66a Hebron Road, Torbay, Auckland

09 473 - 8660 MOB: 027 669 0783


Learn the Brain Gym 26 movements and their application in everyday living

With ideas for adaptations for individual learning challenges.

FOR Parents/ Therapists/Individuals /Educators

Brain Gym brings movement back into learning. It uses activities and exercises to reduce stress so that the body and mind can work more efficiently in any learning, study, performance or daily life situations. It is a tool which can be integrated into teaching situations with all age groups. It is simple and fun for children and adults alike. A practical, movement based course with the focus being on integrating it into a tool kit of strategies to keep individuals focused and attentive for learning. This course can lead onto further study in the specific use of Brain Gym movements and Educational Kinesiology.

Facilitator: Janet de Witt. Reg. Brain Gym Instructor /Educational and Developmental Kinesiologist ,( B. TchLng., P .Grad Dip. Ed, Dip., TESSOL, DIP. EHC. Reg . Teacher. )

Potential Outcomes from Brain Gym Movements on a regular basis.

·  Helps learners to become more focused and improve learning readiness

·  Can have a follow over to reading and writing.

·  Can improve self esteem by increasing confidence as physical skills become easier.

·  Activities for improved fine ( handwriting ) and gross motor coordination and balance

·  Increases awareness of the links between movement and learning and noticing what learner needs to learn to be successful.

Refer to for further information and testimonials.


·  Course includes notes, official Brain Gym certificate and morning tea

·  Bring a water bottle and clothes to move in

·  Café on site or bring own lunch

·  Brain Gym resources available for purchase.

To enroll: Contact Janet de Witt; Ph 09 473 8660 or or send form below.

Intro to Brain Gym® - Friday August 10th, 2012 .Windsor Park Mairangi Bay. 9.30 – 3.00 pm

Cost: $135.00 Payable to J. de Witt. Direct Debit: Kiwi Bank: J. de Witt - 389005 0341497 00

66 A Hebron Rd, Torbay, Auckland 0630

Name: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______phone:______

Amount enclosed: ______Payment prior to course .