Arms School Improvement Plan - July 2016-July 2017

Austin Road Middle School

Continuous Improvement Plan

July 1, 2016 – July 1, 2017


✓This plan will guide your Continuous School Improvement work for the next year or more. The purpose of this document is to develop strategic goals for school improvement based on targeted areas identified by longitudinal data analysis of four key data buckets: Perceptions, Student Learning, School Processes, and Demographics. The school leadership team, led by the principal, should complete this document. While Executive Officers are working in conjunction with the Professional Learning Department, your Executive Officer is the best resource to help you complete this form.


✓Start with the end in mind.

oWhat needs are identified by your data? What do you need to do to get to the end (goal) you have identified?

✓Goals should be process goals or goals to change the adult practices/processes within your building.

oProcess Goals are goals you need to accomplishto achieve a larger goal. For example, a measurable process goal could be 50% of teachers engage in review of formative assessment data on a monthly basis. Process goals will help you achieve your large scale student learning goals.

✓All goals should be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).

✓Each goal should have metrics associated with it. Consider: how will you know you are getting closer to full implementation of the newly targeted adult behavior/process? You are focusing on adult behaviors with the belief the adult behaviors will impact student achievement in a noticeable way.

oAs such, schools should have a plan to monitor teacher implementation of the new behavior/process; and

oA plan to examine student achievement metrics to monitor whether the change in teacher practice is impacting student achievement in ways anticipated.

✓Each process goal requires strategic actions to accomplish the goal. Focus these strategic actions around the professional development activities needed to support full implementation of the goal. Remember effective professional development includes four components: constructing knowledge, transferring knowledge into practice, to practice teaching, to promote reflection.

✓The following table illustrates PD activities that fall into each of the four components of effective PD:

Constructing Knowledge / Transfer Knowledge into Practice / To Practice Teaching / To Promote Reflection
●Workshops, institutes, courses, seminars
●Book Studies
●Classroom Visits to observe effective implementation / ●Collaborative planning to develop curriculum integrating new concepts, strategies, or materials
●Mentoring to include master teacher coaching, modeling, and supporting
●Content Coordinators guiding teachers in the development of performance tasks / ●Coaching Cycle
●Administrator or Peer observation with feedback to guide implementation
●Co-teaching with specialist or TOSA
●Curriculum implementation conversations (discussion of what worked & what needs revision)
●Tuning Protocols
●Examining Teacher Practice protocols / ●Study Groups
●Student Work examination protocols
●Collaborative Scoring of assessments
●Action Research
●Item Analysis/Error analysis

✓Effective professional development is a long-term process; research says the most effective PD occurs over 6 months or more and engages teachers for 49 hours or more (French, 1997; Yoon et al, 2007). As such, for each goal, you should have strategic actions to support each of the four components of effective professional development.

oWhen you are thinking about providing professional development, think broadly about all opportunities in which PD can be delivered: All student release days for 16-17 will be school-focused except one day during preplanning, monthly faculty meetings, weekly collaborative planning meetings, summer institutes, preplanning, post planning, substitute enabled sessions, etc.

oAll of these meeting times to provide professional development should be denoted within your plan.

✓While this template contains space for multiple goals, it is suggested schools limit their goals to 3 or fewer per year with 1 – 2 being ideal.

Monitoring Plan:

CSIP process goals are intended to change an adult practice that is anticipated to in turn yield a change in student learning. As such, both adult practice and student learning are data points to be monitored as part of the Plan, Do, Check, Act process.

✓Monitoring of Adult practices should focus on monitoring implementation in the classroom (e.g., walk thrus, examining student work protocols), not just artifacts that suggest implementation might be occurring (e.g., lesson plans).

✓A process for the monitoring of adult practices should be developed/articulated (e.g., Focus walk thrus conducted by Literacy Focus Team members quarterly).

