Lesson Plan (Elementary)
Lesson Title:Determining Main Idea in Space!
Grade Levels:3rd
Approximate Duration:1 hour literacy lesson (20 minute mini-lesson; 40 minute reading and application)
Content Standards:Common Core Standards: 3rd Grade:
- CCSS Literacy.RI.3.2Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
Lesson Plan:
Objective: Read and discussa non-fiction book about space, and determine the main ideaof each major component of the solar system.
Introduction:Build background about what the students know about space. Discuss what they see in the sky. Have students name as many planets as possible. Create a class KWL chart about what they know about space.
Teacher Will: Introduce unfamiliar vocabulary by using it in a sentence, and giving a definition. (atmosphere, diameter, gravitational pull, meteor, meteorite, meteoroid, and orbit. Show students to the table of contents. Teach how to use the sections to determine the main idea and details of each section. In the mini-lesson, read aloud the first section about the sun. Have students turn and read the section on “Mercury” with a partner and determine the main idea of the selection.
As the students are working, monitor the class and conference with students to see if they are on the right track. Discuss with them the different components of the solar system.
Students Will: Listen to the teacher model vocabulary words. Turn and talk to a partner describing word definitions. Listen to teacher model passage about the sun. With a partner, read and determine the main idea of the “Mercury” section.
Extension: Students can create a VennDiagram comparing two different planets. Make sure they describe the atmosphere, the size, the temperature and the distance from the sun. Students can also play concentration, matching vocabulary words to their definitions.
Share/Closure: At the end of the lesson, bring students back to the carpet to complete the “What I learned” section of the KWL chart.
Assessment: Check students to see if they determined the main idea accurately. Use a checklist of discussion to determine if students mastered content objectives of identifying and describing different elements of the solar system.