Lesson Plan Template
Maryam Al Musafri, Group B
I. Background Information
· Title: Blog Lesson
· Subject: ICT
· Grade(s): 6
· Group size: c any, cwhole class, c small group, c partners, c independent
II. Description
· Introduction: What is the lesson about?
Writing a reflection in a blog
· What are the objectives of the lesson? (i.e. Students will be able to…)
Students will reflect on the previous unit and identify what they have learnt during this unit that will help them complete their exhibition unit.
Students will be able to add their reflection to the ICT blog.
· Which ISTE student standards does the lesson target?
Standards 5a and b
· How long will the lesson take to implement? (i.e., one 45 minute period, three 60 minute period
40 min session
III. Materials
· What technology tools are required for the lesson? (Please include links to any podcasts, blogs, etc. required to teach the lesson.)
Word processor
ICT Blog: http://www.mrsaict.wordpress.com
· What additional materials are required for the lesson?
IV. Procedures
· Introduction: Tell students what to expect and lesson objectives.
Explain to class that during the unit on video they had the opportunity to practice many skills that will help them with the exhibition. Now they must identify these things and how they will help. They will work with their group and then one person will add the reflection to the ICT blog. (2mins)
· Outline lesson steps including all teacher presentations, student activities, and assessments.
o Teacher shows the mrsaict blog to the students and asks them to consider the question posted on the year 6 page. “What have they learned during the video unit that will help them with the exhibition unit? Consider both ICT and transdisciplinary skills. (3mins)
o Remind students as to what transdisciplinary skills are by eliciting them from the students. Also discuss some of the ICT skills and concepts they may have learned.
o Students have 20 mins to discuss and write down on to the computer their reflection.
o Students have a further 10 mins to add their reflection to the blog. Students should identify their group with its number and if using names, use only first names.
o Teacher is logged in to the blog and students can observe as their comment is approved and appears on the website.
o When all groups are finished read each others comments and as a class decide if their are some common points that they must be aware of for the exhibition. (5 mins)
V. Assessment
· Describe in detail how students will be assessed. Attach quizzes, answer keys, and evaluation rubrics (if needed).
By reading through the students reflections it will be possible to see which groups have realized the importance of taking responsibility for tasks, for working collaboratively and for meeting deadlines. Their understanding of these areas will impact their ability to complete the exhibition. Students should also be able to decide if using video will be an effective tool for their exhibition.