Examples of evaluating the effectiveness of PD on changing teacher practices:


●pre/post assessments of information of the professional development

●feedback questionnaires and comments from participants

●goals/plans determined for improvement

●lesson/instructional planning is aligned with new learning

●evidence of revision of instructional practices based on assessment of results

●student data analysis warrants adjustment in instructional practices

✓A plan to monitor the impact of process goal implementation on student learning should be developed including the articulation of the student achievement measure to be used, the school’s current level of performance on that measure (baseline), the goal/target for the measure for the process goal to be deemed effective, and the timeline for when data will be monitored to evaluate the impact of process goal implementation on student learning.

Feedback Loops:

✓To facilitate schools in transitioning to this new process for CSIP, we have embedded into the timeline feedback loops for XOs to provide feedback to schools/principals on their plans.

✓Draft #1- Due June 6th (the Monday after LDS) -to include the process SMART goals your school will included in your 2016-17 CSIP. XOs will provide feedback not later than June 13th.

✓Draft #2- Due July 1st- completed Final Draft is due to XOs. XOs will provide you with feedback not later than July 13th.

✓CSIP Share- Due Preplanning Week- schools are expected to have CSIPs finalized and shared with school staff during preplanning to contextualize the focus of your school’s work for the upcoming year.

✓XOs are expected to schedule quarterly visits with schools to participate in the process schools are using to support and monitor implementation of the school’s goals (e.g., conducting walk thrus, participating in data examination/analysis and needs analysis of next steps, participating in components of PD).

Title 1 Schools Additional Requirement:

✓Title 1 schools will also need to complete a School-Wide or Targeted Assistance Plan.

✓Title 1 schools should view the purpose of the Title 1 plan to articulate how the school will utilize their Title 1 funds to support students in academic achievement and support implementation of the CSIP goals/adult practices targeted for change or revision.

✓As such, it is best to view the Title 1 plan as not an additional plan but rather a plan to articulate how Title 1 funds will be used to address student needs and help strengthen teacher processes/practices using research based practices.

Member Name / Department/Position
Gabriel Wiley / Principal
Dwayne Richards / Assistant Principal
LaRita Wiggins / Assistant Principal
Raquel Moss / Graduation Coach
Kimberly Scott / Guidance Counselor
Ideer Walker / Academy Leader
Brandy Adair / Academy Leader
Yvette Christian / Academy Leader
Karen Lewis / English Language Arts Department Chairperson
Laquata Butler / Mathematics Department Chairperson
Lenora Saffell / Science Department Chairperson
Andrea Perdue / Social Studies Department Chairperson
Tequela Crawford / Connections Chairperson
Margaret Williams / Media Specialist
Tessilia Daniels / ESE Chairperson
Michael Browning / Teacher
Process Goal # 1: Vocabulary Development - Austin Road Middle School will continue year two of a school-wide vocabulary development initiative aimed at enhancing scholars’ overall word knowledge and reading comprehension. Specifically, all core content teachers will utilize teacher developed Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary lists and provide multiple opportunities for scholars to learn words independently, as well as collaboratively.
Strategic Action / PD Component / Person Responsible / Resources Needed / Date PD will occur:
During Pre-planning (SY17) teachers will produce the first 9 weeks vocabulary lists by content area; to include both Tier II and Tier III terms / Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Instructional
Staff / Vocabulary lists
ARMS Website (Teacher
Webpages) / Preplanning 2016
ARMS will:
  • Discuss research on the effects of vocabulary instruction and development on scholar learning
  • Outline the school’s expectations for what full implementation looks like
  • Review the school’s vertical planning document which focuses on the differentiation of content-based Tier II and Tier III terms within each unit, and the instructional strategies that will be employed to ensure that scholar’s possess a thorough comprehension of each term
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Administrative
Staff / Research documents (i.e.,
Marzano’s 6 Steps, etc.)
ARMS Collaborative
Planning Document / Preplanning 2016
Provide scholars with skills/opportunities to learn words independently
  • Vocabulary in context
  • Offer opportunities for extended thinking (compare/contrast)
  • Access word meanings through contextual and morphemic analysis
  • Use of non-linguistic representations
  • Summarizing activities
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Instructional
Staff / Georgia Standards of
Excellence / August 2016 – May 2017
Solicit the support of HCS TOSAs to:
  • Review and discuss vertical planning document for vocabulary strategies
  • Observe and/or co-teach effective, research-based vocabulary strategies during
  • Offer teachers the opportunity to reflect on effectiveness of employed vocabulary strategies
  • Guide teachers in the development of performance tasks
  • Develop pre/post vocabulary assessments for each unit of study. TOSAs assist with development of strong vocabulary assessments
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Administrative
ARMS Instructional
HCS TOSAs / ARMS Vertical Planning
Georgia Standards of
Tier II/III vocabulary word
lists by unit
Pre/post vocabulary
assessments / First week of every month
Nurture a love and appreciation of words and their use
  • During morning announcements, ARMS will introduce the Word of the Week, and thereafter challenge scholars to understand its meaning and use it in proper context (incentive-based activity)
  • Model “word awareness” and show scholars that words are important and fun
  • Create “Word of the Week” Word Wall where one word is added during every week of the school year
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / Lynda Nichols
ARMS Faculty & Staff / August 2016 – May

