by ** must be signed by all adults!


Is the 50058 signed and dated by manager? Y _______N_______

Is the 50059 signed and dated by resident and

TMHA Manager? (All adults **) Y _______N_______

Was the Security Deposit collected and is amount correct?

(Public Housing greater of $ 50.00 or 1 month rent,

New Construction is equal to TTP) Y _______N _______

Was the Pet Deposit collected?

$ 300.00 for Public Housing Y _______N _______

New Construction is $ 50.00 down and $ 10.00 per month

($ 300.00 Total) (Can be paid in full) Y _______N _______

Was the policy signed and dated by resident(s) ** and

TMHA Manager Y _______N _______


Is the move-in inspection sheet signed by Resident and

TMHA Manager? (If move-in took place in review period) Y _______N _______

Is it noted that the resident inspected and accepted the

TMHA unit on the basis that repairs would take place in

30 days? (New Construction Only) Y _______N _______


Race and Ethnicity Form Completed ** Y _______N _______

Are all citizenship forms signed and completed for all members?

(Applies only if they were not signed at application). Y _______N _______

Letter notifying the resident of the recert appointment? Y _______N _______

Is the Personal Declaration ** signed? Y _______N _______

Is the rent calculated on the worksheet? Y _______N_______

If no, where was the error made? ____________________________________________

Do the income verifications match those on worksheet? Y _______N _______

Are all income verifications via third party? Y _______N _______

Anyone receive the $ 400 allowance for being disabled? Y _______N _______

Are they on SSI? Y _______N _______

If no, is the disability verified via third party? Y _______N _______

Does any adult member of household receive the

$ 480.00 allowance for being disabled? Y _______N _______

Are they on SSI? Y _______N _______

If no, is the disability verified via third party? Y _______N _______

Is the Applicant/Resident Certification** signed and

dated by Resident and TMHA Staff? Y _______N _______

Is the Federal Privacy Act signed/dated by resident? Y _______N _______

Is there a current Drug Policy ** signed and dated by all

adults residents and a TMHA Representative? Y _______N _______

Is the 9886 (Release of Information) ** signed and dated? Y _______N _______

Is the 9887 (Release of Information)**signed and dated? Y _______N _______

Are there birth certificates for new family members? Y _______N _______

Are there Social Security cards for new family members? Y _______N _______

Does file contain photo ID for all adult members? Y _______N _______

Is Form 249**, Questionnaire completed, signed and dated? Y _______N _______

Is the 50058 (PH Only) signed and dated by Manager? Y _______N _______

Is the 50059 (N/C Only) signed and dated by

Manager and Resident? Y _______N _______

Income Disallowances: (Public Housing Only)

Is the resident eligible? Y _______N _______

Is there a tracking sheet in the file? Y _______N _______

Was the resident given 100% disallowance for first year? Y _______N _______

Was resident taken to 50% after first year? Y _______N _______

Was resident taken to full rent after second year? Y _______N _______

Notices of Rent Changes:

Was the Notice of Rent Adjustment dated at least 30 days

in advance, if the rent was increased? (P/H) Y _______N _______

Did the Resident** and Manager sign and date? (P/H) Y _______N _______

Was the Lease Amendment from Tenmast dated at least

30 days in advance, if the rent was increased? (N/C) Y _______N _______

Did the Resident** and Manager sign and date? Y _______N _______

Name of Family: ______________________________ Address: _________________________

Reviewer: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________