Lesson Plan – CV/Resume writing / 1
CV/Resume Writing
Topic: / Writing a CV/Resume
Aims: / 1)To assist ss in drafting a personalized CV in Englishto work internationally
2)To make ss aware of the difficulties in drafting a CV.
3)To assist ss to analyze their own personal skills/accomplishments
4)Help ss to structure the CV to best fit their circumstances.
5)Remind ss of the importance of the CVs Layout and typing.
Introduction: / The major focus is to get ss to develop formal job-specific CVs in English, which best matches their skills, competences and accomplishments with a potential employer in the international context.
Materials: / 1)PPTs with directions,CV samples, “Generic Skills Checklist”, “Adjectives that Describe the Person you Are”, “Discovery Box” handouts, “Job Breakdown” handouts, “Occupation” handouts, “Action Verb” handouts, CV examples, and other In-class practice handouts.
Time frame: / 100 minutes (2 x 50 minute classes)
Lesson Plan
Time / Activity / Procedure
10 min / Warm up /
- Ask ssif they have prepared a CV. If so, is it in English?
- Ask ss why it is important for the CV to be in English.
- Ask ss what are some of the difficulties faced when drafting a CV? What about a CV in English?
- Tell ss that in this lesson they will be learning some strategies in formulating an effective CV which best communicates their skills and accomplishments to an employer in the international context.
- Also remind ss that the process of developing a CV is to be written in English – NO TRANSLATIONS
5 min / Background /
- Useslide two of the PPT go over the objectives of the lesson and the importance of the CV.
- Useslide three of the PPT to describe what the CV should show.
35min / Do a Skills Inventory /
- Tell ss they need to do research about the job, job descriptions, the profession and company of interest. Either give ss online access or set as a homework assignment.
- Let ss know of the nature of the job market – the importance of generic skills and life-long learning.
- Remind ss what employers are looking for; skills and personality.
- Use slide four to show Adjectives which describe what kind of person you are.
- Give the ss the handout – Adjectives which Describe What Kind of Person You Are
- Use slide five of the PPT to show “What are Skills” and explain the different skill sets.
- Use slide six of the PPT to show the Checklist to analyse ss generic skills.
- Hand out the “Generic Skills Checklist” to ss to complete. Remind ss to be truthful in their assessment.
- Use slide seven of the PPT to show the “Skill Summary.” Then get ss to draw a summary of the key skills.
- Useslide eight of the PPT to show the “Skill Discovery Box.”
- Give students the “Skill Discovery Box” handout and templates so ss can do a technical and generic skills inventory.
- Use slide nine of the PPT to show the “Skill Discovery Box” example.
- Tell the ss they are going to write their situations, problems and outcomes in the Discovery Boxes. Remind ss to use past problems and solutions.
- Again, remind ss to be totally honest and truthful in their personal assessments. Lying can have detrimental consequences.
15 min / Prepare to Write /
- Use slide ten to show ss the “Your Accomplishments”
- Tell ss to find their accomplishments, challenges, what they did that they were proud of, the skills used and benefits produced.
- Remind ss that accomplishments can be job or non-job specific. Show slide eleven to illustrate this point.
- Use slide twelve to show ss the “Job Breakdown”example. Remind ss of the necessary fields – Company title, your own job title, your general assignment and results.
- Use slide thirteen to show ss the example Job Breakdown with NOT ENOUGH DETAIL. Tell ss to write everything down before weeding out unimportant information.
- Give ss the “List of Occupations” and “Action Verbs” lists.
- Use slide fourteen to show the positive Action Verbs criteria.
- Use slide fifteen to show the “Job Breakdown – Practice Sheets.”
- Give ss the Practice Sheets to complete.
10 min / CV Structures /
- Use slide sixteen to show ss the Chronological and Skills or Experience Area CV.
- Use slide seventeen to show ss the Abilities and Achievements and Letter/CV Combination styles.
- Use slide eighteen to explain the pros and cons of each style.
- Use slide nineteen to show layout and typing, formatting and effect to use and to avoid.
- Use slide twenty to show an example of an Unscannable CV.
10 min / What to Include in a CV? /
- Use slide twenty-one to show ss how to insert “Education” in the CV.
- Use slide twenty-two to show ss how to insert “Work Experience” in the CV.
- Use slide twenty-three to show ss how to insert “Languages” in the CV.
- Use slide twenty-four to show ss how to insert “Skills and Accomplishments” in the CV.
- Use slide twenty-five to show ss how to insert “References” in the CV.
- Use slide twenty-sixto show ss what NOT to include.
15 min / Writing /
- Prepare the ss to start writing or typing their CVs!
Conclusion /
- Mention to ss the growth of internet CVs and scannable CVs.
- Writing CVs is an art, and it requires constant revision.
Homework /
- Remind ss to do their job, company and professional research“homework”.
- Then ask students rewrite the CV they did in class to send it to your e-mail for feedback.