Process Monitoring of Goal #1

How will you monitor change in adult practice? How will you know if your staff is at full implementation? / Measure you will use/develop to monitor changes in adult practices:
  • ARMS Vertical Planning Document
  • Teacher webpages
  • School-wide word wall
  • Teacher lesson plans (vocabulary strategies denoted in green)
  • ARMS Institute teacher presentations (teachers will voluntarily present a research based vocabulary strategy to faculty once per month)
  • Weekly assignment audits conducted by ARMS Administrative Staff
  • ARMS Data Analysis Form (CSA)

Process you will use to monitor changes in teacher practices:
Teacher Knowledge:Administrators will develop a pre, formative, and summative survey (i.e. Survey Monkey) to ascertain teacher knowledge regarding vocabulary instruction best practices. (i.e. Explicit, Implicit, Vocabulary Instruction, 3 Tiers of Vocabulary)
Teacher Implementation:Administrators will conduct vocabulary focused walkthroughs on core-content teachers once each nine week period to monitor the overall percentage of teachers that are effectively implementing a minimum of one research based vocabulary strategy within the term. Further, data will be compiled and examined for trends (across grade level, across content area, aspects of the school’s vocabulary model) to identify teacher growth over time, areas where additional PD is needed to support full implementation.
What student achievement measure will you use to monitor the impact of this process?
How will you know if this process goal is impacting student learning (formative & summative)? / Measure you will use to monitor impact on student achievement:
Core content teachers will develop common vocabulary assessments for each unit and will administer them formatively and summatively.
What is your current baseline on this measure:
The percent of ARMS scholars currently performing within the Developing Learner or above category as defined by the College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI)
What is your goal/target on this measure:
To increase the overall percentage of scholars performing at the Developing Learner or above category on the Georgia Milestone Assessment by 5% in each of the respective core academic content areas
Timeline for monitoring student performance via this measure:
Pre/post unit vocabulary assessments will be analyzed to provide an interim overview of scholars’ level of proficiency with content vocabulary. Ultimately, Georgia Milestone Assessment results will be available at the end of testing (May 2017), and will serve as at the primary measure by which progress will be monitored.
Process Goal # 2: Stakeholder Growth/Development - Austin Road Middle School is committed to the overall social-cognitive growth and professional development of members of the faculty/staff. We are also committed to the social-cognitive growth and development of our parents and scholars. We will continue our efforts in facilitating and cultivating healthier perspectives by providing ongoing discussions and engaging activities, which are heavily embedded within the concept of growth mindset, for teachers and staff, as well as for scholars and parents. The objective of this initiative is to further enhance the social-cognitive aptitude of all ARMS stakeholders and to nurture positive cultural change for the ARMS community.
Strategic Action / PD Component / Person Responsible / Resources Needed / Date PD will occur:
Growth mindset book-study/professional development
  • ARMS faculty and staff will undergo a series of professional growth opportunities targeted toward growth mindset and the cognitive development of all members of the ARMS faculty and staff
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Administrative
Andrea Perdue
Reginald Whitehead
Sandra Jordan / Book: Mindsets in the Classroom by Mary Ricci / July 2016 – May 2017
Advisory activities for ARMS scholars
  • Faculty and staff of ARMS will utilize designated academic time to attempt to address current social/emotional challenges and topics faced by todays pre-teen. Conversation topics will be predetermined and heavily embedded within the concept of growth mindset; all aimed at creating scholars that possess a mindsets that contribute to positive learning environments
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Faculty/Staff / Book: Mindsets in the
Classroom by Mary Ricci
Survey Monkey (Perception Data) / August 2016 – May 2017
Parent University
  • ARMS will provide on-going growth activities for parents by way of ARMS Parent University Sessions. During these sessions, parents will be encouraged to take ownership in assisting the school with educating and encouraging a heathier perspective for their child; particularly in dealing with difficult/challenging day-to-day scenarios.
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Faculty/Staff / Book: Mindsets in the
Classroom by Mary Ricci
Survey Monkey (Perception Data) / August 2016 – May 2017

