Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: / Brian Hardison
Grade/Subject: / 7th/8th
Course Unit: / Math
Lesson Title: / Kill-a-Watt Lesson


/ Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link
-Students will be come more familiar and cognizant of the amount
power they are using. With use of a Kill-a-Watt device, they will
calculate kWh and cost over various periods of time. After determining
energy costs of each appliance, they will find ways to save money on
monthly bill by unplugging appliances or even consider investing in
“smart appliances”.


/ Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.
Math- 7.N.S.A.3
Science- 0807.12.1


/ Clear, Specific, and Measurable – NOT ACTIVITIES
- students will use a Kill-a-Watt device determine the cost per kWh
for several appliances. After determining the cost to operate each
appliance, students will determine the savings by unplugging certain
appliances throughout the home and even consider investing in “smart”
INTRODUCTION / Should Include: Any prior knowledge that the students need to complete the lesson, approximately how long the lesson is predicted to take (Ex. 1 Day or 2 Days), and a short summary of the entire lesson plan.
-students will be shown a detailed electric bill displaying usage,
kWh etc. They will also be briefed on watts, kWhs, costs etc.
-the lesson will take 1 day to complete. Students will also be shown
interesting facts about energy usage in American homes.
MATERIALS LIST / A bullet list of materials.
The materials need to be specific and include quantities
-classroom t.v., iphone(s), dvd player, dehumidifier, laptops
-Kill-a-watt device(5)
-digital camera/smart board - to display elec. bill and show video
RESOURCES / Should Include: A bullet list of any links to videos, names of worksheets, names of projects, names of PowerPoints, links to online articles, links to interactive websites, names of reading materials, etc (All worksheets, PowerPoints, projects, and reading materials should be attached to the back of the lesson plan).
Specify whether they will be used before, during, or after the lesson.
(show at beginning of lesson)
(use a closure activity-smart grid technology/cost)
An Essential Question encourages students to put forth more effort when faced with complex, open-ended, challenging, meaningful and authentic questions.
(students will watch this at beginning of lesson, show after brief
introduction to watts, kWh, etc in Introduction section)
INSTRUCTION / Step-By-Step Procedures – Sequence
Discover / Explain – Direct Instruction
Modeling Expectations – “I Do”
Questioning / Encourages Higher Order Thinking
Grouping Strategies
Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide Intervention & Extension
-have discussion with students about watts, kWh, and cost per kWh
that each local electric company mandates.
-show students video on how to properly use Kill-a-Watt device
-share interesting facts about energy usage in the average American
-share an example problem on how to calculate energy usage not only
in their home, but in a neighborhood and even across the U.S.
Encourage Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving
Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention & Extension
-Guide students though one problem…..how to convert an
appliances’ watts into cost per kWh. Take students through each
-After viewing video, walk around and make sure students are
successfully using Kill-a-Watt devices.
- Have all appliances listed above in materials section available for
their independent practice.
- guide students through a simple math problem on how to find savings in
their own home, then neighborhood, and U.S. as a whole.
CLOSURE / Reflection / Wrap-Up
Summarizing, Reminding, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting
(smart grid technology)
-Science…..standards listed above
EVALUATION / Students show evidence of proficiency through a variety of assessments. Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Formative / Summative
Performance-Based / Rubric
Formal / Informal
-Students will be assessed via quiz/exam at end of chapter or unit.
CITATIONS / Any websites that were used to gather information.
NOTES: / Purchasing information for non-typical items
Tips & Tricks that may help