Boys’ Uniform

6th - 12th Grade


·  Shirts- Long or short sleeve navy polo shirt with school logo. Purchased from Land’s End. Short sleeve undershirts may be worn in white only. Navy long sleeve Under Armour compression type shirts may be worn under polo in cold weather.

·  Bottoms- Khaki uniform style pants or shorts (NO cargo) from any vendor.

·  Shoes-Shoes (including tennis shoes, dress shoes & sandals) can be any color. Shoes may not have lights, characters, embroidery, applique, lace, ribbon, glitter, sequins, etc. All shoes must have a real back.

·  Boots- must be black or brown. NO cowboy boots are allowed.

·  Socks- must be solid (no logos visible) white, navy, or black and be below the knee.

·  Belts- Black, brown or navy with a plain buckle

·  Outerwear- navy jacket (may be hooded), any navy Land’s End outerwear (PCA Logo optional), PCA spirit sweatshirt.

·  PE Uniform- All grades must wear tennis shoes and socks for PE. (the rest is completely optional, but must be worn if your child wants to dress out): gold t-shirt with navy shorts bought at Steadman’s with school name, tennis shoes and socks. Sweat pant also bought at Steadman’s is available for winter months.

·  Fridays- Spirit shirt with khaki pants or shorts. School led team shirts may also be worn (Robotics, Cheerleading, etc.) Regular uniforms are also allowed on Fridays.

Additional Information:

·  Jeans Day- occasional days throughout the year will be announced by the office via email to wear jeans. Jeans worn must be full length (NO shorts) and have no tears or holes. Field Day shirts may also be worn on Jeans Day.

·  Shirts must be tucked in.

·  No labels should show on the outside of the clothing.

·  One bracelet, one watch and one necklace is allowed.

·  No hats are permitted inside the school.

·  No tears, holes or stains on clothing.

·  No stickers, buttons, pins, etc. may be applied to the uniforms.

·  Boys: facial hair not permitted.

·  No tattoos or piercings are allowed.

·  Nails should be clean and neatly trimmed.

·  Hair:

o  Should be washed, combed and neatly trimmed.

o  No distracting hair color or hair style is allowed.

o  Not falling below the eyebrows.

o  Not over the ears.

o  Not hanging over the collar.