Process Monitoring of Goal #2

How will you monitor change in adult practice? How will you know if your staff is at full implementation? / Measure you will use/develop to monitor changes in adult practices:
ARMS will utilize an abundance of in-house perception surveys for parents and scholars, faculty/staff feedback, in conjunction with email correspondence (suggestions/feedback).
Process you will use to monitor changes in teacher practices:
ARMS administrative staff members will carefully monitor perception survey feedback from parents, scholars and teachers. Administrative staff will also conduct routine discipline data reviews.
What student achievement measure will you use to monitor the impact of this process?
How will you know if this process goal is impacting student learning (formative & summative)? / Measure you will use to monitor impact on student achievement:
The ultimate measure will come by way of the College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) school climate rating. Additionally, impact will be measured by way of perception survey results (health surveys) and district-created disciplinary reports.
What is your current baseline on this measure:
A three (out of five) star rating on the SY15 College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) School Climate Rating. Austin Road Middle School was .8 (eight tenths) of a point away from again receiving a four star designation.
What is your goal/target on this measure:
To attain a five star (out of five) rating on the SY17 College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) School Climate Rating.
Timeline for monitoring student performance via this measure:
Progress toward a more positive school culture will be evaluated/measured on an ongoing basis throughout the 2016-2017 school year.
Process Goal # 3: Instruction - Austin Road Middle School will continue to promote scholar learning with the infusion of a series of evaluated research-based instructional strategies. It is a non-negotiable that all observed strategies will be content specific, and scholars will be engaged in active learning in an effort to facilitate their acquisition of key knowledge and skills. Instructional staff at ARMS will be required to employ a minimum of one research-based instructional strategy, blended learning strategy and one vocabulary strategy per term (nine week period). By the conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year, all teachers of ARMS will have completed a total of at least four (4) of the aforementioned instructional practices.
Strategic Action / PD Component / Person Responsible / Resources Needed / Date PD will occur:
During pre-planning and ongoing throughout the academic year, ARMS teachers will participate in training focused on:
  1. Blended learning and our newly revised lesson planning template
  2. Marazono’s Teaching for Rigor:
    A Call for a Critical Instructional Shift
/ Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Administrators
and Leadership team / Research Documents
ARMS lesson planning template / July 2016 – June 2017
During the 2016-2017 school year, ARMS teachers will be required to employ and show evidence of research based strategies, blended learning and vocabulary instruction once every nine weeks. Evaluated strategies will be monitored per teacher’s professional growth plan. / Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Administrators
and Leadership team. / ARMS lesson planning
Teacher observation
Professional Growth Plans / August 2016 – May 2017
ARMS faculty will participate in at least 1 peer observation every 9 weeks to observe research based, blended learning and vocabulary instructional practices. / Construct Knowledge
Transfer to Teaching
Practice Teaching
Promote Reflection / ARMS Faculty / ARMS Instructional Peer
Observation Protocol
(IPOP) / August 2016 – May 2017

Process Monitoring of Goal #3